My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 131: Cadillac is fourth!

"Scarlet Demon Gun, one of the three **** exterminators I have!"

Holding a scarlet magic gun, a red flame ignited on the long door, a little red current flashed, and the faint majesty of the sky spread from the red-haired boy, making everyone's face slightly change.

"This kind of breath is really amazing! It is definitely the exalted god!"

As a man who has a deep understanding of artifacts and can even create artificial artifacts, but only sensed the breath, Assachel made the right judgment at the first time, and then said with frustration:

"Speaking of it, I'm wondering, how did you create the **** exterminator!"

"Don't care, it's just a coincidence!"

Explained lightly, the magic gun in the hands of Nagato was a little bit emptied, and the space seemed to penetrate through at this moment

The invisible ripples spread through the center of the point of the void from the point of the spear and spread apart.

Using the ripple of space as a medium, Nagato prepares to spread the power of the magic gun to form a special enchantment. This is the second ability of the magic gun of judgment in addition to the crimson judgment thunder-the day penalty. boundary!

The purpose of Nagato is to cover the entire time with a penalty penalties to suspend the barriers, and when the internal and external contact is cut off, bomb the enemy!

It ’s just that

"This will not work!"

Along with the elegant voice, the faint fragrance diffused in the venue, and a blade was protruding from the void, and in the sound of ‘clang’, the magic gun of judgment was squeezed out of the void.

At the next moment, the space in front of the long door fluctuated, and the girl with purple hair appeared out of thin air

"Keng !!!"

There was a positive handover between the gun and the sword.

With a clump of Yunya, Dudaodaozi appeared in front of the Nagato and said casually, "If you let Nagato Jun use your trick, our plan will fail completely!"

"Poison Islander!"

Seeing the appearance of Mengzi, the rest of the crowd could not help secretly guarding.

"It is indeed a world-famous terrorist!"

After seeing Sazax and Serafel guarding their sisters, Assachel stood up and said, "I'm wondering, what is your purpose? Also, you are here alone , Are n’t we afraid to be eliminated by our concentration? "

"Of course not afraid, I have allies!"

Hearing Assahir's words, a beautiful smile flashed on Xianzi's face. The temperament of Yamato Fuzi and the goddess of death merged into one, making people couldn't help but sway slightly.


At the same time as the strange sound came, a teleportation magic circle appeared on the floor of the conference room.

Appearing from the inside is a hot female demon. She wore her chest open and the skirt with a high slit. She greeted in a fearless tone when she met: "I haven't seen you for a long time. The current Demon King Saze Kees! "

"The heir to the former Leviathan, Kadilya Leviathan, what's the matter?"

Sazax stared at the other's eyes sharply. Faced with the question of the current Demon King, Cadillac smiled provocatively, "As you can see, Sazax, we are back."

After the old four demon kings died together with the gods, when the devil was about to recommend the new demon king, there was a group of people who insisted on resisting the war to the end. That is the heir to the old demon king, except that the reformers represented by the current four demon kings defeated .

Afterwards, a new regime with the continuation of the Huo nationality as the center of thought was established, that is, His Majesty the Four Demon Kings.

I just didn't expect that after a hundred years, the old Demon faction appeared again!

"The old and the new demon once again broke apart, and the devil is very hard."

Asachel's smile was irrelevant, but under the smile, his eyes flicked to the campus grounds outside the window, his pupils shrank slightly, because there, the others in the purgatory were on standby.

Obviously, as long as the poisonous island had orders, those people would definitely rush in immediately!

"Kadiriya, are you serious?"

"Yes, Sazax, we are back again, and this time, we will win!"

"Is it a coup?"

That's right, this is a coup, a rebellion from the old Demon Party to the current Demon School.

"Cadella, why?"

"Sazax, we just think of the opposite direction of the purpose of today's talks. Since God and the former Demon King are no longer there, we should reform the world even more. This is our conclusion."

"Kadiriya! Why are you doing this!"

Faced with Serafel's cry, Cadillac just confronted her with hatred.

"Seraphure, you have robbed me of the" Leviathan "throne, and even have such a face to say this! I am the orthodox successor of Leviathan blood! The devil should be me!"

"Kadiriya me, me!"

Seeing the gesture of a close friend, Serafel's face was sad.

"Seraph, rest assured, today I am going to kill you here, take back the title of Leviathan, and then we will provoke the whole world war, let the world experience destruction, and then give the new life, and finally, we Will become the master of the world! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Hearing this, Asachel finally couldn't help laughing, not only him, but also a corner of Nagato's mouth. If it wasn't confronting Miko, I would be afraid that Nagato would also laugh.

"Assassier. What's so funny?"

Cadillac's expression and manner were clearly angry.

"Ha ha ha! You, no, you guys get together, ready to destroy civilization and let everything start again?"

"That's the way, this is the most correct way, Asachel, this world"

"Already decayed? Humans are stupid? The earth will be destroyed? Hey, hello, where are you from the antique characters? In the current world, this set has not been popular for a long time?"

Asachel laughed abdomenly, causing Cadillac's eyes to twitch.

It was only when she was further angered that the governor of the fallen angel finally said in a straight voice, and what he said surprised Cadillac.

"Don't laugh, you guys should all be guys from the scourge!" ..

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