My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 82: Train and play first!


The big whistle sounded and the train started to operate.

This is not an ordinary train, but a dimensional train that can travel between different worlds. I saw that it was walking on the track for a while, then it rose up into the dark dimensional channel.

In the front car of the train, Lias and Sazax were speechless.

At this time, it was the second day after the Jimmony family made the final decision on Lias's marriage.

Originally, after the decision was made, the Jimone family was ready to go.

After all, they also know that the Nagato at this time has probably arrived in Tokyo, plus what they are going to do next, to a certain extent, it is a little unscrupulous, where is it so good to let Nagato wait for so long!

It's just that what they have to do is not so simple, and it needs to pay a certain price.

The preparation cost took a whole day.

"It will be there in about an hour!"

After being silent for a while, there was no special expression on Sazax's face, and he said, "Lias, I'm sorry, I can only help you here, and, if it wasn't me then"

"Needless to say, brother!"

Interrupting his brother's words, Lias smiled frankly, "Brother, your position is doomed to many involuntary choices. I can understand that this time, Lias's rebellion has caused you trouble. . "

"No, no, who called you my dear sister."

With a slight smile, Sazax looked at the surrounding cars and said, "In fact, as of today, I don't know if the choice in the city of freedom was correct."

"The City of Freedom has indeed fulfilled its promise and has not substantially expanded to the outside world, but economic aggression has completely taken root in the underworld."

"On the contrary, the City of Freedom did indeed expand the development of the Underworld, just like this meta-train, which was completed with the technical assistance provided free of charge by the City of Freedom. Fifty years at night. "

Listening to Sazax's words, Lias didn't answer, just silently.

For the city of freedom, Lias is not unaware.

In fact, Lias and their young demons of this generation actually grew up listening to the legend of the rise of the city of freedom. As a child, Lias was still very longing for that mysterious city.

At that time, the rise of the City of Freedom was based on almost the entire world alone.

Although it was only a hundred years old, the City of Freedom is not inferior to demonic forces.

And now, Lias is facing the situation that she wants to get rid of that established marriage, but that marriage is also the link between the city of freedom and the demon society, and most importantly, the city of freedom and the demon society The demand relationship between them is not equal.

The demonic society is now inseparable from the economic support of the City of Liberty, and even if the City of Liberty loses the power of the devil, there are many other forces that can be linked.

Therefore, if Lias wants to resolve the matter of marriage, she must first ensure that the relationship between the City of Freedom and the forces of demons is not broken.

And to do this, you must let Nagato give up first!

"Humph, I will succeed!"

Such thoughts flashed in my heart, a flash of firmness flashed in the girl's eyes, but just behind this firmness, the girl felt a sense of uneasiness for some reason.

at this time--

"Minister! Lord Demon!"

The blond handsome boy knocked on the false door, pushed it away, looked at the red-haired demon king and Liyasi, and said, "Kitten Sauce said, there is news I just got, maybe for the minister, Would be very helpful. "

At the same time, Egyptian God Realm.

No, maybe, it can no longer be called God Realm here.

The space that was originally shining with golden light was stained with a dark color, as if **** was horrifying. The earth was crisscrossed with rivers, and there was a dark and horrifying fluid flowing in it, and the unspeakable atmosphere made people smell evil. cold.

It is a river that has emerged from the malicious cohesion of endless creatures for hundreds of years

Few creatures can stop the erosion of this river!

In the center of this hell-like small world, there is a pure white temple, like black ink on white paper, which is extremely dazzling.

Inside the shrine, the silver-haired young man who laid down the book in his hand looked at the white-haired and blue-haired **** the throne in the center of the hall with great interest, and said, "Sister Saya, you leaked the elder brother through the system and the white sound of Tacheng Thing, is it really okay? "

"Relax, I just pushed the trend of the situation in the direction he wanted."

Shaye, who was already familiar with the long door, shook his head carelessly, and then said with some helplessness, "However, I really admire the long door brother. The enemy is lurking and growing, and he still has the intention to play like this game."

"Isn't this great?"

Hearing the words of Saya, a smile appeared on the silver-haired young man's face, "The more this is Brother Nagato, the more easily the latent guy is misled, coupled with our relationship with his brother, it is easy to become his goal. . "

"As long as his first attack is not directed at the elder brother, our winning rate will come!"

"That's true!"

Hearing the words, Saya nodded and said, "In this case, the action should almost start, and then it's up to you, the emperor, but you are the first surrogate of Nagato's brother. Come on."

"I know, Sister Saya, I just want to try it, to what extent can I go!"

Hearing Saye ’s words, the emperor was silent for a while and nodded in response, a long-lost fighting spirit flashing in his eyes, just


Almost instantly, the emperor suffered a heavy blow and fell to the ground.

Slowly withdrawing his little hand, Saya did n’t know when to appear beside the emperor, and he said in a condescending manner: “I ’ve already said, do n’t call me Saya for now, at least in this plane, I am Orpheus Infinite Dragon God Orpheus! "..

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