My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 110: The situation is changing fourth!

"Huh, Yingkong is so cruel!"

In the health room of the school, the red-haired young master first inexplicably sighed, and then took a sip of tea before slowly speaking, "Yes, in the tea I have drank, it is considered to be the best."

"Oh, it would be good if Changmen Jun liked it!"

The purple-haired girl sitting opposite the long door smiled slightly, and then smiled in a pointed way, "Sakura Kong is already pretty good, and others have shown mercy. If it is Huang Quan, he has really seen blood now."

"Say the same!"

Hearing the words of the purple-haired girl, the red-haired boy nodded and continued to drink tea.

In an instant, the room fell into silence again.

At this time, on the battlefield of Komawang Academy.

Lias hugged Baiyin and almost lost her loved ones, making the red-haired girl's feelings seem out of control.

"Minister, no, Master Lias!"

Suddenly Lias was hugged into her arms. Tacheng Baiyin couldn't help but feel relieved. In this world, there is nothing more suitable to comfort a heart that has experienced death than the arms of a close person.

Jimmony's deep feelings for his family members are the reasons why the elder door chose to send the kittens back then.


"I said, Lias Jimmony!"

Genova, who was directly opposite Zhao Yingkong, perceived the situation behind him, and suddenly left a cold sweat on his face, "Are there any mistakes, sensational, wait for the enemy to solve first, then come and help!"

"That's right, this man in front of me is so terrible!"

Wisteria Irina, who was also facing Sakura-kong, untied her hairband and agreed.

"Sorry, I am a little emotional!"

Hearing the words of the two Sisters of the Holy Sword who came to the aid, Lias let go of the white tone and slowly walked not far from the two nuns. "Thank you this time, I owe you a favor. "

"No, just deal with the guy in front of you."

Facing Lias's kindness, Genova looked at Zhao Yingkong not far away and said, "In fact, we have observed it for a while and found that the opponent is really difficult to deal with. It needs your help. Will do it. "

"Genova, is it okay to say that?"

Hearing Genova's words, Lias hadn't answered yet, and Wisteria Irina said.

"It doesn't matter, honesty is the foundation of cooperation!"

Faced with Irina's question, Genova's expression did not change.

"Exactly, I recognize this relationship!"

Hearing such a frank conversation, Rao Shilias was a little stunned, but Jimmony ’s pride made her never deny her decision, and then her eyes turned to Zhao Yingkong not far away, full of fierce Determined.

"And you, dare to hurt my loved ones, in the name of Jimmony, never forgive !!!" Between the speeches, the necklace on Liya ’s neck moved slowly. Soon, a red gem flew out of the two peaks of the girl, and the next moment, the gem broke out With a strong sense of destruction, it was embedded in Lias' chest.


The destructive power of the devil beyond the general level emerged, as if the flames of destructiveness pervaded substantially, the gravel on the ground around Lias quaked slightly, and under some invisible power, it shattered.

At this moment, Liya Sijimenli seems to be transformed into the legendary devil.

The kind of trait that has only been shown to the devil kings surprised everyone, even if it was Canna Sidi, who was a sweet boy, and her two dependents, Zhu Nai and Bai Yin, let alone other people.

"It seems that I made a right choice!"

After a slight stun, Genova and Irina glanced at each other, and such a thought flashed in her heart. Then her eyes turned to Sakura Kong, and the change of Lias made Genova finally feel the chance of winning. .

At almost the same moment, everyone else made the same move as Genova, and Cang Na walked to the nuns.

Several girls stood staggered, all locked in Zhao Yingkong.

As far as the apparent situation is concerned, for the first time, in the face of the Purgatory Squad, they have the upper hand.


"Hoo !!! It's really crowded!"

Feeling the lock on himself, Sakura Kong exhaled for a long time, and a strange smile appeared on his face. "It must be admitted that you made me a little surprised. Really, did you forget something? . "

Hearing Yingkong ’s words, she seemed to remember something. Cang Na ’s face could n’t help but change, but she did n’t wait for her to speak.

"Huh, it's really amazing destruction!"

The abrupt voice reverberates slowly on the campus, and everyone can't help but be surprised.

At the next moment, I saw a figure suddenly appearing in front of Lias. It was a black straight girl in a sailor suit holding a sword. A pair of purple eyes and Lias looked at each other.

"This is the destructive power of the Baal family, really worthwhile!"

"Lias, they are enemies, there are at least three people in purgatory!"

Recalling that other people came late, perhaps not knowing the situation, Cang Na could not help but reminded.

"I know, she is the enemy!"

Lias in a special state is obviously not the same as usual. Facing the girl in front of her, she did not shake anything and said indifferently, "My instinct tells me that you are a dangerous kind."

"Your instinct is very strong, that's what it is, Liyasi sauce!"

With a smile, she answered Lias's words. The Taiji girl slowly pulled out her Taiji. At the next moment, a huge lion with a hot flame burning several meters high appeared across the sky behind the girl.


"Master Lias!"

Seeing that Lias is in danger, Baiyin and Heige, who are dependents of Lias, are ready to go to help, but just after taking a step, they see a dark-haired girl with a double-pronged gun blocking them.

"Sorry, your opponent is me!"

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the appearance of two other purgatory members has put Lias and others into a disadvantageous situation again. ..

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