My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 138: Villa news [on] second more!

"That being said, why am I here?"

Standing alone in the shadow of the roadside, Zhu Nai looked at the white building ten meters away.

It was a large six-storey villa. It seemed a little more conspicuous than the three-storey buildings around it, but under the effect of some invisible boundary, the pedestrians around it were no exceptions. Earth ignored this conspicuous.

This is no other place, it is the place where Nagato lives!

"Since you don't want to see Bai Qiu, then I will give you another choice, go to the long gate!"

"After all, if you choose a single Thunder way, the man who controls the crimson trial of Thunder can definitely give a lot of opinions. According to intelligence, he is trying the life of the devil today, so as long as it is an equivalent exchange, he will Will not refuse your request! "

"Of course, first of all, you must be prepared for the price you pay!"

"And I prepared this for you"

At this time, Zhu Nai recalled what Assachel said before coming, and he couldn't help but touch the armband on his wrist, feeling the magical fluctuations in that armband. Moving.

She knew exactly how precious things Asachel prepared for herself

This thing is a peerless weapon that can lead the organization to prosperity in any organization!

"does it worth?"

He whispered to himself, although he knew why Asachel did this, Zhu Nai still couldn't help but moved slightly. After a moment of silence, the girl walked towards the villa and soon came to the wall of the villa. In front of the gate.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Nai pressed the doorbell

Soon, the door opened automatically.

"Miss Himejima, welcome!"

Appearing in front of Zhu Nai was a silver-haired woman with a braided braid. Although she was dressed as a maid, her serious face made Zhu Nai unable to lift her heart a little and walked towards the other.

"Hello, Miss Guréfia!"

"Please come with me!"

Facing Zhu Nai's courtesy, Guleifiya nodded secretly, then turned around and led the way ahead.

Seeing her move, Zhu Nai immediately followed

After both of them entered the door, the door closed automatically.

After entering the wall, Zhu Nai unexpectedly discovered that the space here had expanded.

Obviously it was only 100 square meters outside, but after entering the gate, Zhu Nai found that the space here had expanded at least ten times. Thousands of kilometers were covered with trees and flowers, as if it were a paradise.

"The people who design here must be people who enjoy life very much!"

Seeing such an environment, such thoughts could not help but sprout in Zhu Nai's heart.

"Haha, you can't catch me!"

"I will catch Ru!"

"Wait, you guys are too fast!" "Wang Wang !!"

Suddenly, three different girls' voices and a barking came into Zhu Nai's ear. The girl turned her head and looked over. I saw three girls and a white ferocious dog chasing each other in the woods. Snow-haired girl, it ’s really Elia

The second city owner of the Free City, who killed Kirkbol with brutal means.

The other two girls are a three-no girl in black, and a blonde nun who looks very innocent. The girl in black, Zhu Nai, doesn't know it, but she knows, or has heard from, a blonde nun.

According to the intelligence of the fallen angel governor, it was the bishop who was recently subdued by Nagato, the owner of a rare healing artifact!

Aisha Aljette, the virgin of the church, was expelled for healing the demon

Having said that, after knowing the existence of Aisha, Liyasi was very heartbroken. You know, Aisha was picked up by the long gate on the Liyasi site in Tokyo. Everyone knows that the recoverable family members , How great it is for ranking games!

As for the last white fierce dog, Zhu Nai had seen its true face when the purgatory first attacked before.

It ’s just that, Zhu Nai ’s face is more strange.

Obviously a terrifying beast, but in front of the three girls, it looks like a real dog.

"Please go here, Miss Himejima!"

At this moment, Gu Leifia's voice called Zhu Nai's attention back.

"very sorry!"

She smiled apologetically, and Zhu Nai said, "I just was surprised to see Lord Ilya here."

"This is human nature, no need to apologize!"

In the face of Zhu Nai's apology, Gu Leifia smiled, and while moving forward with Zhu Nai, he said, "Doesn't we think Miss Ilia is like a child? We can't do anything about it. She likes this. Look. "

Hearing Gu Leifia, Zhu Nai could only helplessly smile.

Soon, the two reached the gate of the tall building in the middle of the woods.

"Crack !!!"

It seems that in response to the arrival of the two, the door opens automatically, showing a spacious and gorgeous living room in front of Zhu Nai and Gu Leifia. In the living room, a girl with purple pupils and black hair is sitting on the sofa drinking tea .

"Well, Gurelfia, you are back, this is the guest?"

"Yes, this is Junai Himejima!"

It was Zhu Nai who answered her, looking at the fallen angel who had a great status in the city of freedom. Even the girl who hated the fallen angel in her heart still had to bow slightly to salute, "Hello, Miss Lina Li!"

"Very polite!"

Hearing Zhu Nai ’s words, a smile appeared on Lina Li ’s face, “Just as Nagasumi said, let ’s take you to the sixth floor to see him, Gurefia, are you taking her or me? "

"Let me do it!"

After thinking for a while, Guleifiah said, and then walked straight to the stairs in the corner of the living room, "Miss Himejima, please come with me!"

"Ah, yes!"

Seeing Gu Leifia suddenly leave, Zhu Nai quickly followed.

It was just that while moving forward, Zhu Nai could n’t help but feel a little shocked, because until now, she suddenly realized one thing, that is, what she had to do was never mentioned, how did it look like Nagato, Guleifiya and Lina Li I know ..

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