My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 88: Take the second from Cang Na!

Private Komawang College, Student Union.

I just finished processing a document that needs to be reviewed, and the student president who is preparing to take a break, draws Cang Na, frowning, because at this moment, she sensed that a strong spirit was slowly approaching. .

It was an unspeakable feeling, almost comparable to the courage that my sister once released in front of herself!

"What's the matter, which demon came?"

In my heart, Cang didn't have the slightest panic. She was not uncommon in the Demon King level. One of the four devil kings in the Underworld was her sister. As a young generation demon with the same status and strength as Lias, Cang It was full of confidence and arrogance.

"Crack !!!"

Soon, the door of the student union opened.

The first thing that went into Cang's eyes was her queen, Zhen Luo Chunji, who just went out not long ago. At the next moment, the figure of a red-haired boy in a purple robe followed the footsteps of Zhen Luo Chunji and appeared in Cang Na's vision.

"It turned out to be Naomen Jun, really a rare guest!"

At the moment when she saw the red-haired boy, Rao Yicang's calmness still made her stunned, but she quickly recovered her calmness, got up generously, and said, "Welcome, please sit down, long Monarch! "

"Ha, you are Canna Sidi, really a calm beauty!"

Facing the generous Cang Na, the long door instead showed a bohemian smile and moved forward a few steps. Instead of sitting on the seat in the office, he sat directly on the desk in front of Cang Na.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Seeing the action of Nagato, Cang Na frowned slightly, but only responded in this way, "Also, at school, please call me Cang Na, or Cang Na, Sidi's name, please don't Say at school. "

"In other words, you and Lias are completely different at this point."

Hearing the words, a smile flashed across Nagato's face, and then picked up a document from the desktop in front of Cang, and flipped it up on his own, a familiar look, even if it was true Luo Chunji felt a little bit down.

But when she wanted to have an attack, she was stopped by Cang Na's eyes and couldn't help turning her head.

"Your Excellency, is there any purpose for your coming this time?"

After stopping the family's behavior, Cang Na's eyes turned to the Nagato, and after thinking about it, she said, "If you want to find Lias, she is not here now, and the whole family of Jimone is fighting against the outliers."

"Oh, outliers!"

Hearing Cang Na's words, a slightly disdainful smile appeared on Nagato's face.

The so-called outliers are the reincarnated demons who have turned away from the king, lost control, and returned to the wild.

Although the demons have always claimed how evil the outliers are, how harmful they are, and how to lose themselves, it is the existence that needs to be eliminated.

However, they have forgotten, or rather, deliberately forgot to add one thing, that is, the loss of the outlier demons, which they made themselves.

In the demonic piece, there is a hidden setting, that is, the servant cannot violate the master.

As long as the servant turned away from his master, he would be swallowed by the blood of the demon boiling in his body. Unless they deviate from the front and kill their owner.

Although the demons have been changing and becoming more and more diverse over the years, in the demonic society, the phenomenon of weak meat and strong food is still obvious, and in many demonic families, the relationship between the owner and the family is not equal at all.

The resentment and gap between the owner and the family members are the most fundamental reasons for the birth of the outliers.

Under such circumstances, maybe a certain outlier was a good old man before he lost himself. Although he was not saved after being lost, he blindly promoted the evil of the outlier and broke. The demons who didn't mention why he lost his mind made people feel very hypocritical.

However, in the final analysis, the devil, after all, is just a devil!

"So, Longmen, what are you doing?"

After seeing the obvious sarcasm on Nagato's face, Cang Na narrowed his eyes slightly and shifted the subject.

To be honest, Nagato is ironic, Cang Na probably also understands that although there is some unhappiness in his heart, the girl still has no way to refute. In the final analysis, there are really not many demonic nobles like Jimmony and Sidi who are close to the people.

"You should know my agreement with Lias!"

Hearing Cang Na's words, Nagato did not answer, but asked instead.


The student president nodded indifferently.

"Then you should know that there are no suitable pieces in my hand!"

Slightly shrugging his shoulders, a look of anticipation emerged from the face of the long gate, "So, in the past six months, I need to look for the presence of my chess piece, and the students in this private school, just It appeals to me. "

"and so"

Hearing Nagato's words, Cang Na raised his eyebrows and secretly said, "Does he intend to be a student here?"

"Let me be a school consultant."

At the next moment, Nagato said that Cang Na was a bit dull, "Of course, the consultant's words, the content is a bit empty, then, usually, let me take care of the school health room.

"Wait, Changmenjun, do you want to be a consultant and a teacher in the health room?"


Three minutes later, looking at the long door led by Zhen Luo Chunji, Cang Na couldn't help but exhale for a long time.

Although in the conversation, Nagato did not reveal any majesty and strength, but Cang Na really felt the difficulty of the other party. The bohemian, fearless posture was the most difficult role for Cang Na.

"Lias, your fiance is really not easy!"

The student president sat on a sliding chair, stepped back a few steps, leaned against the window, and through the glass, saw the long door with Zhen Luo Chunji underneath, a faint thought appeared on his face.

The girl clearly felt that, despite the battles that followed that half a year, under various constraints, Lias had a great advantage.


"Your odds are still not great! Lias!" ..

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