My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 75: The dance of black and white [on] the second more!

As for the fighting intentions of the black and white princess, Nagato knew the truth and silently defaulted!

Nagato knows very clearly how much hardship and effort these two nominal daughters, in fact lovers, have made in order to become a strong man who can really help themselves over the years.

These hard efforts are almost impossible in their past years.

After all, in the Xingyue world, and even the heavens and the world, whether it is Elkuit or Elt Luke, they are almost the existence of heaven and earth, and their connection with Gaia makes them have infinite magic, among which Aier Quite has unlimited energy.

No other power is needed at all, this alone is enough to make them stand in the forest of the strong.

Only in the dxd plane, the advantages of the two girls are gone.

Although it still has a great affinity for heaven and earth, the endless magic is gone. Girls have at most the magic power beyond the level of the devil, and even less than some strong magicians.

In this case, not only did the two princesses not flinch, but with their perseverance, they have grown greatly.

Therefore, at this time, if you refuse them to play, it is simply denying them!

"Da da da!!!"

At this moment, there were clear footsteps in the distance, and a blurry figure gradually came out of the ruin-like park, accompanied by a burst of red blaze like a raging wind, that belonged to Red Dragon Emperor Arrogance.

Soon, in the vision of several people in the long door, the dark-haired teenager with blood-stained clothes walked slowly.

It was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old high school student who seemed very ordinary at first glance, and there was nothing outstanding in it. It was just those eyes full of fighting spirit, the caged hands with a strong breath in the right hand, and a strange and frivolous breath Let Nagato understand that the other party is extraordinary.

"Is he Ito? Isn't it ?!"

Looking at the teenager in front of him, a strange look appeared on the face of Nagato.

Although he didn't open his own magic eyes, Nagato still clearly felt that the young man was not the weakest red dragon emperor in his memory, but another existence appeared through his body.


Seemingly thinking of something, a faint smile appeared on the face of Nagato.

In the time that Nagato thinks, Erkuite and Alte Luqi have walked out from both sides of the Nagato, and stood in front of everyone. The substantive magic began to burn like a flame, and the slowly coming red Dragon Emperor confronted each other.

In the face of the oppressive force exerted by the black and white princess, Beluzad had to stop. Although his will can withstand such coercion, his body is not good. The current body is just the body of an ordinary middle school student. That's it.

"My luck is too good, or it's too bad. I met this role just after returning ?!"

After stopping, Belluzad looked at the two beautiful women who were blocking her in front of them, and the purple robe boy behind them, the black knight, and the girl riding the white wolf. Frowned.

Although the two women in front of them don't know what kind of creature they are, the magical arrogance beyond the ordinary Demon King level is enough to explain many problems.

And several people behind them are full of mysterious atmosphere, especially the white wolf Beruzad felt a fatal threat on the other side.

As if the other party is his own natural enemy.

"I can't think of it as luck, my long-lost partner!"

The answer to him was the **** exterminator from his right hand-the caged hand of the Red Dragon Emperor, the Dragon Soul named Deleg, and I saw that the Dragon Soul said with some gloating, "Especially the provocateur or you For your own good fortune, partner! "


Hearing Dreg's words, there was silence for a while.

Everyone knows that Deleg ’s words are actually giving everyone a step down, after all, there is no direct contradiction between the two groups. It ’s just that Elkette and Eltridge looked at each other.


A more violent momentum burst out of the girls, and the earth began to fluctuate slightly.

In the face of the more terrifying coercion of the girls, to date, the strongest red dragon emperor, Beruzad, had to take a step back, flashing a bitter smile on his face, and showing a fierce fighting spirit.

Although he realized that his approach was very dangerous, there was no way for Red Dragon Emperor to be such a hopeless fighting maniac!

"In this case, there is no way, welshdragonoverbooster !!!"

In the face of the struggle of his partner who is almost unaware of life and death, Deleg can only helplessly cooperate, the bright red aura burst out of the cage, and the red crimson armor immediately covered Beluzard, turning it into a A humanoid dragon!

Reiki squirted from the magical spout behind, and the Red Dragon Emperor turned into a red light, rushing towards the black and white princess who was releasing huge coercion.

Faced with the attack of Red Dragon Emperor, Alquite took the lead in stepping out, and the strong arrogance turned into a flame of disaster.

This is one of Erkut's achievements over the years.

Although pure Al-Qirth is not stupid, it is also not the kind of existence that can deal with problems rationally.

The girl uses power, more instinct. After many years of exposure to magic, she has learned for a long time. After all, she will only be a simple magic flame. Only in the noble personality of the girl, and the simple and powerful will, this flame turned out to be. Turn into a flame full of disasters!

The flame of calamity converged on the right fist, and in the face of the attacking Red Dragon Emperor, the pure white princess of the true ancestor did not retreat, straight out a punch!


In an instant, the sound of two giant trucks colliding with each other suddenly spread.

The sky of smoke swept up, the flame burst at will, and the earth was also turbulent at this moment. The inch-sized cracks began to spread from the collision center to the surroundings. Then, a burst of violent roar reverberated in the collision center.

It was a fierce confrontation between the two at the center of the battle!


Soon, in a more violent collision, the crimson human figure flew out.

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