My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 89: The so-called equivalent third is more!

Under the leadership of Jin Luo Chunji, Nagato soon came to the legendary health room!

It's just a bit disappointing. In terms of visual effects, this legendary place on the rooftop of the school is simply a large room with three white beds separated by white curtains. Teacher's table and chairs, and a counter.

"Is there anything else that needs help, Lord Nagato!"

When she saw Nagato, she seemed a little disappointed, and Zhen Luo Chunji said something unclear.

Although the girl still has a little bit of care about the man's impoliteness in front of the president, as the president's queen, the vice president of the student association of Komawang College, Zhen Luo Chunji does not allow herself to be rude in front of outsiders!

"Well, it didn't!"

Upon hearing Tsubaki ’s words, Nagato returned to God, meditated for a while, and said, “The location here is already very good, but as far as I ’m concerned, it ’s still a little worse, let me change it a little bit.”

As soon as the words fell, the long door lifted his right hand, towards the space of the health room, a little volley!


It was as if the stones had fallen into the ripples of the calm lake.

The deep blue water-like spatial ripples swayed in the shocking eyes of Zhen Luo Chunji, and soon filled the entire health room. At the next moment, in the continuous shocking vision of Chun Ji, the space in the entire health room was instantaneously expanded hundreds of times.

Then it seemed as if the mirror images of the space were projected, with white beds and white curtains appearing one after another.

Soon, the space was distorted, and then it was restored to its original shape again.

At this time, many beds and curtains disappeared.

It looks just like it first appeared.

But Zhen Luo Chunji understands that the health room in front of her is no longer a normal health room. The space inside is so big and the space order is strange. It is something she has never seen before. Even if the whole school is squeezed in, she can guarantee every One bed per person.


The girl from the long-established family of Demagicians finally couldn't help but marvel.

At this time, she finally realized that the terrible degree of the man in front of her, even if the entire Sidi family was together, was probably not enough for others to deal with. In a trance, the girl seemed to understand why the president had so tolerated it before.

"Such a strong man, even with very foul constraints, is also not easy to deal with, Lord Lias!"

Thinking of the green plum bamboo horse of his own minister, a red hair lady who is also very familiar with herself, Zhen Luo Chunji couldn't help but think of it in her heart.

"Okay, this is perfect!"

Seeing the completion of one of his strongholds in the next six months, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and then he seemed to remember something, turned his head to look at the girl next to him, and said, "Yes, from me When he officially started his tenure, he decided to follow the demon ’s principle of equivalent exchange. "

"Tsubaki, you took me from the president's office to the health room, and it helped me. What kind of reward do you need?"

"Ha, no need, sir!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, Zhen Luo Chunji froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Helping the new teacher, this is the duty of the vice president of the student union. No remuneration is required."

"No no no, you and I followed two completely different rules!"

Facing Zhen Luo Chunji's refusal, Nagato shook his head and said, "Although the name of the school consultant and the teacher in the health room is hung, I will not abide by the rules of the school. I only follow the rules in my heart."

"You helped me, this is the truth, I want to pay you, this is my decision, you can't refuse!"

"So, what's for you? By the way, let's improve your strength!"

Nagato's answer was very overbearing, and even made Zhen Luo Chunji stunned for a while. When the girl recovered, she saw a finger of Nagato was already in her eyebrows. In a flash, a powerful magic burst from his fingertips. .

At this moment, Tsunaki felt a strong warmth warming his body!

At the same time, a special memory poured into her heart.

It was a memory of a powerful demagician, various battles, various secret techniques that had never been seen before, and even had not been heard, one after another, which made Zhen Luo Chunji's brain muddled.


For a long time, the girl couldn't help but groan, and the whole person fainted.

He subconsciously embraced it in his arms, and a moment of embarrassment flashed on the face of Nagato, just now, because Nagato was greedy for a while, he did n’t pay much attention, and directly took the last unknown demagist he met. 'S memory was injected into the girl's mind at once.

Fortunately, his magic has a warming function, otherwise, the girl might be a big shock to her brain.

"Now, just a nap!"

With that said, Nagato seemed to remember something, with a malicious smile, hugged the girl around her waist, and walked into the health room, "Just, my health room opened on the first day, Zhen Luo, you are the first Guests! "

"Moreover, I seem to be paid a bit more"

"In order to ensure the correctness of the equivalent exchange, I will receive some more compensation, no opinion!"

Ignoring the fact that Luo Chunji was already in a coma and could not answer at all, the long door directly regarded the other party as the default, and closed the door of the health room with his feet while talking on his own.

"Ah, it seems that I didn't come at the right time?"

At the next moment when the health room door was closed, the blue silk girl in the white dress wandered out of the sky, and her mouth grunted dissatisfiedly. Oh! Watch out for me to rush in and play with a hatchet !!! "

It's just that although the words say so, the girl didn't act, just stepped out and disappeared in place.

The next moment, the girl's figure appeared on the clouds in the sky.

Sitting on the cloud, Saya's eyes looked directly at the city below. The powerful vision encompassed the entire Tokyo, a smile appeared on his face, and he murmured softly: "Tokyo, the first in the entire world chess board One step is about to begin "..

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