My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 134: Artificial artifact third!

Hearing Wali's words, Asachel's face could not help sinking.

As a man who will be adopted by the small wandering Wali and nurture a grown-up man, the fallen angel Governor understands his character of essentially adopting a child, after all, he is a very qualified dragon host

The true owner of power, advocating military force and fighting, cheering and jumping on the edge of life and death!

As he said, if he could not fight one day, he would rather die.

"Actually, you will betray, I should have thought of it!"

Walking out of the big pit, patting the dust on the body, the fallen angel Governor said sadly, "After all, I'm still a little naive, when did you prepare to betray when and why."

"A few days ago, after being severely beaten, I finally decided to betray!"

Hearing the question from Assahir, the white dragon emperor was extremely patient and answered, "After the betrayal, I will be the enemy of the world. At that time, I will get enough nutrients to become stronger. "

"Also, during this meeting, I was the internal responder. I provided the information about the mixed vampire. Although I feel that even if I don't provide it, the guy in charge of the plan will also know the information about the vampire."

"It's really heavy inside!"

In the words of Emperor Bailong, the Governor of the Fallen Angel heard some off-string sounds, but did not continue to ask questions. Instead, he took out something like a dagger from his arms and said, "So, the next is me and yours. Are you fighting? "

"No no no, Assachel, your opponent is me !!!"

At this moment, a sudden voice came from the sky. At the next moment, I saw a ten-winged red-eyed fallen angel standing high in the air, and looked down at the governor of the fallen angel. His words were full of pride.

"I'm back again, Asachel, this time, I definitely want to provoke war again!"

Seeing the person, not only Assahir, but also the others around him could not help but frown slightly, not only the fallen angel turned out to be the betrayal of the fallen angel before-Kirkbol, but also because he was so arrogant , A look that doesn't take everyone into his eyes.

In particular, Sakurako ’s daughters glanced at each other, and their eyes were filled with murder.

"If I knew it, I wouldn't save him!"

In the face of Kirkbol's provocation, after frowning, Asachel looked at Wali again and said: "Your betrayal is my indulgence. Then, I will correct the error myself!"

Seeing Assachel even ignore himself, Kirkbolt flushed suddenly.

At this moment, the proud fallen angel seemed to see others around him showing ridicule at himself, and his heart was furious, and a huge light gun condensed out of Kirkbol and drove down towards Assael. !

"Asshole, guys who ignore me should die! Die! Die!"

With a slight hysterical roar, the huge light gun bombarded the fallen angel's head for almost a moment


At this moment, the golden light erupted from Assahir.

Under this light, the huge gun of light suddenly turned into a light spot as if it were fragile.

"No hands!"

A low and clear voice echoed. For a moment, all around was surrounded by flash. After the light disappeared, a person wearing a gold body armor appeared. The gold sparkling, with a biological shape, was like a dragon.


Twelve black wings stretched out from behind him.

Black feathers were flying around.

"This is made by studying the" White Dragon "and other dragon artifacts. My masterpiece is the artificial artifact, the simulated forbidden state of the" Flash Gun of the Falling Dragon "-the armor of the falling dragon."

Asachel's voice was heard from the armored warrior, which made the others present slightly stunned.

"He actually developed an artifact! It's still forbidden!"

Michael watching the battle could not help but whisper, his eyes full of surprise.

At this time, the archangel remembered that when Assahir had not fallen, he was extremely obsessed with the study of artifacts, and even drew some design drawings of the artifacts of the second name, such as flash and dark dragon. Sword or something

"That's not a forbidden hand. It should let the artifact enter the explosive state to force it to awaken. It is a kind of runaway. Then the artifact will be destroyed after the battle. Because it is an artificial artifact, it will be thrown away after it is used up?

Because of the City of Freedom, Sazax, who has paid more attention to artifacts over the years, explained.

Although the city of freedom, Jade Jade, is in front, the situation of Assahir is not particularly alarming, but it is still very worthy of recognition.


"It's really you, Asachel, sure enough, very powerful!"

Seeing Assahir's performance, the White Dragon Emperor couldn't help but chuckled and laughed. At the next moment, the White Dragon Emperor's wing flickered with a flash of brilliance. Er

During this period, the power of the White Dragon Emperor's halving continued to start, trying to weaken the spirit of the Golden Armor Warrior!


"Wali, a simple trick won't win me!"

In an instant, there was an additional armband on Asachel ’s left hand, and the arrogance weakened by the White Dragon Emperor ’s halving force on the Golden Warrior once again returned to its original state, and then the Golden Warrior also turned into a group. The light rushed up

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the golden and white light intertwined in the air.

The terrifying dragon's arrogance filled the battlefield where the two were fighting. The air even scorched because of the super-high-speed battle between the two. Some magic envoys, angels, fallen angels and demons that were accidentally involved were instantly annihilated.

"Damn it!"

After watching Assahir and the White Dragon emperor enter the battle and completely neglecting themselves, Kokbol's face suddenly turned green.

Only the arrogance beyond imagination, but he did not dare to enter the battle between the two!

At this moment, Kirkbol was crazy!

However, almost a minute later, the battlefield space

Collapsed! ..

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