My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 107: Yingkong vs Sidi first!

The fight between Sidi's family and purgatory may not be called a fight at all.

It's just one-sided crushing!

In the choice of family members, unlike Lias' instinctive pursuit of strength, Cangna's choice of family members, in addition to the requirements for combat capabilities, pay more attention to tactical requirements.

If in a prepared battle, Cang Na can make a lot of plans to optimize the way to victory.

Even for enemies whose real strength is above Sidi's family, as long as the gap is not far apart, Sidi's family has the hope of winning. In this respect, Cang Na, and even the entire Sidi family is good at strategic warfare.

However, in the face of sudden attacks, especially when facing strong enemies, it was somewhat reluctant.

Therefore, from the beginning, the situation on the battlefield was one-sided. In the face of Zhao Yingkong holding the Holy Sword, it was obvious that the immature Sidi family's means of counterattack were too scarce, and they were hit hard just after they met.

The horrible sword pressure burst out from under the girl's sword and rolled up a sacred madness across the campus.

The first time, the Sidi family members were scattered, and each flew out.

The weaker families even fainted.

"Damn it! Pentium, magic flow!"

Looking at the situation of his lovely family members, he used his whole body magic to resist the pressure from Cang Na's heart.

Under the control of anger, the magic power from the blood and his own efforts, which is comparable to the upper demons, burst out of the girl instantly, and turned into the flowing water comparable to the impact of the waterfall, rolling towards the girl holding the holy sword. Press away.

"Oh, little girl, all this is in vain, Sky Sword of Divine Sword !!!"

In the face of the magic water flowing, Zhao Yingkong's smile was even worse. The whole person rushed up directly, but the holy sword in his hand burst out a powerful flash. With the power of the holy sword in his hand, the girl waved hundreds Sword cut!


The gleaming sword light suddenly appeared, beheaded directly on the water that appeared out of thin air!

In an instant, in the bursts of roar, the massive flow of water strengthened by the magic power could not stop the holy sword's sharp edge, and it suddenly shattered, spilled over the surrounding land, and wiped out the dust that was originally exploding.

"Dad !!!"

In the scattered water droplets, the cherry sky fell to the ground, and her eyes were staring at the little girl with short hair glasses opposite to her, with a dangerous smile on her face, and she said leisurely:

"Your magic looks adept, but that's it! If there are no other moves, then, Yong"

The holy sword was slowly raised again in the hand, and the smile on the girl ’s face was even worse. However, before the words of Sakura Kong were finished, the girl felt a strong traction appear from the right hand holding the sword, allowing the girl to lift the sword. The movement could not help but stagnate.

Turning his head slightly, in the eyes of Yingkong, he did not know when the back of his right hand was sticking a black line.

It was the powerful force from the black thread on the back of his hand that prevented the girl from lifting her sword.

Looking almost subconsciously along the other end of the black line, Sakura Air saw that the man who had just been struck by himself was struggling to stand up from the ground, and the black line was sticking to the cage hand on the back of his hand.

"Asshole woman, I forbid you to do anything with the president !!!" Seeing the girl ’s turned eyes, the man ’s fierce eyes met him without hesitation, and then launched his ability. The next moment, the Holy Sword girl suddenly felt that she was in her body. 'S power is being absorbed by the black line.

"It's an artifact? I didn't expect that you have two more lives, but do you think you can stop me?"

The frown was frivolous, and a dismissive smile flashed on the girl's face. The eyes showed a state of atheism. The right hand holding the sword, which was being held down, continued to slowly lift up, ignoring the power on the black line.

"What, this guy!"

Under the power of Yingkong, the man's feet even marked two marks on the ground. "What a joke, obviously it looks so slender, it actually has the power of this female tyrannosaurus."

Seeing that his power was not as good as Yingkong, the man couldn't help vomiting for a while.

"Hah, I heard it!"

Hearing the man ’s words, Sakura Kong ’s forehead suddenly had an extra pound sign, “Actually describing a beautiful girl like this is really unforgivable, so I ’ll start your surgery first, sky flash!”

"Don't want to hurt my family!"

"Hugh wants to succeed!"

"Key Yuan Shilang, be careful !!!"

At this moment, Cang Na, Zhen Luo Chunji, who had just recovered from the impact of sword pressure, and Cang Na's chariot, were attacked from three sides by Liang Yisha, trying to take advantage of the moment when Sakura Kong was contained. Suppress Sakura Air.


"Humph, it's so naive to be unbearable!"

When the opponent was acting, Yingkong saw all the changes on the battlefield. I saw the girl smiled and inserted the holy sword directly on the ground. With her free left hand, she opened her cloak and pulled out the first again. Two holy swords.

The second holy sword was also inserted on the ground, almost sticking with the first holy sword!

"Fuse it, Holy Sword !!!"

Along with the girl's soft whisper, a horrible light rose into the sky.

With the pillar of light as the center, the holy holy impact spread on the ground. The Sidi family who originally launched the attack, and the man who restrained Sakura, immediately received a strong impact at this moment and flew out!

There were even cracks on the earth, which looked terrifying.

And when Jimirelli's family arrived on the battlefield, they saw such a scene.

"Be careful, Cang Na !!!"

For the first time, Lias spread her wings behind her, jumped into the air and caught her green plum, and then she looked at the beam of light, "What is going on, this sacred breath full of lethality"

"Be careful, Lias!"

On the other side, Zhu Nai, who caught Zhen Luo Chunji, slowly landed and whispered.

"The airflow around me tells me that it is dangerous!"

Tayung Baiyin, who placed Yuliang Yisha next to it, turned to look at the beam of light, his face dignified. ..

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