My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 139: Villa News 【Next】 Third!

Following Guleifiya, Zhu Nai stepped up the stairs!

At this time, Zhu Naizheng was shocked by the unforeseen prophet that Nagato and others looked at, and Gurefija was not a very talkative person.

So, the two kept quiet and silent in tandem.

In silence, the two quickly ascended from the first floor to the second floor. Just at the moment when they just boarded the second floor, Zhu Nai heard a burst of fists and feet, even a sword collision, in his ear. sound

At this time, Zhu Nai suddenly realized that the space on the second floor had also expanded more than a hundred times!

"In other words, how exaggerated the space of this villa has been!"

Such a question flashed in my mind, and I ignored it. Zhu Nai looked at the place where the sound originated. I saw that in the square at the end of the girl's sight, four men and women were fighting each other.

Among them, a middle-aged man in black with a magic sword and a blue-green short-haired holy sword girl played against a sword.

While fighting with fists and feet is a girl with long chestnut hair and a girl with long silver hair.

Seeing these people, a lot of information flashed in Zhu Nai's heart.

Before coming here, Assahir opened a lot of information about the long gate and its surroundings for Zhu Nai, and even the entire family of Gimory, including information about the four fighting men, women and women in front of them.

Among them, the middle-aged man with the magic sword is a partner of Yudou's previous life, the black knight Rezo Volstulut!

This is a horrible existence that has gotten rid of the curse that time has given to all things. You know, even today's four demon kings, fallen angel governors, archangels, these existences are not truly eternal existence!

All in all, this is a very amazing existence!

The one who fought against the black knight was the family knight of Nagato, who had fought with the family of Jimmony, the nun of the holy sword named Genova. According to the intelligence of Assahir, she was this generation of holy sword Holder of Tyrant Dirandal.

The ongoing war on the other side is the civil war between the two new dependent soldiers of Nagato!

Soldier Sakagami Toshiro and soldier Wisteria Irina.

Among them, Wisteria Irina was Genova ’s companion, who had fought with Jimmoni ’s family. In contrast, Sakagami Chiyo was a thorough ordinary person before reincarnation, even without an artifact.


"Do you have this strength now?"

Looking at Sachikami Sakagi, who is playing with Wisteria Irina vividly and indifferently, Zhu Nai suddenly felt a little surprised. No wonder Assachel would arrange for Zhu Nai to come here. Nagato seems to have a way to teach others.

"Miss Zhu Nai?"

At this moment, Gu Leifia's voice came and awakened Zhu Nai.


After glancing at the silver-haired maid who had walked a certain distance, Zhu Nai immediately followed him. Soon, the two passed the stairs and reached the third floor. Just after arriving at the third floor, Zhu Nai was stunned. In place.

Because she actually saw a huge lake-like swimming pool on the third floor.

Above the swimming pool, the girl also saw the blue sky and white clouds. Although there was no sun, the entire third floor seemed to be filled with gentle sunlight.

Such a scene shocked the girl completely!

Seeing the reaction of the girl, Gu Leifia had already known it, and did not wake her up, preparing to let herself recover, but at the next moment, a beautiful girl suddenly appeared on the lake. "Hey, Guréfia, who is she?"

The sudden sound made Zhu Nai completely recovered.

Looking closer, what appeared in front of the girl was a beautiful girl with blonde hair, which was not like the beauty of the world. Zhu Nai, who was also a girl, was amazed. In a trance, Zhu Nai remembered the identity of the other party——

The sister of the former prince of Youdou, the princess of the true ancestor, Erkut!

"Sir Elquitte, this is Zhu Nai, the guest that Lord Nagato wants to receive!"

Seeing the appearance of Alquette, Gurefija saluted respectfully. On the other side, Zhu Nai, who recalled the identity of the other person, also saluted, "Hello, Your Highness Princess, this is Junai Himejima, very happy see you."

"People who Nagamon Jun wants to see, then you go!"

Hearing the words of the two, Alquite responded blankly, and then the whole person leaned back and poured into the pool.


Seeing Alquite's move, Gurefija nodded softly to Zhu Nai and said.


In this regard, Zhu Nai naturally agrees!

Because at this moment, Zhu Nai saw that on the other end of the pool, a black-haired girl was lying on the couch there, drinking something while basking in the sun

That was no one else, it was Princess Kuroge who was the most unfamiliar with Jimmony's family, Eltridge!

According to Asachel, if there is any danger here

It must be because of the other party!

On the fourth floor of the villa are staggered bookshelves, and the bookshelves are full of books. Among those books, Zhu Nai even felt a lot of magic. Obviously, there are magic books in those books.

Here, Zhu Nai saw a girl in a blue kimono reading a book.

They just ignored them!

On the fifth floor, there is a long corridor with rooms staggered on both sides.

According to Guleifiya, their girls' rooms are on this floor.

"Okay, this is the sixth floor!"

Standing in front of the stairs from the fifth floor to the sixth floor, Gu Lefia seemed to flash a blush on his face, and then said normally, "I won't go up above, Miss Zhu Nai, go up yourself!"


Hearing Gu Leifia, Zhu Nai nodded without thinking.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Nai stepped up the stairs step by step. Soon, she came to the sixth floor. Compared with other floors, the sixth floor had no space expansion at all, only the hall, balcony and a room.

Looking around, Zhu Nai walked to the only room on the sixth floor

However, waiting for Zhu Nai to knock on the door


Suddenly, a girl groaned and heard from the door, making Zhu Nai stiff. ..

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