My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 87: Komawang Academy first!

Private Komawang Academy!

It is a famous school in Tokyo.

Not long ago, this college was a private women ’s academy, which meant that the interior of the academy was a private garden for women.

However, a lot of reforms have been made recently, and boys are also being recruited.

But the effect is not very satisfactory, the enrollment of boys is pitiful, the ratio of men and women in the second grade is three to seven.

The third grade is even more pitiful, two to eight.

In this school, women ’s voice has an overwhelming advantage, and as a representative of the school, the organization of the student union is not only a woman, but there are few men in the student union.

In the eyes of many people, this is simply heaven.

Male paradise.


"The upper levels of the college are all female demons don't say"

I parked in a parking lot near the college, just walked out of the long door of the car door, and looked at the college building in the distance, I couldn't help but laugh, "Even the students in the school hide many extraordinary schools, where is the average Boys can afford it! "

After saying goodbye to Aisha, Nagato did not continue to hang out.

But came here!

This is not only because of the inconvenience of transportation in Tokyo, but Nagato understands that he can accidentally find an Aisha by luck. At this time, he cannot continue to demand.

People must not be too exhausted, things must not be exhausted.

The long door that has entered the edge of the true meaning of fate knows very well that fate is constantly changing, too extreme behavior, but will let fate pass from your fingertips, rather than entangle the unknown fate, it is better to strengthen the known fate first .

With such thoughts, Nagato quickly stepped into the gate of Komwang Academy.

Walking on the school road, the long gate looked around casually

Sure enough, you can see young and beautiful girls everywhere, although occasionally you can see the shadows of some boys, but those boys are basically like pugs behind some cute girls to show diligence.

The appearance of Nagato caused great commotion on campus.

After the mystery of many world baptisms, the outstanding temperament brought by the invincibility, coupled with his handsome face and indifferent posture, the red-haired young man in the purple robe and became the focus almost instantly.

"Wow, who is that handsome guy, so temperamental!"

A literary girl wearing glasses and looking very calm opened her eyes and said, while beside her, the girl in sportswear stopped the warm-up activity, stared at the past, and also stayed in the same place.

"Indeed, but he is not a student of our college?"

"Will it be a transfer student!"

Another lively girl nearby said with some anticipation, and instantly received approval and reconsideration from the girls around.

The remarks among the girls suddenly let the boys around them grind their teeth!

"Damn, is it good to look good?"

"Don't say it, it's sad!"

For the students' reactions, Nagato ignored them and ignored them too much.

The bones in the bone are destined that Nagato cannot become the kind of person with the same light. Perhaps Nagato can be calm in the face of anyone, but that is just disguise. In essence, he is destined to be high.

In the sight of many students, Nagato entered the building of the student union.

As soon as I walked into the building, the long door saw a black girl with long straight glasses oncoming. After seeing the long door, the girl hesitated for a while and then asked the question: "This classmate, please ask you Yes"

"You, should be Cang Naxidi's family?"

Ignoring each other's questions, Nagato perceived the breath of the apparently reincarnated demon girl in front of her, and found that she and Lias's family of Jimenelli were not the same breath, so they asked.

At the same time, the devil's breath on the long door gradually released a trace.

"Uh, yes, under Xia Zhen Luo Chunji, Queen Cang's Queen, I don't know if your Excellency is"

After hearing the name of "Sidi" and feeling the devil's breath on his body, Zhen Luo Chunji immediately understood that the identity of the person in front of him was not simple, and immediately converged his posture as the vice president of the student union, with the devil's etiquette Asked.

"Zhen Luo Chunji, I know you!"

Hearing the words, this young girl's information flashed in the head of the long door

Zhen Luo Chunji, a third-year student at Juwang Academy, vice president of the Student Union, Cang Na's first dependent.

Born in a long-standing family of Demagicians, he has an artifact, the Mirror of Recall, which can call aliens through the mirror. When the mirror is destroyed, it will return the attack to the opponent in multiples. The potential is not small.

"I am Nagato, you should know my name!"

The thoughts in my mind are just a matter of moments, and the words in the long door are non-stop, "Take me to Cangna, if I remember correctly, she should be the president of the student union of this college."

To be honest, after hearing Nagato's answer, Zhen Luo Chunji was really surprised.

Of course, she knows the name of Nagato. In fact, the entire family of Sidi knows. After all, their masters, Canna Sidi and Lias Gimoni, are friends of the sweetheart, and they are very familiar with each other's affairs.

One of the guardians of the City of Freedom, the artifact depriver of a hundred years ago, the gods in charge of the three pieces of the **** destroyer, etc. are the names of the Mega Realm.

However, the most memorable thing for Sidi's family is-

Nagato, he is the fiance of Lias Jimmony!

"Hey, girl, don't be in a daze here!"

Just then, the voice of Nagato's dissatisfaction rang again, interrupting Zhen Luo Chunji's shock.

"Ah, sorry, sir, please follow me!"

After recovering his thoughts from the shock, Zhen Luo Chunji's cheeks flushed, and he bowed apologetically at ninety degrees, and then said nothing more, then hurriedly led the way for the Nagato, and his pace was much faster.

"Oh, it looks like a good woman. If you have time, use it as a spice for life."

Seeing the back of Zhen Luo Chunji and the arc as a woman, while a trace of bad thoughts flashed in his head, the long door strolled leisurely and followed up ..

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