My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 133: Bailonghuang's rebellion is second!

The old school building of Komawang Academy!

At this time, more than a dozen magic envoys are maintaining a complex magic array.

In the center of the magic circle, Garpas is imprisoned there!

With the operation of the magic circle, the blonde's pseudo-girl is constantly wailing. The power of the artifact that could not be controlled was forced to awaken under the magic circle and reached the forbidden realm. The power of the invisible artifact ran away and enveloped the entire school!

Garpas knew his power was being abused

I want to stop it, but I am weak!

The power of the violent artifact can't be controlled at all, and the open eyes can't be closed anyway!

"What did they do to me? Did I trouble Master Lias again?"

With deep guilt in my heart, tears continually flowed out of the eyes of blonde mixed-blood vampires, "I'm so useless, I will only cause trouble for everyone. I'm not as good as this."

When he was thinking like this


A huge explosion occurred in the wall of the old school building, breaking a large hole.

Through the big hole, the surprised magic enabled them to vaguely see that their companions were flying in panic, and even occasionally fired magic bullets, and at the next moment, a blonde teenager burst out of the exploding smoke.

"Return Gaspar to me !!!"

Along with the roar, the divine glory and unknown aura broke out from the young sword blade, turned into an inestimable horror blade, cut off dozens of magical players on the battlefield, and then cut through the magic circle.

In an instant, Garpas felt his body loose and the artifact fell silent.

Then he fell into the arms of his most feared predecessor!

"Gapas, are you okay!"

Hearing the words of the predecessor, the blonde pseudo-girl felt a sudden warmth in her heart, her eyes looking towards Youdou also became more relaxed, but at the next moment, when she saw the blond boy ’s beeping mouth and closed eyes, And behind the head that is slowly lowering

"Don't !!! Minister Lias saves life, I don't want to enter another world!"

Gaspar's rescue was successful, and the time-bound enchantment in the academy disappeared!

The demons, angels and fallen angels present have recovered from the time pause. Although they do not know the situation, they see the attacks of the magic envoys, and the demons, angels and fallen angels instinctively counterattack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, the entire campus echoed with continuous bangs.

At this moment, there was a fierce roar in the Freedom City and the teacher building where the three major forces of the Bible used for talks. The entire teaching institute collapsed and collapsed in a flash, and a burst of smoke was raised.

In the smoke of the hustle and bustle, several figures intertwine in it

"Huh? This is"

Standing on the edge of the school building turned into ruins, Lias recovered from the time pause and could n’t help but look at the same surprised Cang Na around him, and the relatives of the two, they could n’t help but look in front of themselves 'S brother

"Brother, no, Your Majesty, what is going on?"

"Liasi, you have recovered!"

Hearing his sister ’s answer, Sazax looked back and then turned his eyes to the battlefield again, explaining in a concise manner, “Just now, all of you were in the time pause, pay attention, now it ’s the battlefield time!”

"Time pause ?!"

Lias ’s pupil narrowed slightly and could n’t help but ask out, “Is it Gaspar ’s being used? What ’s wrong with him now? Well, Youdou is not here, is it that Youdou rescued him?”

"Yes, the blonde cavalier has already set off, rest assured!"

It was n’t Sazax who spoke, but Michael, who came up from behind the girls, saw that the archangel first smiled slightly at the crowd, then walked to the side of the red-haired demon and stood side by side with him .

Both eyes focused on the battlefield, to be precise, the battlefield over the ruins.

Looking at the two of them, Lias saw several people fighting in the air, among them Assahir, the unknown twelve-wing female angel, the White Dragon Emperor Warri, the fallen angel Lina Li , The female demon Guleifiya, and the holy sword warrior Genova.

There are also Zhao Yingkong, Jianshan Huangquan and Feiqi Wuye who have attacked themselves

In this chaotic battle, his party and his party naturally took the advantage, but what made Lias most uncomfortable was that the holy sword assassin named Zhao Yingkong and the destroying witch named Jianshan Huangquan, even more powerful than before. Strength.

Because of this, in the face of enemies that are twice as powerful as they are, they are still undefeated!

"Damn, wasn't the previous battle completely playing?"

Thinking of this, Lias couldn't help but gritt her teeth, and then she heard a whisper of ‘sister’ whispering beside her, and turned to see Cang, who was staring at the sky in the other direction, surprised and dazed.

Lias looked curiously in her eyes and saw that the Leviathan Demon was standing indistinguishable from a female demon!

Both fired a real fire, and no one dared to get close in that area.

Only the two are constantly fighting each other!


At this moment, there was a huge roar in the ear of Lias, and the ground underneath was slightly oscillating in an instant. Turning her head, the red-haired girl found that there was one more on the ground not far in front of her. Big pit.

Obviously, this is someone who fell from the sky, fell to the ground, and smashed a huge hole.

The next moment, someone crawled out of the pothole, covered with dust!

To the girl's surprise, the man was actually Assahir.

I saw that the governor of the fallen angel was injured by a sneak attack, but he could not see a little angry expression, but instead showed a meaningless smile, "Huh. Rebellion at this time, Wally."

"That's it, Assachel."

At this moment, the White Dragon Emperor shone with radiance from the sky, and the dreaded Longwei diffused from him. "I thought about it, and I still don't want peace. After all, people like me are really not suitable for peace. what!"

During the speech, Bai Longhuang's tone was a bit sullen and helpless ..

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