My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 83: The negotiation on the platform is second!

Below the station near Komawang Academy is a huge hole.

In the middle of this hollow, there is a solitary platform, connected to the platform, is an infinite channel leading to darkness, that is a dimension channel established above the space, which can cross the barriers of the underworld and the human world.

At this time, a girl in a red and white witch costume was standing alone on the platform.

This young girl is no one else, it is Zhu Nai of Jijima, and the person who can make this queen in the family of Jimmondi wait for, there is no doubt that it is naturally her master, the future Grand Duke Jimmondi-Lias Jimmony is here.

Knowing that his owner was about to return today, Zhu Nai got up and came here early in the morning.

After a short period of time with Nagato, Zhu Nai, who was strong on the outside but somewhat fragile on the inside, could not bear it. The huge pressure made the girl eager to see her master.

Time lapsed slowly. Almost an hour later, under Zhu Naiwang's eyes, the dimension train finally appeared.


In a fierce whistle, the train finally stopped slowly in front of the station.

Soon, with the sound of ‘Ka’, the trains suddenly opened, and under Zhu Nai ’s smiling eyes, a blonde teenager who walked down first, Yuki Kiba, the knight in the family of Liasi Guimoni.

Followed by three non-attribute cats and monsters, Tacheng kittens, and the shy mixed-blood vampire, Gasparavidi.

The three came to Zhu Nai one by two, and nodded to each other.

After the three dependents came out, Lias walked down with a black face.

Seeing Lias's expression, Zhu Nai, who had originally wanted to come forward to ask, was even stunned, and then asked a little bit to Yudou Koudou next to her, asking, "Lias? What's wrong with her ?!" "

"Oh, this"

Hearing Zhu Nai's question, Yuba Kiba couldn't help but smiled bitterly, thinking for a while, and finally could only reply like this, "Minister, no, Master Lias, she is probably very popular with the fiancé."


After hearing the words, a question mark almost appeared on Zhu Nai's face.

"While in the car, the kitten received a piece of information about the City of Liberty in a special way. It was about the fiance of Master Lias. The above first shows that the City of Liberty does not mind canceling. That marriage. "

Seeing the doubts on Zhu Nai's face, Yuba Kiba could only whispered to her and said, "It's just that the grown-up master is not willing to do this, not for any other reason, but simply bored and wants to find Lezi, look at a rebellious person. The choice in front of destiny will haunt Master Lias. "

"The information says that if Master Lias can win in a specific game, she can get rid of her original destiny!"

"It's bad!"

Hearing Kyouba ’s words, Zhu Nai froze for a while, saying so.

"well said!!!"

At this moment, a gentle male voice came from the door of the car, which made Zhu Nai slightly startled, turned his head, and the girl saw a red-haired young man walking across the door and stepping on the cold platform.

"Master Demon, you are here too!" Seeing the red-haired youth, Zhu Nai could not help but bow down to salute.

"No more gifts!"

Looking at Zhu Nai, the red-haired devil said lightly,

In fact, the Red-haired Demon King did not expect that Nagato, who is clearly just a human being, has a divine mentality, no, or as he said, he has gone beyond the category of human beings.

Thinking so in his heart, his eyes stared straight at Zhu Nai, making the girl feel weird and uneasy for a while.

Even Lias on one side and the other dependents of Lias had strange eyes.

"Adult, you are"

After a while, Zhu Nai couldn't help but ask, but he was interrupted by the Demon King before he had finished speaking!

"I said, don't you come out yet? Nagato Jun!"

As soon as the devil made this remark, all the people present were suddenly startled, not knowing why.

At the next moment, Zhu Nai felt that a warm current emerged from his body out of thin air. The girl could not help but open her mouth, and the golden flames flew out of the girl's mouth, turning into a red-haired and purple robe boy.

"Zhu Nai ?!"

At the moment when the young ghost appeared, Zhu Nai was a little shaky. Fortunately, Lias found out in time and supported the other party, then glared at the young ghost, "You guys, what did you do to Zhu Nai!"

"Lias, Zhu Nai is fine!"

The answer to Lias was not the phantom of Nagato, but Sazeks. I saw the Red-haired Demon King saying, "He just put a little of his magic power on Zhu Nai's body. When he appeared, he absorbed Zhu Nai. Part of the magic. "

It was just that, but there were some words in Sazax ’s heart that were not spoken.

According to the situation just now, Nagato injects the magic power into Zhu Nai's body, and to inject the magic power into other people's body, at least it needs to be in contact with the Qiqiao, or the contact with body fluids. In that case, it is likely

A glance at the red blush on Zhu Nai's face, gradually recovering from the crumbling, Sazax felt a little surprised.

It's just that this is suddenly, but it is inconvenient to say it.

In that case, Lias will run away.

"Okay, Nagato Jun!"

After appeasing his sister, Sazax looked at Nagato's phantom and said, "Nagamen, what Zhu Nai just said, you must have known, your conclusion."

"Conclusion? I thought it was defined as bad, and naturally it will continue!"

At this time, Nagato ’s phantom finally spoke for the first time, and his voice was full of expected smiles, “Just use the devil ’s ranking game to decide. The time is half a year later. I made a pair myself, I will merge, and then choose members. "

"Relax, I won't choose those that are too many levels above Lias, and I don't use the forbidden hand of the **** destroyer myself."

"If you want to escape from me, beat me!"

ps: caught a cold ...

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