My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 94: Lost priest third!

Aisha did not expect that this would be the case when she met Nagato.

When the red-haired boy carried a pair of huge black wings and landed slowly from the sky, the girl ’s brain was blank, so that the long door had landed less than one meter in front of her, and the girl was only when she was still approaching. Recovered.

"Long, Longmen, you, are you a demon ?!"

Seeing the approaching long door, the blonde nun instinctively wanted to step back.

But her movements were a little slower. At the next moment, Nagato came to her and directly took the girl into her arms. At this moment, the **** wings collapsed and turned into endless black feathers.

"Yeah, I'm a demon, no, to be precise, the devil is my side."

Among the flying black feathers, Nagato's hands hug Aisha, and whispered softly into the girl's ear, and said, "So, Aisha, you hate demons, no, do you hate me?"

"Please don't do that, Nagato Jun!"

Feeling the breath of the long door in the ear, the blonde nun couldn't help but show a shy expression, pushed hard, and took a step back, but unexpectedly was not hindered and left the arms of the long door.

"You haven't said it yet, Aisha, do you hate me?"

With both hands spread open, Aisha left the long door in her arms and asked.

"Then, that, Nagato Jun, you, me"

Facing Nagato's questioning, Aisha's cheeks were flushed and she was completely at a loss.

"Okay, don't tease you!"

Seeing this kind of Aisha, Nagato could n’t help but smile, raised her right hand, and pressed it on Aisha ’s head. Place. "

"No, should I come?"

Hearing the long door, Aisha couldn't help asking.

Strange to say, Nagato's hand seems to possess some invisible magic power that affects people's hearts.

Aisha, who was originally at a loss, calmed down unexpectedly at the moment when the long door's hand was pressed on her head.


Faced with the girl's doubts, Nagato nodded, withdrew his right hand, and looked at the house behind Aisha, "Someone is dead inside, and the murderer is still inside. It's a arrogant murderer."

"What, there is a murder case, priest !!!"

Hearing what the long door said, Aisha seemed to think of something and turned and rushed towards the door.


The original false door suddenly opened.

The girl rushed in.

"Really, so impatient."

Seeing Aisha's figure disappear into her own vision, the long door followed without any delay, with an inexplicable smile on her face, and whispered to herself, "Go too fast, but you will be scared Arrived, little Aisha. " When the long door reached the door of the house, Aisha's scream came from her ear.

Obviously, the girl was shocked.

There was a chuckle at the corner of the mouth, the long door closed the door, and the whole person exhaled a devilish breath. Then a few quick steps, walked through the entrance, and came to the living room. At first glance, I saw Aisha collapsed on the ground.

Ignoring the sofa TV and other items in the living room, the long door looked over Aisha's eyes.

I saw a corpse on the living room wall, a corpse above and below the head.

There is no doubt that it should be the owner of this family, that is, the person who summoned the devil before.

This body is really unbearable.

The body is attached to the wall, showing the shape of an inverted cross, fixed with nails. The thick nails are nailed to the palms of both men's hands, two feet, and the center of the body. Blood dripped on the floor and accumulated a large pool.

There are also words written in blood on the wall nailed to the man.

"Will the wicked be punished"? Probably one of the guys in the Bible. "

Looking at the **** text, Nagato thought a bit boringly, and then looked at another dark corner of the living room, and said, "Speaking, don't you come out, Mr. Murderer, the perverted murderer."

Hearing the words of Nagato, Aisha's panic passed away. He first looked at Nagato, and then looked at him in his sight.

Then again, the situation that made Aisha unacceptable appeared

"Shut up, **** demon! What murderer, I'm just knowing the evil things, the human beings who dare to call the devil are all garbage, they should be removed, I am doing something for God!"

In the dark corners, the white-haired priest boy walked out, killing at will!

His appearance was fairly handsome, but his short silver hair and violent red eyes completely destroyed his appearance, especially the madness and low-speed tone, which made people feel sick.

"Slightly disappointed!"

"I thought it was a fallen angel, but it turned out to be a lost priest?"

Looking at the young gray-haired priest who was approaching slowly, the long door's eyes narrowed slightly

To be honest, when he heard that he was not inferior to himself, Nagato had the urge to completely wipe it out without leaving a trace of soul. It was only in order to get Aisha that he needed to be active and did not really start.

Just as demons are lost, so are priests.

The outlier, the demon who left the master, is the lost demon, and the exorcist who was abandoned by the organization and exiled is the lost priest. Most of these guys are immersed in killing and cannot extricate themselves. , Are all dangerous guys.

"Hah, how dare you say that!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the lost priest suddenly became vicious. "Your bright hair really makes me feel uncomfortable. Can I cut you? Can I shoot you? Okay? Receive it. Let me die." Come on, **** demon! "

As soon as the voice fell, the lost priest raised his arm and pulled the trigger.

There was no sound, the bullet of light specially made to deal with the demon erupted from the gun in his hand, and headed towards the head of the long door!


Facing the sudden light bullet, Nagato just tilted his head and avoided the bullet attack.

At the next moment, there was a large hole in the wall behind the long door. ..

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