My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 137: Teacher Asacher first!

"That's it. From today I am the consultant teacher of this supernatural research department."

Asacher, dressed in a suit, appeared in the department of the supernatural research department in the old school building of Juwang Academy, and the whole person was unruly. "Call me Mr. Asachel, otherwise you can call me Governor, I am very easygoing. It! "

"Why don't you say it first, why are you here?"

Looking at the fallen angel governor in front of her, Lias stretched her hand to hold her forehead, looking quite confused.

At this time, a week after the signing of the Komatsu Agreement, Lias, who had just come to the department, really did not expect that she would see this man here.

"Ha! I went to see Serafel's sister, she arranged this position for me, anyway, anyway, I am an intellectual super sportsman, let me play with female students here!"

"No! Why did Cang do this?"

"You're very old-fashioned, Liya Sigui Meng Li, there is no reason, I went to Sazax to let me stay in this school, he asked me to find Seraph's sister, so I will go Find her. "

Asachel, sitting at the desk, tapped the table rhythmically with his fingers, knocking and saying:

"They let me stay in this academy, on the condition that it assists the immature artifact holders among the demons of Jimenri's family to grow in the right direction, which means that my knowledge of artifact enthusiasts can come in handy. In fact, A large part of this is the selfishness of the sisters of Sazax and Sarafol! "

Speaking of which, the fallen angel governor paused, a faint smile appeared on his face, and said, "After all, it is only four months away. You are about to play the most important ranking game in life. Are you really sure? ? "

Hearing Assacher ’s words, Lias suddenly fell silent.

Although he has the intention to say that he has full control, but after going through a series of battlefields, especially after the battlefield signed by the Komatsu Agreement seven or eight days ago, Lias understood that what she had done was probably in that It is a clown-like behavior in the eyes of men.

The so-called clown is actually just for fun!

"Although I'm not reconciled, I'm afraid not!"

After being silent for a while, Lias reluctantly said, "However, I have reached a higher level before, yes, as long as it really reaches that level within four months"


Zhu Nai, who stood half a step behind Lias, looked at her master's troubles and was a little worried.

As the queen of Lias, Zhu Nai knew almost everything about Lias. In the first attack in the purgatory not long ago, Lias once used the gems given to her by the long gate, forcibly extracting a lot of destructive power and entering Through another stage.

After that, Lias once complained to Zhu Nai, if the battle could be delayed until ten years later.

Because Lias, who has experienced another realm, is sure to set foot in that realm ten years later.

The things that will be completed in ten years will be completed in four months

No matter what you think, it is impossible!

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Lias' near-bold words, the fallen angel governor smiled slightly.

With the power of the fallen angel governor, how can Lias's situation not be known? In short, Lias has seen the way to the next stage at this time, but the magic in the body cannot be leap.

Unless she has any talents, she can only exercise honestly and grow through years!

"alright, alright!"

Seeing Asachel ’s smile, Lias suddenly understood that he had seen through his undertones, and his rare face turned slightly red, and said, "Since it is the kindness of brother and Cang, please, you, Asa Teacher Shell! "

"That's right!"

Hearing Lias ’s words, Asachel smiled with satisfaction, and then said in earnest, "Actually, I have become your instructor, and there is a more formal reason. I want to use you as a chess piece to compete with that man. "

"After all, if you have a real sword, how can I look at it, I can't beat the guy who has three forbidden hand-level **** exterminators!"


It is said that the future Grand Duke Jimengli's face can't help but change his face. After a moment of silence, he said, "If you can let me win, in the name of Jimengli, what's the matter with being your **** once."

"Hahaha, it's worthy of Lia's, it really has a decision!"

Regarding Lias's awakening, Assachel expressed her admiration for her determination, which shows that Lias has truly embarked on the path of pursuing the strong, rather than standing still in the glory of the demon aristocracy.

After being officially acknowledged by Liyasi, Asachel said, "But in the end, the reason why I chose you is precisely because you have great plasticity!"

"Not to mention that you have seen the way ahead, Lia Si, Yuba Kiba is awakening the memory of the previous life, and is gradually regaining the power of the previous life step by step. The Tacheng kitten has the inheritance of fairy art, that is The mixed-blooded pseudo-vampire has a terrible artifact that can stop the world. "

"Of course, you still have all kinds of problems, and I will help you one by one, but the top priority is Zhu Nai!"

"what's up?!"

Hearing the governor of the fallen angel, Zhu Nai tilted his head slightly.

"Did you not find out yet?"

Asachel said very politely, "As Queen Lias, you have fallen far behind others, and obviously should be the strongest queen, but now it has become the weakness of the entire Jimmony!"

After hearing this, Zhu Nai suddenly fell silent.

"and many more"

Seeing that the fallen angel governor suddenly pointed his finger at Zhu Nai, Lias was just about to speak and was interrupted.

"Liya Si, don't plug me in!"

At this time, the fallen angel Governor's face was slightly correct, and he said with a sigh, "It seems that you are still reluctant to accept the blood in your body, although you clearly know that it is not Bai Qiu's fault. Let me give you another option! "..

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