My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 119: The decision on both sides is more important!

When Assachel was contacted again, it was already ten minutes later.

However, when seeing the fallen angel governor in the virtual image projection, including Sazax, all the people present couldn't help but show a hint of laughter, especially the long gate, they couldn't help but laugh out loud. Come.

All this is because the image of the fallen angel governor is a little funny!

Under the messy hair, the face of the fallen angel governor still has a look that makes him understand that the other party is the head of a villain, but the dark circles in the left eye play a finishing touch.

He changed the image of Assachel from a cool evil man to a S2.

"What a laugh, bastard!"

Hearing the laughter of Nagato, the governor of the fallen angel suddenly couldn't sit still, and he said to himself angrily, "The **** **** woman, who hits and beats her face, can never marry in a lifetime."

"Okay, Changmen Jun, don't laugh!"

At this moment, Sazeks opened his mouth, and saw that the devil first stopped the long door's laugh, and then looked at the fallen angel governor, "Assachel, what happened to you, nothing happened. . "

"As you can see, we were attacked by someone!"

Hearing Sazex ’s words, Assachel ’s expression was a bit frustrated and embarrassed. “There were no casualties, but Kirkbol was rescued. Well, it was the woman who attacked us with golden light all over her body.

At the end of the day, the face of the fallen angel governor could not help but appear unwilling.

Obviously, Asachel was very concerned about someone saving Kirkbol from his own hands.

"It seems that we need to meet up and talk."

After being silent for a while, Sazeks solemnly said, "This time it is really very dangerous. If it is not for Nagato Jun and your prompt vigilance, I am afraid the other party's conspiracy will succeed."

"Really, it's time to have a good talk!"

Hearing the proposal of the red-haired demon king, the fallen angel governor slightly fascinated, and then said, "Add the angels of heaven and the city of freedom together. What we wanted to do a hundred years ago is probably appropriate now. It's time. "

A hundred years ago, after that meeting in the City of Freedom, the devil and the fallen angel governor had a secret meeting.

In that meeting, the Red-haired Demon King and the Fallen Angel Governor had a complete peace of mind to unravel the uninterrupted struggle between the three major forces of the Bible, leading the world to the image of true peace.

It was only then that the three major forces ended their battle with each other, and the hatred between them was still very deep.

But now, after all these years of easing, coupled with the mysterious and unpredictable Purgatory Squad, and the threat of that amazing force behind this Squad, the opportunity for peace among the three forces has arrived

"it is good!"

Nodding his head, the red-haired demon looked at the long door.

Not only the red-haired demon king, but even the fallen angel's gaze looked at him.

"Okay, I'll let you know there!"

Seeing the eyes of the two, the long door that vaguely understood their intention shrugged and replied, "Just as you also know, I am not in power in the City of Freedom, what will the City of Freedom answer, but not me Can interfere. "

Who the **** are you cheating!

Hearing the words of Nagato, the mouth of the red-haired demon king couldn't help but sneeze. If Nagato believes who is an idiot, he does not hold the right to the city of freedom, but he has a high status in the city of freedom.

Otherwise, his marriage to Lias would not be so important.

In fact, according to the knowledge of Sazeks, even the three city owners with the highest status in the City of Freedom cannot ignore his attitude.

"Then trouble you!"

But despite thinking about it this way, Sazax didn't say it.

Although he is indeed naive, he has learned some castles after so many years of experience.

Just when Nagato talked with the devil and the fallen angel governor

On the other side, the confrontation between Lias Gimri and Elt Luke Brunnstad took place almost at the same time. In the face of the power of Princess Kuroki, the future Grand Duke Gimri was stubborn.

"Yes, it looks like you are not a waste demon!"

Princess Heiji, who resumed Lori's posture after the battle, said with arms in her arms, although she was at a disadvantage in terms of height, but during her speech and deeds, Heiji's momentum crushed Lias more than once.

"Well, I'm the future Grand Duke Jimengli, so I won't admit defeat!"

The words are so, but everyone can see that Lias is completely at a disadvantage.

Not to mention the other. In terms of simple lifespan, Lias, with a life span of at most one or two hundred years, is a little different from Hei Ji, who has been baptized for at least a thousand years, and the life experiences of the two are also very different .

Although named after the princess, when Yue Ji was born, Zhu Yue had lost her body, and the rest of the true ancestors rejected her.

In short, Heiji survived completely under the condition of one person.

Compared with Lias, who grew up in the protection of the Jimmony family since childhood, Heiji has an absolute advantage in terms of life experience and pure power.

From here, it is completely normal for Lias to be at a disadvantage.

"It doesn't matter if you admit defeat, but"

Looking at the stubborn girl in front of him, a glance of appreciation flashed in Heiji's eyes, and then looked to the side of the wood field, Yudou, "Since you have awakened, then go back to the princess's!

"No, Youdou, you are my knight, don't forget your vow!"

Hearing Heiji's words, Liasi said suddenly, her eyes staring at Yuba Kiba.

"This, this"

This time, Yuba Kiba felt extremely embarrassed.

Although the memory of the previous life almost occupied his mind, the memory of this life can not be ignored either. Whether it is the friendship with the black princes and the feelings of the masters and servants of Lias, he ca n’t care less.

Thinking like this, the blonde boy's face could not help flashing a bit of pain.

However, at this moment, Youdou's eyes swept over Gaspar

A flash of determination flashed in his eyes! ..

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