My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 108: The second fusion of the Holy Sword!

Tacheng Baiyin!

She came out of the city of freedom.

Although it has long been internalized as her own, the girl did not get much information because of some bad tastes of the long door. Even so, Baiyin is still fully trained, even if the fairy can only use the magic technique. .

Although he can't achieve a high level of accomplishment with Baiyin's fairy technique, it is easy to perceive the environment through the air current.

But because of this, Bai Yin really understood the threat of the beam of light not far from him.

"Please be careful, Minister!"

Wandering to Lias, Baiyin said solemnly first, and then a powerful momentum burst out from Baiyin. At the next moment, the little girl suddenly became bigger.

From a natural loli body to a mature woman with a body not inferior to Lias.

"Kitten sauce!"

Seeing Bai Yin's performance, Lias couldn't help but stunned.

Manipulating the airflow of life through the fairy technique, let yourself temporarily enter the maturity period, this is Tacheng Baiyin's trick, seeing the other party using such a card move, Li Yasi suddenly understood, how dangerous the situation is.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I saw a kitten like this!"

Compared with the dignity of Liyasi, Zhu Nai was not only dignified, but also joked, "When I see this kind of kitten sauce, Zhu Nai, I am really stressed, it is comparable to me and Liyasi. What. "

Hearing Zhu Nai's words, both Lia Si and Bai Yin were slightly dumbfounded.

But thanks to her blessing, Bai Yin's already tense heart relaxed a lot.

"I said, are you done talking?"

At this moment, a faint voice came from the attention, which surprised the girls, and then saw that the beam of light suddenly dissipated, revealing the big pit under the beam of light, and the middle of the big pit, holding a brand new holy sword Yingkong.

"If it's finished, I will send you on the road!"

During the speech, Yingkong's figure jumped from the big pit, and soon appeared in front of the girls. The holy sword in the hand swept the void, and the invisible power gradually diffused into the surrounding air.

"Hugh wants to succeed !!!"

Seeing Sakura Kong's movements, and then perceiving the abnormal flow in the lower air, the mature version of Bai Yin's eyes moved, his hands folded, and a whirlwind burst out, blowing away the invisible power in the surrounding space.

"Eh, you can actually find out that it was a user of Xianshu!"

Facing Baiyin's move, Zhao Yingkong was a little stunned. Then he looked at Baiyin carefully and said with some helplessness, "I originally wanted to try the hallucinatory ability possessed by the Holy Sword of Dreams, really."

After hearing Yingkong's words, Lias and Zhu Nai realized that they and others had almost made a move. Fortunately, Baiyin was present.

"Cough, dream sword?"

At this moment, Cang Na in Lias's arms suddenly made a noise, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw that the student council president took a deep breath and stood up from Lias's arms. He threw away his glasses and said, "I remember your sword, it's called the celestial sword of the sky, right." "And, before this, although it was only an instant, but I saw it, did you really come up with another holy sword?"

"Oh, it's just a moment, you actually saw it!"

Facing Cang Na's inquiry, Sakura-kong replied with a smile as if he had answered all questions, "Speaking, you shouldn't have an answer, why do you need me to answer it?"

"In my heart, there is indeed an answer."

Hearing Yingkong's rhetorical question, Cang Na seemed to understand something, and his face paled slightly, and said, "But the answer is too incredible, even me, I would like to think that it is just fantasy."

The dialogue between the two made Lias, who had just arrived, seem to have caught something indistinctly, but could not tell.

"But, I remember a sentence, how to say it."

The conversation with Cang Na made Yingkong suddenly interested, thinking and saying, "Remove all the impossible, the remaining choice, even if it is intellectually impossible, but it may be the correct answer, isn't it?"

"Really, I get it!"

Hearing Yingkong's words, Cang's voice was silent for a while, and the family members who had fallen down were scanned slightly. There was a fighting spirit flashing in his eyes, "Look out, Lias, there are two holy swords in this woman's hand. The holy sword of the fusion of the sword of the king! "

"Don't be hurt, that sword is more threatening than the ordinary holy sword!"


Hearing Cang Na's words, Lias showed a surprised look.

The sword of the king was broken in the ancient battle of the ancient times, and then the fragments were recast into seven holy swords. After that, no one did not want to recast the sword of the king. It was just that the broken mirror was difficult to complete. I have never heard of it. Who succeeded.

Now, however, they have heard that someone has merged the two swords of the king. There is no way to surprise such a thing.

"Really, do you need to be so surprised?"

Seeing the expressions of surprise in front of the girls in front of her, and her sufficient time, she smirked and pulled another holy sword from her cloak again.

The third sword of the king appeared!

Then I saw Sakura Kong bringing the two swords of the king together


The beam of light rising from the sky burst out again!

The strong threat of re-enhancement caused Lias to retreat again. As demon, they faced with the increasingly powerful divine light, they always felt like they would be burned out.

Soon, the light dispersed again, revealing Yingkong's proud but standing figure.

Only this time, only a brand-new holy sword remained in her hand, faintly glowing.

Seeing the scene where the Holy Sword merged so easily, the entire battlefield suddenly fell into silence, even if Lias, Cang Na and others knew that this was the other party's plan of mind, but it still inevitably fell into shock and confusion.

"Well, look, I am so kind to satisfy your curiosity!"

Looking at the girls who were shocked and speechless on the opposite side, a smile flashed across Yingkong's face, "So, in return, let me slash your head!"

As soon as the words fell, Yingkong moved! ..

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