My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 90: Agree with the leaflet fourth!

Two hours later, Saya estimated that the long door was over.

The toes lightly touched the clouds, and in a flash, the girl's figure disappeared into the air and appeared in front of the long door in an instant. The health room that had been transformed into an amazing body couldn't stop Shaye.

Just after seeing the long gate, the girl smelled a residual breath after a certain activity.


"Brother Nagato, did you actually eat her?"

Facing the scene where the average girl was enough to exclaim, Shaye didn't change her color, even looked at it in detail, so she soon discovered that Zhen Luo Chunji did not lose her chastity

"No way, I'm principled."

Hearing Saya's words, Nagato turned slightly, spitting white smoke from the exit, and said, "The difference between the reward I gave and the reward she helped me was not enough to offset her chastity."

"Then why don't you pay more?"

Hearing the long door's answer, Saya jumped lightly and made a bed next to it, asking.

Hearing the words, the long door moved the girl in her arms, gently placed it on the bed, and then covered it with a quilt. The whole person stood naked, cast the next technique, cleared the traces of the lower body, and began to dress , While explaining:

"In my eyes, her own value is not enough, it is not worth letting me pay more."

"Huh, it's really cold-blooded, Brother Nagato!"

"Others don't matter, but it's cold blood, only you are not qualified to say me!"

Glancing at Shaye needlessly, the long goalkeeper dressed neatly and said, "Since you have come here in person, then the Emperor must have been prepared, so, is there any problem?"

"Well, in fact, there is a small problem, that is, the emperor is not suitable for exposure so quickly!"

Hearing the long gate, Saya's face showed a straight face, and said, "I discussed with the emperor for a long time, and decided to let Xianzi, Huang Quan and Yingkong several people join as the team before the emperor's appearance! You need your consent.

"Without your consent, those three people will not obey the arrangements of others!"

"Xinzi, Huang Quan and Yingkong, their strength is no problem, only in mobility"

Frowning slightly, Nagato was a little hesitant, and this plane was a bit dangerous. Even if Nagato was confident, he must be cautious.

"My sword lion status will join!"

"So, I agree!"

Saye's words completely wiped out the hesitation of Nagato.

Nagato believes in Saya, the Emperor, and others, just as Nagato believes in himself, with Saya present, then there will be no problem. This is the incarnation of Nagato, and the six Taoisms that come from him consciousness!

"That's good!"

Clapping his hands, Saya rose slowly.

With the words of Nagato, Saya's purpose of coming this time has been achieved.

So, next

Strolling to the front of the long door, a special piece of paper was added to Saya's hand, engraved with the most familiar six-pointed star pattern of the long door, and handed it to the hand of the long door. Saya showed a mysterious smile.

"Brother Nagato, this is a gift, accept it!"

"This is it!"

I took the paper with some doubt, and the moment I touched, the long door would understand

This paper was made by Saye according to the unique call leaflets of the demons. It belongs to the special call leaflet of the Chiyue Demon. The demons use it as a common leaflet and distribute it to all parts of the human world. contract.

"On the way I came, I have distributed a few photos for you, all of them are potential children, and there is a surprise!"

With that said, Shaye's figure disappeared in place, and even the long gate failed to capture the space fluctuations.

Although he didn't comprehend any laws of space, Shayeh was not inferior to Nagato in the movement of space by virtue of his particularity. This is also the point where Saya made Nagato very comfortable.

When Nagato's emotion was over, at this time, Zhen Luo Chunji on the bed gradually woke up

I saw the girl slowly got up, first looked around blankly, and then looked at herself.



Teenage girl screaming

"You bastard, you wait for me !!!"

Almost ten minutes later, in a flurry of chicken and dog jumps, accompanied by the screams of the young girl, she put on her school uniform, and the tearful eyes of Zhen Luo Chunji ran out of the door of the health room and ran away without looking back.

In the original place, Nagato looked helplessly around the destruction and the open door, and it took a long time before he spit out:

"Don't you say that you haven't broken your body, and, if you go out anyway, you have to close the door!"

In this way, Nagato pointed a finger and recovered his surroundings. At this moment, a wave of magical power was transmitted from the void to Nagato's mind. Nagato realized that it was the leaflet Shaye helped himself. Started.

"Ha, I didn't expect to be so fast!"

Feeling the orientation of the leaflet, a look of anticipation also appeared on the face of Nagato.

After all, Saya said that the people who can get her flyers have great potential, and Saya is not the kind of untargeted person.

Soon, with the intention of the long gate, the magic circle teleported appeared at his feet.

Through the magic circle, the long gate easily traversed the long distance and instantly reached the side of the summoner.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Nagato saw his summoner. However, in an instant, Nagato felt that his heart, which had been strengthened to a complete mess, couldn't stand it for a while!

"Master Demon, Mi Lutan wants to become a magical girl, girl!"

Seeing the appearance of the Nagato, the summoner opened his face with delight, and suddenly let a strong vomiting vomit emerge in the abdomen of the Nagato! ..

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