My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 74: The first encounter with Chilong Emperor!

Ito Masao.

An ordinary high school sophomore at the private Komagai College.

Speaking of ordinary, in fact, he is not really ordinary. At least in the entire Collegiate college, he is still well-known, although this name is not a good reputation, the soldiers in the legendary "Sergeant trio" are him Too.

Blessed with this name, Ito Masao's high school career has been in a state of insulation for girls for a whole year.

I just do n’t know if it ’s time to go far, not long ago, he actually encountered a girl ’s confession!

It was a girl with a huge pair of Europeans who satisfied Burgundy. Although it seemed a little serious, it was unexpectedly gentle, and the high school students who loved rookie completely fell under the charm of girls.

It's just that all this is just vain.

"Although playing a house is very interesting, it will get boring after a while, so can you please die!"

After a long day of dating, before the two broke up in the park, Muto's girlfriend said so, opened her fallen wings, and gathered a gun of light in her hand, pierced the seemingly ordinary high school student's abdomen

"How could this be?!"

After the body was penetrated, a lot of blood flowed out from the body, and the strength of the whole body was lost.

Under the cold hug, the teenager's consciousness gradually fell into darkness. On the eve of closing his eyes, he saw the huge European school of his girlfriend. At that moment, the strong will to rub was burst out.

In an instant, a certain force that has been sleeping in the body of Ito has a huge resonance with it!

"I didn't expect you to succeed, Belluzad!"

In the consciousness of the young boy, the magnificent deep voice rang out from inside him, so Ito was surprised, and the whole person's mind was blank.

"Yeah, I succeeded, Dreg!"

"After a hundred years, I finally found a suitable host to stimulate the power of the milk god!"

"To be honest, I didn't expect that someone would actually be obsessed with the Europeans to such a point that it is simply the natural successor of the **** of milk!"

The second slightly vicissuous voice sounded from the body of Ito, and then Ito's will fell into a deep sleep.

next moment--


A powerful crimson blaze erupted from the body of the blood-stained boy, causing the fallen angel girl beside him to step back a few moments. At the next moment, a right fist equipped with a caged hand blasted from the blaze and hit the fallen angel girl On the belly.

With a simple blow, the fallen angel girl fell into a coma.

"Although it is a natural inheritor of the milk god, but"

Standing up from the blaze, Hiroshi Ito, or the former Red Dragon Emperor who acted in his own body, Beiruzad could not help but said, "It was almost a red dragon who was almost killed by a fallen angel from a subordinate. Emperor's shame! "

"No way, who called him just an ordinary human"

The caged hand on the right began to flash, and the dragon named Draig said through the **** destroyer, but the words were not finished yet. The red enchantment instantly covered the sky, and the dragon's breath permeating the enchantment made Deleg froze. "Is it there?"

Turning his head to look in the other direction, despite the architectural obstruction, the Red Dragon Emperor still felt a few powerful figures were there, and then could not help showing a rather warlike smile:

"No matter who you are, just as I was resurrected, let me vent a lot!"

The time goes back a few minutes.

In the remote corner of the park, the ripples of the space are empty!

As soon as I walked out of the ripples in the space, the long door felt it, and not far from his side, a breath of angelic waves fluctuating slightly at a very obscure frequency.

"I should say, is it Tokyo?"

Although feeling the breath, Nagato couldn't help but vomit.

As soon as the red-haired boy's voice fell, the space behind him rippled again

A kimono with a blue kimono, a white dress, a fluttering blond hair, Elquitte, a black goth, an Elt Luce, a black windbreaker with a black knight, a tall pure white wolfhound, and a ride on Orpheus on the wolf dogs came out one after another.

Over the years, these people have been running around behind the long gate, and this time it is the same.

"Do you need to deal with it?"

She also felt the breath of Qi Qi when she stepped out. At that moment her eyelids moved slightly and asked, because just now, she sensed the direction of the angel angel's breath that was not far away.

"Well, no need!"

After thinking a little, Nagato rejected Qi Shi's proposal.

Nagato has never been a nosy person, unless it is good for himself to be involved in it, and the fallen angel kills something. For Nagato, it does not matter at all. Even if a massacre occurs, he may be too lazy to ignore it.

The most important thing is that Nagato's purpose is only to see his fiancee, not to do business.

It's just that sometimes, some things are not transferred by human will


At this moment, a violent roar erupted not far away, the terrifying dragon power and the red arrogance raged instantly, so that the people of the long door were slightly stunned, and the next time, there was more in the hands of the long door A scarlet magic gun, straight into the ground.

"Huh, it was an accident!"

"This terrifying arrogance should be the Red Dragon Emperor in the Two-Day Dragon!"

"It seems fun."

After thinking a little, Nagato reached his conclusion while releasing the power of the magic gun in his hand. The invisible crimson enchantment spread around the Nagato as the center, and instantly the arrogance and prestige that seemed to spread Wrapped up.

It seems that the formation of the enchantment has been sensed, and the raging flames not far away have begun to show a sense of war, and the goal is pointing here!

In this regard, Nagato was indifferent, and behind him, Alquette and Elt Luci's faces simultaneously showed a smile, and looked at each other.

Crimson eyes, full of surging fighting intentions!

The battle is on the verge! ..

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