My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 103: The messenger of the Holy Sword is fourth!


Hearing this, Lias's face could not help changing, whispering in a low voice.

Not only Liya Si, even Chisaka Sakagami, who has always respected Nagato, changed her face slightly. At this time, the girl with long silver hair remembered the price she originally paid, and suddenly realized that her master looked like a very lustful look. .

"Okay, Nagato Jun, you won!"

Just when the two girls changed colors in unison, the first girl ’s voice came again from the health room, "I will untie it myself, and if you come, it will break"

"No !!!!"

Hearing this sentence, Lias couldn't help but burst out of impulse, and violently pushed the door of the health room directly and stepped in, "How can it be in the light of day"

But before the words were finished, the red-haired girl felt a heartfelt trembling!

The kind of atmosphere that seemed to have some natural enemies on the scene made Lias stop the conversation, the destruction of her body bloomed, and the powerful pressure spread from the girl's body, dispelling the chill.

Compared with Liyasi, Sakagami Chiyo had little reaction after the initial discomfort.

When the breath of natural enemies against demons poured into the body of the silver-haired girl, it was dispelled by the origin of the true ancestor who was equivalent to the natural incarnation of heaven and earth.

"Huh, what a surprise!"

At this time, a brown-haired twin ponytail nun was talking. She saw that she was sitting on the bed in the health room, and her hands were untieing a hair band from the head. "I didn't expect to be a devil, but still two."

"In this case, there is no way!"

She was answered by a nun with short green hair and blue hair. She saw that she was looking at the other side of the bed, admiring the long door of a holy sword, and said, "Long door gentleman, hand over the sword Give it to me, it's time to defecate. "

"That won't work, Genova sauce!"

Slightly tilting his head, Nagato glanced at Lias and Zhidai, and said, "There are my naughty fiancee and the family members who just accepted, but you can't let you cut them."

"what's the situation?"

Hearing the long door, the blue-green short-haired girl named Genova was stunned.

It's not just her, the brown-haired nun next to her, and Lias, who is exuding a strong breath, and the last Sakagami Chishiro who came in, are completely puzzled, and his face is inexplicable.

"Well, maybe, we need to talk about another place!"

Facing the doubts of the girls, Nagato said with a smile, and colleagues, the demon breath in him released a little.

Half an hour later, the atmosphere in the student union office was dignified. Cang's sharp eyes swept the two nuns, Nagato and Zhidai, as well as Lias and Zhu Nai who came over after hearing the news.

"So, first Lias"

Cang Na's words were first aimed at his green bamboo and horse, and he said, "You are going to pick up the task of transferring students from me, and then take the transfer students, that is, the new family members of Changmenjun to find Changmenjun right."


Facing Cang Na at this time, Lias could only answer simply.

"Then, next is Nagato Jun!"

Later, Cang Na's eyes turned to the red-haired boy, and his sharp eyes seemed to see him through. "According to your statement, you saw two homeless nuns on the way to school in the morning and took them Come to school and invite them to dinner. "

"Then, with the grace of a meal, coerce the other party to surrender the Holy Sword, let you appreciate it."


The red-haired boy responded with a smile.

"In this case, things are very obvious, I don't need to say more, the last thing!"

Cang Na looked at the two nuns holding the holy sword and said solemnly, "The two nuns holding the holy sword are very powerful in the church. Then, nuns, your purpose What is it? "

"Why do you sneak into this city? Do you have any wrongdoing attempts?"

Hearing Cang Na ’s question, the two nuns glanced at each other, and the two ponytail nuns stepped forward and said, “Several good ones, I ’m Wisteria Irina. As you can see, I ’m the saint Sword messenger, our purpose is not other, just holy sword! "

"Not long ago, the Vatican, the new church of the Catholic Church, and the holy sword king's sword kept and managed by the Orthodox Church were taken away."

Some people may be surprised that the legendary sword of the king should be only one, but why was the sword of the king stolen from the Catholic Church, the New Church, and the Orthodox Church?

In this way, it is as if there are many swords of the king.

The answer is simple

The sword of the real holy sword king no longer exists.

The sword of the king has been interrupted in the tripartite battle hundreds of years ago.

The sword of the king was torn apart in ancient wars. This is a weapon made by alchemy that humans retrieved broken blade fragments.

A total of seven were built at the time.

"By the way, Genova and I are among the owners of the Seven Kings' Swords!"

Speaking of which, the nun named Wisteria Irina couldn't help showing a look of pride.

"What about then?"

Some frowned uncomfortably, Cang Na said, but then it seemed to remember something. Cang Na's face changed slightly, not only Cang Na, even Lias and Zhu Nai's faces changed.

"That's the one!"

The nun named Genova said indifferently, "There are two left in the headquarters of the Catholic Church, including mine, and there are two in the new church. There is also one in the Orthodox Church, and the remaining one is in God, I do n’t know where to live in the three-party battle between demons and fallen angels. "

"And in the remaining sword of the king, each camp was robbed one by one. I heard that those who robbed the holy sword fled to Japan and took it to this place."

Hearing this, Lias can't help but support her!

The red-haired girl could not think that such a thing happened on her site, especially the matter involving the demon's natural enemy-the holy sword. After thinking about it, Lias asked: "So, who is the prisoner, do you know? ? "

Facing Lias's question, Genova narrowed her eyes and replied, "The prisoner is the 'Monitor of the Son of God.'" ..

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