My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 132: The scourge is the first!

Hearing Assahir's words, Cadillac couldn't help but frown.

Raising her right hand, the devil pushed her glasses and looked at the governor of the fallen angel opposite him, and sighed softly: "I can infer this, it seems that the adult expected, Asachel, you Very dangerous! "

During the speech, Kadi Leiya was filled with a faint murder, locking the fallen angel governor.

"It seems I guessed it right!"

In the face of the murderous evil sent by the female devil, Assahir still had an unruly smile on his face, "But which adult is that, your leader, or other people, actually value me so much?"

"Try to be smart!"

At the time of seeing this, Asachel still did not forget to detect the information, and Cadillac felt uncomfortable for a while, "You don't need to know this. Today, we are a group of disasters, and we are determined to bury you here!" "

At the next moment of his words, Cadillac launched an attack, and the unknown magic exploded!

"Gun of Light!"

Faced with the sudden attack of Kadiriya, Assahir's light gun turned out


A violent explosion broke out in the venue!

Under this explosion, Asachel took a step back and leaned on Michael, and at this moment, Serafel, who was not far from him, rushed into the dust for the first time. in.


In the big bang of ice chips and magic power, Serafel and Kadiriya crashed out of the room.

Then in the air, two former old friends ganged up.

In the continuous roar, the snow and magic are flying, and the battle of the Devil King level definitely erupts. The wave of terror fluctuates a lot of magic and demon, fallen angels and angels.

"Since you are obsessed, let me wake you up, Cadillac!"

"Stop talking, you **** !!!"

Within the venue.

"Uh, it's a robbery!"

Seeing that this became the development, Asachel couldn't help but say, "It's not kind, Lord Leviathan, obviously the woman came to me, it really makes people feel speechless!"

"Just give it to Your Majesty Seraph, after all, she and Cadillac were once good friends!"

Michael, who was standing behind Assahir, first comforted, and then asked, "Also, what kind of group organization is a group of evil, I don't seem to have heard of this organization."

Hearing the inquiry from the old man, the fallen angel governor was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile:

"Actually, the name and background of the organization was only recently learned, but before my Deputy Governor Semhasa was staring at the suspicious group, they assembled dangerous elements of the three major forces."

"It also includes artifact holders who have reached the forbidden hand level, and it has been confirmed that several of them are human beings who hold 'God Destroyer'."

"What is their purpose?" Michael asked.

"Destroy and chaos, is it simple? They are not used to peace in this world. They are a group of terrorists, and they are extremely bad. The most important thing is that the leader of the organization is more than the" Red Dragon "and the" White Dragon ". Powerful and fierce dragons. "

Although Zazax has heard about the existence of the scourge and has begun to investigate, the specific situation may not be as much known as Assachel.

As for Michael, it is unheard of.

If it weren't for the disaster group to come to the door, he didn't know that there are such organizations in this world who want to destroy peace.

Especially when he heard the leader spoke from Asachel, his brows deepened.

"Well, did he start acting?" Infinite Dragon God "Orpheus-the dragon that even the gods fear has been sitting on the strongest throne since the formation of this world, the dragon **** with infinite power!"

"Now, Miss Xiezi, do you say the information I got is correct?"

At this moment, Assahir ’s eyes turned to the poisonous island mage who was facing each other in the distance, "Originally I wanted to get some confirmation from Cadillac, but I did not expect her patience. So bad. "

"Orpheus? Well, that guy is our leader, at least in name!"

Hearing Assahir's words, the son took a step back and left the range of the magic gun swept by the long door, saying, "By the way, I wanted to ask very early. You are so relaxed, it's really no problem ?"

"What do you mean!"

After hearing this, the governor of the fallen angel couldn't help but repeat the sentence.

"I mean, don't you come and fight as you please?"

The corner of the mouth of the purple-haired girl showed a slight arc, and the breath of death diffused from the beautiful body. At this moment, the kimono on the child's body was instantly dyed in the darkest color, which made people shudder.

It was a lacquered black color rendered from pure death, without any vitality!

"Let me start the feast!"

As soon as the words fell, Cong Yunya in the hands of Xunzi slashed out. The blade seemed to cut into an invisible space. A dark crack appeared in the sky, and everyone in the venue felt a great terror for the first time.

In a trance, everyone understands that after the crack, there is a place where life cannot touch!

Fear is the instinct of life itself to hell, independent of will and strength!

"Please don't ignore me, then I will be very helpless!"

At this moment, the red-haired boy in front of Mengzi showed a smile, the scarlet blaze instantly exploded, and the magic gun in the long door burst out a large amount of crimson thunder, wrapping it up and turning it into a thunder soldier.


Along with the Thunder, the whole person of Nagato and Moko collided together!

In a violent roar, the red and black light directly rushed into the dark crack, and in a blink of an eye, the two disappeared in place, leaving only a broken space crack, a messy meeting place, and speechless Everyone.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Just the moment Moko and Nagato disappeared, the glass on all four sides of the venue shattered!

The ranks of the Purgatory Squad and the broken windows

Fighting is on the verge! ..

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