My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 106: Inferno strikes third!

The old school building of Komawang College.

This is the exclusive place in the school of Liya Siguimenli, the department of the Supernatural Research Association.

After school in the afternoon, Lias and her family members of Jimenley gathered in this building, which looked a bit shabby in appearance, but glorious in the inside, and everyone's expression was a little silent.

There are several sofas in the interior, and on one of the long sofas lies a comatose blond teenager.

Sitting on another sofa, Lias Jimmony looked at the unconscious teenager and Zhu Nai, who had just wiped the sweat from her forehead for the blond girl, and asked, "How is Yudou?"

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding air suddenly became heavy.

The kitten sitting on the other sofa in a daze, and the blonde pseudo-nanny squatting on the carton box beside the kitten looked at it. Obviously, this problem affected their hearts.

"Ah la la, Kiba Jun's body looks good!"

Zhu Nai, who understood the feelings of his companions, did not deliberately hide anything. He said directly, "After all, it is also an afternoon's rest. The injured place is not the point. The damage caused by the Holy Sword has been eliminated. It is only a matter of time to wake up . "

"Hoo! That's good!"

"It's great, Senior Kiba, it's great!"


Hearing Zhu Nai's words, the other three present were relieved.

Throughout the afternoon when Yuba Kiba was injured, the three of them were absent-minded. Even Lias, who was both academic and excellent, was criticized by her teacher for the first time. This kind of thing is very rare.


"Who hurts Youdou? Who is it?"

After relaxing, Lias thought of the problem again.

At first, both Lias and Cangna thought that the wounded would be the two holy sword nuns who met not long ago, but the time when Kyouba was injured was obviously 7 or 8 in the morning, but at that time, the two The nun is with Nagato.

According to their understanding of Liyasi, Nagato disdains to shoot Youdou, and will not let nuns shoot.

In this way, to the person who shot Youdou, it can only be


Just as Lias thought, the sudden roar suddenly sounded.

At this moment, neither Lias, nor the kitten and Gaspar couldn't help but start to look at each other, and everyone was a little surprised.

"Go! Zhu Nai, kitten, you and I go to see what happened!"

Feeling that the origin of the roar was very close to himself and others, Lias couldn't sit up anymore, opened the department door a few steps, then looked at Gaspar squatting on the carton, and said:

"Youdou, I will leave it to you, Gaspar!"

"Relax to me, Minister!"

Looking at his minister, the cowardly blonde pseudo-girl made a strong gesture and promised.

"Okay, then please!"

With a slight smile at his strong family members, the red-haired Jimengli girl quickly stepped out of the department. Behind her, Ji Nai Junai and Tacheng Baiyin followed up, Jimengli family, attack!

At this moment, at the door of Komwang Academy.

The eye-catching school gate turned into ruins at this moment, and there was a huge pit on the ground at the entrance of the school gate. The rolling smoke and dust diffused from the big pit, rendering a layer of vicissitudes around.

At this time, two pairs of horses stood on either side of the big pit.

One of them is a family of Sidi headed by Cangna Sidi. The vice president of the student union, Cangna ’s queen, Zhen Luo Chunji stands in front of everyone. Her hand is a mirror, reflecting a somewhat broken enchantment. .

The people on the other side of the big pit are three girls who all look young and beautiful.

A girl in a sailor suit who looks too dangerous with a sword; a black, straight girl with a blank expression and a double-pronged gun; and standing in front of the three people, holding a holy sword full of sacred breath, childish and **** Monster girl.

"Can't see, I can take my sword!"

At this moment, the girl holding the holy sword looked at Zhen Luo Chunji in surprise, and said, "Although it is my random sword, it is after all your sword of restraint. Gee, it looks more interesting."

"Hey, what do you mean bastards? !!!"

As soon as the girl's voice fell, a yellow-haired man suddenly rushed out of Sidi's family and looked at the girl angrily. "I didn't even say a word. Suddenly it was a sword. It was dangerous!"

"Ah, to say so, Yingkong Jiang, you are indeed a little rude!"

At this moment, the Tai Dao girl who was standing next to the Saint Sword girl chuckled and said, "I haven't introduced myself yet, but we are villains with style, how can we be famous all over the world!"

Hearing the other party's words, the yellow-haired man was stunned for a while. This year, the villains are like this?

"The same is true, if terrorists don't let people know their names, where else can they be scary!"

However, after hearing the companion ’s teasing, the Holy Sword girl thought about it with some seriousness, and then said, "Hello, demon, I am Zhao Yingkong, one of the members of the Purgatory Squad. go to hell!"


Faced with the enemy's understanding, Cang Na just glanced at the almost disappearing sunset, and then calmly said, "Sidi's family obeyed, three people in front of the target, the battle began!"


"I didn't expect you to be so fast!"

In the school health room, Sakagami Sakagami, who was already tired of sleeping, was placed on the bed. Nagato came to a tea table in the room that didn't know when it appeared, and his eyes were burning.

"No way, Nagato Jun has leaked too much information from us. If he guessed right, the Demon King is coming."

Smiling gracefully, the purple-haired girl slowly made a cup of hot tea for the long door, and then made an inviting gesture before saying, "This time is just right, just try it, the devil's gold content."

"What an interesting idea!"

With a smile, the long door lifted the teacup and sipped it out. ..

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