My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 93: The third summons the second more!

The red-haired teenager left the hospital.

After planting a seed in the mind of Zhi Dai, he left like a wind.

Nagato was not worried that the Zhidai would reject his invitation.

There is a good saying that gold always shines. If in an ordinary world, the girl may gradually become mediocre in the future, but in such a world where gods and demons coexist, this situation cannot happen at all.

Even if there is no long door, one day in the future, Zhidai will embark on the road of the strong or fall in whose hands.

This is the impetus of destiny and has nothing to do with personal will.


"Chi generation, is that generation?"

Standing on the void and standing under the moonlight, Nagato's mind took the initiative to connect with Saya, who was far away in his hometown at this time. At this time, Nagato realized that it might be the surprise that Saya said to himself.

"Oh, people don't know!"

Soon, Nagato got a response from Saya.

"Don't play poor, say!"

After a few steps, the long gate came to a cloud, sat down directly, and then looked at the moon at a higher altitude, and said a little gruffly, "You know, now I am full of darkness to you. Affectionate! "

"Oh, full of dark feelings? Is it animal desire?"

"It's angry, idiot!"

Some words went back silently, and the two people across the endless space laughed at the same time.

At this moment, Nagato suddenly realized that Saya seemed to be a little cheerful recently, or that her feelings were finally enriched.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

After laughing for a while, Nagato once again asked his own question, "Is that still the question, Zhidai, is it really Zhizhi?"

In any case, the image of Chisaka Sakagami and a character he likes very much in his previous life memories are too similar, whether in appearance or experience, but if Nagato remembers correctly, the world in which the Chi generation lives seems very calm.

Despite a little mystery, there is no non-human life at all, and it is a world of incomparable peace.

"Yes, neither!"

It seems to feel that Nagato has taken it seriously, and Saya in the faraway place is not nonsense, but said his own conclusion, "I deliberately went to the original town of Zhidai and looked at it. That one is very similar. "

"But there aren't any sisters like Fujimori, mothers and daughters who are early seedlings, so brother Nagasumi, you'll die!"

"Well, it's really a shame!"

Hearing Shaye ’s conclusion, Nagato shook his head in regret, and said for a while, “But it ’s good to have Zhi Dai. At least in my eyes, Zhi Dai ’s fighting talent is more so My heart is moving. "

"Brother Nagato, I will continue the meeting on this side."

"This time, let's do this first. Let's talk next time!"

After reporting the situation of Zhidai, Saya broke the contact between the two.


After exhaling a breath, the long gate stood up from the cloud, stretched out, and was about to step into the space and ripple home.

Only tonight, Nagato is destined to be busy for some time.

The wave of the third summoning of the flyer's activation appeared in his perception

"It's really frequent!"

Some shook his head helplessly, and at the foot of the long door, the magic circle of the six-pointed star appeared in the sky.

This is a magic circle that uses the desire of the summoner as the starting power.

And when Nagato was preparing to sense the information from the magic circle first, the red light was suddenly interrupted

Human desires are not simply severable, and once burned, they cannot end just at the beginning.

Humans who break the contract with the devil are not without, but they will go through a fierce ideological struggle. At this time, the light of the magic array will continue to flash from strength to weakness.

But this kind of thing has happened now. That is to say

"The guy who called me is dead ?!"

He whispered to himself, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the long door.

Especially, the situation just now is obviously that when the demon is summoned, the desire of the summoner is directly interrupted at a certain moment. In other words, when the summoner is summoned, the summoner is killed instantly!

"Oh! Is this provoking me ?!"

A cold color appeared on his face, without using the magic circle, the long door stepped out directly and disappeared into the ripples of the space.

At the next moment, a red-haired boy appeared in the sky above a house thousands of meters away.

"Is this the place?"

Sensing the **** atmosphere in the house underneath, Nagato soon understood that the house below was the place where his summoner died.

In this room, the Nagato also felt a slightly tyrannical human breath.

Obviously, that is the breath of the murderer!

Both are in the house.

However, what Nagato cared about at this time was not that, but rather

"Aisha, actually here ?!"

Slightly tilted his head, the long door looked at the blonde nun who was waiting in front of the house. After a moment of surprise, a smile appeared. "

"Father, I don't know what happened!"

Some anxiously stood on the ground in front of the building, Aisha couldn't help but murmured.

Not long ago, her partner in the new church, the white-haired priest Friedselzer, broke into the building in front of her and said that she wanted to clean up the evil things in this city so that she would not run around.

Aisha, who had no combat capability herself, had no intention of getting in trouble.

It's just that the priest has been in for five minutes. The girl was very worried at this time and didn't know what to do.

at this time

"Yo, isn't this Aisha sauce!"

Some familiar voices came from behind Aisha, making the girl's face show a touch of joy.

"Mr. Nagato"

Almost without thinking about it, Aisha turned her head and just looked at it. Although it was still her familiar figure, it was just that pair of huge wings spread from behind, but it was so amazing that she almost forgot to speak ..

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