My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 81: Liya Si's decision is fourth!

Nagato is a man who is very loyal to his desires.

In other words, his power makes him almost not cover up his feelings.

Before that, when I saw Zhu Nai for the first time, the moving devil figure and posture of Lei Zhiwu gave the Nagato a feeling of wanting to do it. Too.

After half an hour of kissing, Zhu Nai almost fainted in the arms of the long door


Finally, when the long door let go of the torso in his arms, the girl couldn't help but let out a long moan, then fell into the long door's arms, breathing the air with a big mouth.

After almost three minutes, Zhu Naicai was able to recover his breath and state of mind.

"Boys with hairy feet will be annoying!"

After getting up from Nagato's arms, the girl stepped back a few steps. After seeing that Nagato was no longer entangled, she said.

At this time, although the girl's cheeks were flushed, Juna Himeji did not show much panic, at least on the surface.

"Haha, no way, who called Zhu Nai you interested me!"

Faced with Zhu Nai's performance, the red-haired boy laughed first, then shrugged and said, "Don't be so alert, I won't officially eat you until Lias becomes my wife. , Now it ’s just a taste. "


Hearing the long gate, Zhu Nai suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Of course, I know what Lias is probably doing now?"

A few steps back, a bad smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and said softly, "In fact, I am also looking forward to what fun you can bring me, although the final result is actually already doomed, you will all be me s things."

"Okay, this time, let's do this first!"

"Don't be surprised when Lias comes back next time you meet!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dark blue space rippled open, and in a moment, the long door disappeared, leaving Zhu Nai alone, standing alone on the square of the shrine, the breeze blowing, so that the girl could not help but shock .

At the next moment, ignoring the dust on the ground, Zhu Nai sat down on the ground softly and rubbed his lips with his right hand

"Lias, this time, it's really bad!"

At the same time, the underworld, the Grand Duke of Jimengli.

Lias, who had just sat down in front of her parents and brother, seemed to hear something. She just noticed it, but seemed to hear nothing. At that moment, Jimmondi, who was sitting opposite her, spoke openly.

Although his expression is not very serious, he is full of oppression!

"Lias, is this your decision?"

"Yes, my father!" Hearing his father ’s words, Lias suddenly recovered, and the red-haired girl raised her long hair, her expression full of firmness.

"Stop being capricious, Lias!"

After hearing the words of her daughter, Lia Si ’s mother, Venilana Gimonelli, immediately said unpleasantly, “Do you know how important Free City is to the underworld now? Are you ashamed !!! "


Hearing her mother's words, Lias couldn't help but close her mouth, her face stubborn.

Lias does not understand the importance of the City of Freedom to the underworld and to the demonic society today.

In the past hundred years, the city of freedom has almost driven the advancement of the entire underworld economy with its own strength. A variety of people-friendly products continue to emerge from the city of freedom. The variety of products is highly targeted and makes Demons, fallen angels, and even the gods of death cannot refuse.

It is said that the trade of the Free City has already achieved other mythical forces, even in heaven.

It can be said that as soon as the city of freedom falls, or the demon society is blocked, the economy of the entire demon society will be directly paralyzed by at least 60 to 70 percent, although visionary demons are striving to get rid of the city of freedom step by step. Economic invasion.

But compared with the city of freedom, which has a lot of advanced economic experience in different worlds, the devil society lags far behind in terms of economy.

Although the devil kings have put a lot of effort in these years, the effect is not very great.

The city of freedom at this time is the object that the demons must fight for.

Therefore, the marriage between Lias and Nagato is a must!


"I can not be reconciled!"

After being silent for a long time, Lias said slowly, "I know Nagato is a rare and outstanding man, but we have met each other and there is no emotion at all. If I can, I want to marry someone I love. people!"

"Liasi, you"

Hearing what Lias said, Vinylana was still preaching, but she was stopped by her husband.

Although on the weekdays, Vinylana is the person in charge of the Jimmony family, but at important times, she still listens to her husband.

I saw Jimmony openly said: "I know your thoughts, Lias, so I will tell Sazax to inform President Menjun to ask you to get along well before getting married, why not first Get along for a while, and decide whether you want to refuse marriage? "

"Probably not compatible!"

After being silent for a while, Lias said, "Although I have only met one side, I accidentally knew that the man was affectionate, but equally ruthless, he would not be the man who put me in the most important position. "

"I understand!"

Hearing her daughter ’s words, Grand Duke Jimmony sighed and said, “Although I really want to support you, the reality is cruel, we can only give you a chance, and let ’s see you next, Sazax, and Chang Menjun ’s communication will be yours! ”

"I see, Father Father!"

Sitting next to him, Sazax, who had been silent, nodded, then looked at Lias. Her eyes were a little complicated, "I will try to give you time and better conditions, but if it fails, Li Yasi "

"I will fulfil my responsibilities and fall in love with my husband wholeheartedly!" The future granddaughter of Jimmony stood up, redheaded. ..

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