My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 104: Conversation and demand first!

Hearing Genova's words, Lias couldn't help changing her face.

The fallen angels who supervised the Son of God took away the sword of the king is no longer a simple matter. With the value of the sword of the king, this kind of thing is enough to alarm the top three of the three forces of the Bible.

Not just Lias, except the ignorant Zhidai and the indifferent long door

Whether it is Junai Himeji or Cang Na, he can't help but show a surprised look.

"Oh, actually, we still have the main members of the prisoner."

Seeing the demon around them showing a surprised expression, the nun named Wisteria Irina seemed to think of something, and happily said another shocking news, "It is the cadre of the watchman of the Son of God, Kirkbol. "

"Kirkbol! It turned out that the fallen angel cadre who had survived from the Tripartite War actually appeared as an opponent also recorded in the Bible."

Lias suddenly felt a little big after hearing the name of the other party. The other party was not something she could handle with a premature demon like a teenager. Even now, she broke the hole and raised herself to the level of the other party, Li Yasi didn't think he would win.

The experience of the other party ’s owner surviving from the most dangerous battlefield is far from what Lias can compare.

But I looked at the red-haired boy beside me.

Although the rebellious psychology is still there, Lias has to admit that at this time, the existence of the other party gave her inexplicable peace of mind.

Although I do n’t know very well, Lias understands that the opponent ’s combat power is absolutely strong. The only man in the Three Realms who possesses multiple **** exterminators has reached the level of forbidden hands.

Such simple information alone is enough to make people afraid!

You should know that a single piece of God Destroyer has the power to change the world pattern as long as it is brought to the extreme, and the owner of the Three Pieces Destroyer is simply the incarnation of the Scourge. The name of the God Destroyer is that!

"Not long ago, we successively sent priests, that is, the exorcist secretly sneaked in here, but all were resolved." While Lias was cranky, Genova continued.

Her words made people feel they could not help but think that the church wanted to use the power of demons to take away the robbed holy sword from fallen angels.

However, things are contrary to what everyone in the room thought.

"Although today's meeting was a bit unexpected, it was just fine to take the opportunity to make a request"

"Our request is to hope that the demons in this town will not intervene in the battle for the sword of kings between us and fallen angels. That is to say, we hope that you will not interfere in this matter."

During the speech, Genova looked at the long door, and the nun felt very concerned about the demon who had abducted them here.

After hearing Genova's words, Lias seemed to think of something and raised her eyebrows, "Do you think we might collude with fallen angels, and want to join forces to deal with the holy sword?"

"Headquarters think it's not impossible."

Lias' eyes flashed coldly, and she was obviously quite angry!

Enemies inadvertently stepped into their own territory, even if they wanted to say they were not allowed to intervene and intervene in what they did, and they were not allowed to join forces with other organizations. With Lias as the superior demon ’s self-esteem, it ’s absolutely impossible to swallow. .

"Our seniors do not believe in demons and fallen angels. If you can get rid of the holy sword from the camp of gods, should it be a good thing for demons? This thing is as good for you as those fallen angels, so it ’s not surprising even if you join forces. . "

"Well, I, Lias Gimory, as the sister of the current Demon King, cannot be united with the fallen angel anyway."

Although hearing the words of Genova, Lias really has an urge to destroy the holy sword, but the identity determines the position. As the devil ’s sister, Lias ’s behavior is symbolized by many people in the eyes of Lucifer .

Therefore, she must not cooperate with fallen angels, so that her brother will be given political control.

"Sister of the Devil? It seems that you can represent the devil of this city."

"In this case, we can rest assured!"

"But having said that, it seems that we were very lucky, and we met the devil's sister on the first day in this city!"

Hearing Lias ’s words, Genova ’s face froze for a moment, then looked at the long door in surprise, and said, “In this way, the fiance of the devil ’s sister, according to the church ’s information, only that one Bit. "

"Longmen Jun, aren't you the one who is in charge of the three gods? You have become a demon ?!"

"No, no, I am not a demon."

The long door that had been watching by the side suddenly heard Genova's question. After a little stunned, he raised the index finger of his right hand and shook. "It is the concept of the devil, which becomes part of me!"

"What do you mean? Irina can't understand!"

Hearing this, Wisteria Ilya tilted her head, indicating that she could not understand.

In fact, it was n’t just that she could n’t understand it, all the girls on the scene did n’t understand it, but vaguely felt that Nagato did n’t seem to be a demon in the general sense, but another kind of existence.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just remember it, you will understand it in the future!"

Facing everyone's doubts, Nagato just smiled.

"Forget it, you are an enemy anyway, right?"

After struggling for a while, Genova made the final judgment, "We will find a way to give you back the previous kindness, but the next time you meet, Nagato Jun, please be prepared to face the Holy Sword!

Between the words, Genova walked towards the door, and Wisteria Irina followed.

"and many more!"

Just as the two nuns walked to the door, the long door suddenly opened, "Irina, Genova, to prevent you from dying before you return your favor, give you an information for free."

"If I guess right, your enemies are more than fallen angels."


After being silent for a while, Genova walked out.

"So, goodbye, Nagato Jun!"

The nuns with brown double pony tails cheerfully waved towards the people, especially the long door, and then waved with their partners in small steps. The two soon disappeared into everyone's vision. ..

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