My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 120: Choice and nun second more!

The surging moonlight scattered the streets with silver.

Moving forward on the deserted street, Eltridge was speechless, and the black princess exuded a very depressing atmosphere, so that the black knight and primate killer who had always been behind the princess did not dare to approach.

Seeing this scene at the last long gate with Zhi Dai, I couldn't help but show a rather helpless smile.

But thinking about what he experienced just before leaving the college, Nagato felt very happy.

Yuba Kiba chose Lias by surprise

It stands to reason that the thousand-year memory of Yudou ’s previous life will definitely overwhelm the memory of just ten years in this life. The choice of Kiba Yudou will definitely tend to be his loyalty to the black blood-sucking Ji who has been loyal to hundreds of thousands of years.

That's what Alterucci thought, so when facing Lias, she was full of absolute confidence.

It's just that the girl has forgotten a little, and the memory of a thousand years is indeed huge.

But the millennium memory experienced from the perspective of longevity is probably not as wonderful as the memory of Yuki Kiba's memory for more than ten years in this life. The most important thing in memory is not information, but the emotions contained in it.

Therefore, after the memory was merged, although Kiba Yudou was dominated by previous memory, it was inevitably affected greatly.

In all respects, after the White Knight reincarnation once, there have been obvious changes.

In fact, this is also an uncertainty of reincarnation.

Without special protection, anyone who has experienced reincarnation will inevitably change their personality due to different memories, and even the existence of individual extremes is like changing a person.

Although Kyouda does not become that extreme situation, there is something more than loyalty to Heiji.

"I'm sorry, His Royal Highness, I already have someone I love, I want to stay beside him!"

At that time, Yuba Kiba responded to Elter Lucy in this way, and at the same time his eyes looked behind Lias, with tears of blond vampire pseudomummy remaining in his eyes, full of tenderness and sweetness.

At this moment, Nagato still remembers the situation at that time, and there were countless stuns around him, and laughter was not even a shocking look.

Especially the girls of Sidi's family, many of them showed heartbroken expressions.

You know, before the awakening of memory in the past life, Yuba Kiba was still the famous school grass of Kokwang Academy, and it was loved by many women.

Who would have thought that after awakening memory, he turned into a **** guy!

Seeing the choice made by the White Knight because of this situation, the anger in Hei Ji's heart can be imagined. If it was not the secret request of the long door, I am afraid that Elt Luke had already ran away, and the girl exuded such a horror Breath is also justifiable.

But to be honest, Lias's mood may not be much better for victory for this reason.


Just as Nagato's thoughts flew, he suddenly felt something and stopped.

Toshiro Sakagami, who was next to Nagato, couldn't help but stop and turned to look at him.

"Sorry, Zhidai!"

After sensing it carefully, a smile appeared on the face of the long door, and said to the girl next to him, "You first follow Elterucci and they go back. I still have some things that need to be dealt with." As soon as the voice fell, the Nagato did not wait for the girl to react. The whole body took a slight pause and disappeared into a virtual image.

"Eh, wait, Nagato Jun!"

At the next moment when Nagato disappeared, Zhidai couldn't help but shouted out loudly, but the red-haired teenager had already disappeared and failed to respond to her. Instead, Heiji and his party who walked in front heard the words and turned to look over.

See the horror Ji Jun who exudes black gas, the tall dark knight, and the white fierce dog beyond human imagination

"Ha, you, how are you!"

The girl with long silver hair greeted a little nervously, but no one responded.

At the next moment, Heiji and the dog turned their heads and moved on.

This move burst into tears in Zhidai's heart.

On the other side, after leaving the team, the long door melted into the void and walked in a certain direction.

Following his own feelings, the red-haired boy quickly crossed a distance of tens of thousands of meters, appeared in a building that looked extremely shabby, stood in the void, and saw two through the worn window and the long door Figure in black robe

They were snuggling up against each other in the corner of the ruined building, and they seemed to be whispering something to each other.

Genova, Wisteria Irina!

Although he didn't see the other person's true mask, but by virtue of his amazing perception, Nagato knew that the two people in front of them were them. In fact, Nagato came after them.

In the first time after the battle, the two nuns left.

After all, demons are demons, even if they cooperated in the previous battle, but the hostile position between each other must be clear. Presumably the two girls followed this will and left directly.

At that time, Nagato was talking to Sazeks and Assacher, and he did not care much.

"However, since I felt it halfway, I'm welcome!"

In his mouth, he murmured so softly that the figure of the long door merged into the wall, and soon entered the building, but just after entering the building, there were whispers between the two nuns in the ear of the long door

"Irina, not good, the mission has completely failed!"

"Yeah, and there actually appeared the devil, and the fallen angel governor, God, is this a trial for us?"

"It's the worst situation. The most important thing is that the fare back is gone. Why is the consumption here so exaggerated!"

"Uh, let's consider the cost of dinner instead of the fare back!"

"Even if you have money, there is no place to eat now."

"Just, really hungry"

"Stop talking, sad!"

The two nuns snuggled up with each other. You said one word to another, and each other was full of depression. From time to time, there were two or two sounds of ‘coo’, making the two girls look more decadent.

Hearing this, the cold sweat on the forehead of Nagato could not help but burst into silence.

However, after being speechless, a smile flashed across the face of Nagato ..

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