My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 109: The Holy Sword Envoy came to the third more!

At this moment, Zhao Yingkong started!

Even if he surpassed his opponent in strength, Yingkong was an assassin after all.

From the moment of his birth, Yingkong is a natural assassin. Hidden in his body is the soul of the assassin. Unexpectedly, he will kill in one blow. This is the style of the assassin. If not necessary, Yingkong is really unwilling to collide with the enemy.

Holding the sword of the fused king, the girl turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the women like Lias.

"Hum! Mu Dun-King Kong recruits wood!"

Although the spirit is in a state of shock, Bai Yin, who is connected with consciousness and the air flowing around him, is aware of the crisis for the first time. The white-haired girl involuntarily seals her hands and exhibits the magic technique!

"Boom! Boom!"

The ground on both sides of the girl roared at the same time, and two trees glowing with metal color broke out of the ground and stood in front of everyone.

"You can't stop me!"

In the indifferent whisper, the holy sword with the three swords of the king gleamed brightly, directly chopping off the two diamond trees comparable to alloy, and the cherry sky in the charge only slowed down the speed of progress. .

Even so, this little movement was enough to shock Lias.

"Don't underestimate us!"

"Roar, Tianlei!"

"Pentium, running water!"

Almost at the same time, Lias, Zhu Nai and Cang responded to each other. The destructive magic bullet, the flashing thunder, and the free flow of water burst out at this moment, and they went towards Yingkong.

"Humph! Sky Flash !!!"

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Yingkong just hummed softly, and did not force a breakthrough, stopped, the sacred sword in the girl's hand exuded a stronger light next moment, hundreds of swords bloomed at the same time!


The figure of the holy sword girl collided head-on with the incoming attack. In the violent roar, the earth was swayed by it, and the dust from the sky swept up, obscuring the sight of Lias.

The surrounding space was very quiet, and the eyes of Lias stared at the diffuse smoke.

"Did you make it?"

It wasn't until a minute later that Lias looked at Baiyin with some uncertainty. As Baiyin's master, Lias understood how exaggerated Baiyin's perception was in the state of catalytic maturity.

If anyone could give her a definite answer, it would only be Baiyin.

"I do not know!"

Facing Lias's question, Bai Yin seldom showed a doubt.

Originally relying on his own perception, Baiyin has locked the figure of the Holy Sword Girl, but just in her perception, she suddenly lost the trace of the other party, which surprised Baiyin greatly.

Until now, she still could not capture the other party again.

"But she is absolutely fine!"

If the other party loses, Baiyin will not believe anything. The series of strong men he saw in the city of freedom in his childhood made Baiyin understand that the true strongmen are not so easy to lose.

And that woman, in Bai Yin's perception, is definitely a real powerhouse.

Her strength may not be just what she shows now.

Although their attacks are good, Lias is only good. Baiyin can stop it. Although he has to pay a price, not to mention the dangerous woman, the other party absolutely has at least full combat power!

However, just at the end of Bai Yin ’s words

"Boring, I didn't lie to you!"

A faint voice came suddenly from the left behind Bai Yin, making Bai Yin's heart beating, which was originally focused, and was perceptively aware of the surging airflow around him.

In an instant, Bai Yin turned his head, but I saw

A holy sword flooded his vision and was slashing towards himself.

The girl's ear even heard the call of Lias and others.

"Am I going to die?"

At this moment, Baiyin seems to perceive his death is coming, countless memories are reflected at this moment, countless silhouettes are flying, there are dead parents, there are elders in the city of freedom, three city owners

Also, Baiyin's sister, a black song that has not been seen for four years!

"I want to see you again, sister!"

"Clang !!!"

The sound of swords echoed on the battlefield.

Under the attack of huge force, Genova stepped back three steps, and the whole person almost hit Baiyin. With the resistance brought by Baiyin's body, he removed his strength.

Bai Yin, who had already closed his eyes, was suddenly hit, and he was in a daze.

"Haha, Genova, the situation just now is really dangerous!"

A naive and cheerful voice of a girl suddenly came from her ears, causing Bai Yin to open her eyes.

At first glance, Bai Yin saw a young girl with double pony tails. Then her eyes shifted, and she soon noticed the holy sword nun with short yellow and green hair in front of her, and then looked at the unhappy face in the distance Holy Sword Girl

The cat and the girl understood at the first time that at the moment of crisis, they were saved, and it was the woman in front of them who saved them.

"Thanks, I will repay you!"

Taking a step back, Bai Yin said to Genova in front of him.

"No, just judging wisely that you can't simply sacrifice your fighting power like this."

Facing Baiyin's thanks, Genova said without looking back, her eyes had been fixed on Zhao Yingkong not far away, especially the holy sword with a new posture in her hand, and the dreadfulness in her eyes was very obvious .

"Anyway, I will return your kindness!"

Although the cat and the girl also know what Genova means, Bai Yin understands that she owes her kindness after all.


At this moment, the reacting Lias suddenly rushed over and hugged Bai Yin directly.

What happened just now, the impact on Lia Ribbon is a bit big. You know, the Jimengli family has always attached great importance to feelings, and these years of getting along, Lias has long regarded Baiyin as her own sister.

The fact that I almost lost my sister just now suffocated Jimmondry's future female big tolerance point! ..

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