My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 130: Terrorist attack third!

This is the time to stop!

The Nagato, who controlled the law of time, immediately noticed something strange.

As expected, all but the leaders of the three major forces in the conference room were stopped.

Except for Kiba Yodo.

After awakening the memory of the previous life, this man is no longer powerful!

Suddenly, a series of explosions were heard outside.

Standing up, the long door walked to the window and looked out. I saw a sky of teleportation magic circles outside the campus that was originally closed by the enchantment and should not be able to enter or exit.

From those magic circles, humans wearing black robes kept appearing, launching fierce attacks similar to magic bullets against angels, fallen angels, and demonic legions that had been stopped.

Although their attacks did not hurt these high-ranking elites, they could not hold up too many

From time to time, it is possible to see casualties among the three parties.

"This is a terrorist attack!"

"Someone is attacking us, really, no matter what era, as long as the forces are ready to conclude a negotiation, there will be people who hate this situation try to hinder."

Asachel walked over to the long door, with an arrogant smile on his face: "Those are the so-called magic envoys."

"The so-called magic, magic and the like is that the legendary magician 'Melin Ambrosius' interpreted and reconstructed the devil's magic system according to their magic power. All possess the magic power of intermediate demon level. "

"To be honest, I really can't recognize it, this is the so-called magic messenger!"

Hearing Assahir ’s words, Nagato said weirdly, “Magic is a symbol of miracles on our side, no denial, parallel plane interference, materialization of souls, etc. These are magic, others, It can only be called magic! "

"I also heard about the one you said. The Five Dafas are indeed terrible forces!"

The governor of the fallen angel echoed with a sense of sympathy, and then he looked at the scenery outside the window, "But now is not the time to discuss these things, we need to deal with these terrorists. In other words, this time is suspended, it really is Lias. Did that half-breed vampire do? "

"What, what happened to Gaspar!"

After hearing the words of Asacher, Youdou in the rear suddenly showed a shocked expression and said silently.

"What is it? It was probably caught by someone, and then used some means to make his artifact, the evil eye that stopped the world, reach the level of the forbidden hand, although it is only a temporary state of forbidden hand, the effect can be Extend to people in the building within sight "

"It seems that the potential of that hybrid vampire is really strong, but fortunately the strength of this power is still limited!"

During the talk, Asachel raised his hand towards the window, and the magic exploded. In an instant, countless guns of light appeared in the sky outside.

At the moment when Assahir waved down, the gun of light also fell like raindrops. Although the magic envoys all deployed their shields in time, it is a pity that under the huge power gap, they were instantly slagged in seconds. Not left.

However, at the next moment, a magic circle appeared in various places on the playground, emitting a strange light, and a group of magic envoys dressed as he had just solved appeared again from the magic circle.

Seeing this scene, Asa Shelton understood that the enemy was definitely prepared.

Outside of this school, there are definitely a lot of magicians on standby. Without knowing the specific circumstances of the enemy, even if he is strong, it is not appropriate to consume his power on these soldiers.

On the other side, Youdou's eyes narrowed slightly as he was answered by Asachel, and the whole person exuded a very dangerous breath. In a flash, a holy sword appeared in his hand.

At the next moment, in the case that everyone failed to respond, the whole person broke out of the window.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Almost at the first time, Yuba Kiba encountered all the fire attacks of magical envoys, and countless magic bullets bombarded the blonde boy, making it difficult for this ancestor of the dead who had awakened the previous life!

Seeing this scene, Asachel instinctively raised his hand and prepared to release the gun of light to help Youdou.

After all, the Governor of the Fallen Angel is very interested in the knowledge of the different worlds that Kiba Yudou has. Therefore, he does not mind selling human relations at this time. If there are feelings, if you have questions later, Kiba Yudou will Not good to refuse!


"Fuck! Don't get in the way !!!"

With the roar from the smoke, the holy holy glow and the unknown aura exploded madly. While dispersing the smoke, the future magic bullet blew away from the track.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Light and the magical power converged in the hands of the blonde

I saw a dark glow on the holy sword.

"Forbidden hands: the holy sword of the double tyrants, open up the way for me!"

With such a roar, the blonde teenager rushed towards the old schoolhouse where Gaspar was with an impetuous momentum. In a short moment, he broke the magic blockade and disappeared into the sight of everyone!

"Uh, really fake, ban hands?"

After hesitating for a while, a strange look appeared on Asachel's face, "If I remember correctly, before this, the power of Kiba's blessing was only derived from the previous life, and the artifact did not reach the forbidden field. "

"It seems like this!"

Hearing this, Nagato pondered and said weirdly.

It is very normal to push the artifact to reach the forbidden hands with strong will. One of the most common situations is to ban hands in order to rescue a lover. However, in this case, the protagonist is replaced by a **** guy. The urge to vomit.

Fortunately, this is not the time to vomit, the long door will suppress this urge.

"In short, Gaspar will hand over to Youdou!"

At this time, the devil Sazax made a decision for his sister's family, and then said, "Now in this situation, how can some of them have a way, if it is so dead, it is very dangerous."

"Then let me try"

Hearing Sazex ’s words, crimson lightning appeared on the left hand of the Nagato, and a scarlet magic gun emerged from the mysterious lightning, "Break the dilemma!" ..

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