My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 140: Calculation and trading [on] fourth!

"Should I be so unscrupulous!"

Ears are constantly reverberating with a weeping voice, even Zhu Nai, who has a very good temperament, is silent for a while, obviously knowing that she is coming, and she is still doing that kind of thing with the girls. .

It has to be said that this person of Nagato is indeed ridiculous!

Only after being speechless, Zhu Nai's face was not much shocked. In fact, before coming here, Asachel gave Zhu Nai a lot of information, and he also gave out his guess about Nagato's character.

"Although I don't have much contact with that man, I can still tell what kind of person it is based on intelligence and knowledge. It is really difficult to comment on a person because life has too many variables. "

"For Nagato, I can only say that he is a real powerhouse, surpassing the powerhouse of all living beings!"

"Because he is a strong man, he is very proud. Under normal circumstances, he disdains lying, abides by his own laws, does not compromise with anyone, and even his own desires are extremely frank. Speaking of which, the last point for girls, Is the most dangerous! "

Thinking of this, Zhu Nai had to admit that the seemingly careless fallen angel governor did indeed have two brushes.


"So, what should I do now?"

After being silent for a while, Zhu Nai had many thoughts flashed in his heart, and finally ruled them out one by one. He quickly reached a final conclusion and raised his right hand. On the portal, he knocked hard three times.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After half an hour, the door finally opened

Sitting at the hall long ago, Zhu Nai, who had already made the third tea, raised his head slightly, and saw the red-haired teenager walking out in a bathrobe, with slightly moist hair, indicating that the other party had just rinsed.

Afterglow from the perspective, Zhu Nai also saw a figure of a girl lying on the bed.

"According to intelligence, it should be a dependent of a soldier named Gui Yanye!"

A word like this flashed in my mind, Zhu Nai's eyes were fixed on the long door, and he said in a complaining tone, "Really, long door gentleman, you actually let the lady wait so long, which is very disqualified. Oh! "

"Well, that's really sorry!"

Hearing the girl ’s words, Nagato smiled slightly and sat directly on the sofa opposite Zhu Nai. Then he said with a smile, “Actually, I do n’t mind Zhu Nai coming with you. You know, I covet your body. It ’s been a long time. "

"Oh, don't mean, I don't want it!"

Facing the so explicit words of Nagato, Zhu Nai could not help but take a slight meal, and then said directly to the local, "This time, I came here, intending to trade with you, according to the devil's trading rules!"

Zhu Nai was able to see that in the face of such a person as a long gate, the extra mind was not needed at all.

"Oh, let's talk about it!"

The whole person leaned back slightly, and a long face appeared on the face of the long door. He said, "Although I know that someone will come to me, it is only for this. I don't know what your purpose is?"

Hearing the words, Zhu Nai's eyelids jumped slightly, and there was a doubt in his eyes.

But this did not prevent her from understanding the words of the long gate. After a moment of silence, Zhu Nai said, "Mr. Assael told me to come to you. He said, you have a way to show me a way forward!"


Hearing Zhu Nai's words, Nagato was really surprised.

Previously, Nagato only felt that Zhu Nai and his own causal line were suddenly connected. I really didn't know the purpose of Zhu Nai, or that this kind of trivial matter, Nagato was too lazy to spend effort to check.

"Teacher Assachel, oh, is that guy interested in joining my game? Really fun!"

Although Nagato was not clear about the specific course of the event, with the instinct and Zhu Nai's words, he understood the general course of the event, and then a red-haired teenager's face showed a smile of interest:

"Pointing the way for you, there is no problem at all, but Zhu Nai, you understand, what about the price?"

During the talk, Nagato's eyes looked up and down at Zhu Nai, from that pretty cheek, to the heart-pounding European school, to the slender figure. I have to say that purely from the appearance, Ji Nai Zhu Nai Very attractive.


After being silent for a while, Zhu Nai slowly and firmly said, "As long as the game is finished after four months, I will give my body to you. Then, whatever you want, just like that!"


Hearing the words, a surprise flashed across Nagato's face.

At the next moment, the red eyes of the red-haired boy flashed a red brilliance. In a flash, Zhu Nai felt that he had been looked at all over his body without clothes, and his face was unstoppable.

"It's weird, don't you carry something more expensive?"

At this time, the long purple door regained his left eye and said curiously, "If I guess right, the armband of your left arm is a special information security device, and the information in it should be given to you by Asachel Use it as a price. "

"I'm curious, why would you give yourself to me instead of using those things."

"Indeed, just as you said!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, Zhu Nai's face changed slightly, and he was silent for a while before he said, "I even knew that it was because of who's the cause of Assahir that I gave it to me. "

"Just, just I can't accept it!"

Speaking of which, Zhu Nai's face couldn't help but a look of pain, and his words were full of grudges, "Using this kind of thing is equivalent to owing the person's favor. In that case, I can't continue to hate it!"

"I would rather give up on myself than give up my hatred!"

"I understand!"

Hearing this, Nagato's plain eyes flashed a pity, looking at the girl in front of her, who looked quite mature, but very fragile, and said, "So, your future, I will take it!"

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