My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 136: The fifth of the Komago agreement!

"How, why?"

After all, fallen angels are powerful creatures. After dying through their hearts, Kokbol died soon, "I, I am a noble ten-wing fallen angel, but I survived the ancient war"

"Just waste!"

The white-haired man standing on the dragon's head said disdainfully and flew it away.

At the next moment, the remaining five dragons rushed up, biting Kirkbol in an extremely brutal and **** way. Almost for a moment, the once arrogant fallen angel was torn apart instantly, and blood was scattered to the ground.

In an instant, the entire battlefield appeared quiet, and you could hear the needle falling on the ground

Such **** and horrible means made most people, including the enemy and ourselves, numb for a while, especially after hearing the silver bell-like laughter of Ilya, many people were ashamed and terrified. .

"Oh! After killing this guy, Ilya finally got the idea!"

After being happy, Elijah ’s gaze began to look at the surrounding battlefield, but with her gaze, all but a few people, no matter the enemy or the enemy, could not help but take a step back.

Although Ilia is really beautiful and cute, but after seeing such a brutal scene, most people ignore that cute

What they remember is only the terrible one that is watered with blood!

"So, what next?"

Faced with the horrible glances of other people, Xuefa's girl didn't care at all. Her gaze turned to Nagato, "Nagato Jun, I remember you said you met an enemy, who are the enemies?"

"Those envoys, the group of purgatory women over there, and the white dragon emperor, and the farthest female demon!"

Facing the girl ’s question, Nagato pointed out the enemy with a smile, and then said, “Let all your thugs come out. After all, today is a very important day. We ca n’t die too many people on this side, otherwise we will be embarrassed. Now. "

"Well, leave it to me!"

Hearing his father ’s request, Ilia ’s face was filled with fighting spirit, “Come out, my heroes, call you in the name of the Holy Grail, and be the master of the ruling, and wipe out all those who are coming to commit crimes!”

With the call of Eliya, a magic circle appeared on the other five dragon heads.

In a blink of an eye, the magic circle began to work, shining light

Soon, five powerful warriors with different shapes appeared on the dragon head, united with the first dragon head's spearmen, six people and six mechanical dragon heads, and the fusion of the atmosphere of Ilia For one!

The unprecedented sense of existence flooded the entire enchantment for the first time, leaving most people unable to resist a tremor!

Elijah's **** extermination equipment, the Holy Grail of the Spirit has entered the state of forbidden hands!

As a gift from his father to his daughter, Nagato has put a lot of thoughts on the three girls ’god exterminator. Rin ’s **** exterminator has made her the second leader of the Witch Legion, and has such a powerful six-winged beast Beater.

Sakura's God Destroyer joined the blood beasts of the beast of Nagato, but it is a horrible thing that merges Emperor Yan, the sage, the blood of endless life and the soul!

While Elijah ’s **** extermination equipment, Nagato felt dissatisfied after integrating into the Dragon of Evolution, and even added the Holy Grail system of the Moon World. In short, after the ban was activated, Elijah would get Holy Grail Magical Agent Bonus

And according to his own wishes, summon the remaining six heroes to fight for himself!

You must know that as a restraining force, the heroes are actually limited by the world and cannot conquer the outside world, unless the restraining power erodes the other worlds.

It was only at that time that the heroes could not shoot, in fact, it did n’t matter!

And the holy grail of the heroic spirit of Elijah can allow the heroic spirit to fight outside the world, which is a manifest terminal of the restraint system in the outside world. In a sense, the restraint force is protecting the Elijah, plus Evolutionary Dragon's Attack and Guardian Stand

Nagato's love for Eliya is almost vividly reflected in this extermination tool.

"I ordered to retreat in the name of the leader of this operation!"

After seeing the seven heroes summoned by Ilya, the poison island squint slightly squinted, and said with a mouthful, then came out with a knife, and the breath of death gathered into a storm that swept up and instantly filled the entire enchantment.


In the next moment, the enclave guarding the school is broken

"Humph, don't think about it"

"Stop it!"

Seeing the move of the child, although she knew that she was her own, Ilia, who was too involved in the drama, was still preparing to attack, but she had not yet acted. .

Turning her head slightly, Ilya found out that her father had passed the magic circle and came to her identity.

"Without the enchantment, the battle will destroy this town!"

Gently touched Ilya ’s head, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, “I ’m ruining the enchantment just to prevent others from daring to act. It ’s really smart, but it does n’t matter.”

"The stage tonight has come to an end. These days, you will accompany me in the human world for some days."

"When you go back, take a dragon **** back and hide it!"

As Nagato said, after the enchantment is broken, the three forces can only let the enemy leave.

And the next thing is logical

July 20xx-

Celestial Representative Michael, Archaeological Governor of the Fallen Angels Central Organization "God of the Sons," Asahir, and Underworld Representative Demon King Sazeks Lucifer's representatives of the three forces signed a peace agreement.

Since then, the three major forces have forbidden any conflict and entered the coordination system—

Biblical myths formally entered the era of peace.

Subsequently, the Free City signed a second agreement with Biblical Mythology in order to prevent foreigners from waging a huge war in this world, and a diplomatic agreement for the purpose of promoting peaceful and friendly exchanges between different worlds.

Since these two agreements were signed on the stage of the private Komaga Academy, they are both called "Komawang Agreements". ..

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