My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 141: Calculation and Trading 【Next】 Fifth

Zhu Nai, originally had a happy and happy family.

The mother is a witch girl in the shrine, and the father is a fallen cadre. Although the identity of the race is very different, the two are very affectionate. As the crystallization of their love, Zhu Nai grew up in an environment of love.

Only in that era, the love between witch and fallen angel did not get a good result.

When one day, the fallen angel ’s father left

Shrine, surrounded by priests!

Seeing that the priests surrounded their mother and daughter, they asked the fallen angel over and over again. Zhu Nai cried very hard and kept praying for her father to come back. However, until the moment when the mother closed her eyes

Father still did not come back!

Then, hatred sprouted in Zhu Nai's heart!

She hated her fallen angel father. If it were not for him to inherit the dirty blood to Zhu Nai, then the Jijima Witch would not die because of this, even though Zhu Nai knew that although the father had a responsibility, it was not all Blame him, Zhu Nai still hates.

She hates the blood of fallen angels in her body even more, preferring to seal her own power instead of using this blood power!

"So, what can I do to become stronger!"

After Naomen accepted the transaction, Zhu Nai was silent for a while, put away the pain on his face, and put on a camouflage smile on weekdays, "I am the future, but Naomen Jun, your person, you can't hide it! "

"Relax, for myself, I have always given him the most suitable things!"

Looking at Zhu Nai's smile, Nagato frowned slightly, and after seeing that pain, this smile appeared a bit false in Nagato's eyes, and did not let Nagato like it, but Nagato also knew that it is still It ’s not time to pry Zhu Nai away

After frowning slightly, Nagato ignored it and said, "But before that, I have a question. Do you want Lias to win the ranking game four months later?"

"Yes, Lias is my host and friend!"

Hearing Nagato ’s inquiry, Junji Himeji replied without hesitation, “If it were not for her, I might have died long ago. For her kindness, I am willing to use my future in exchange for what she can freely choose. In the future, of course "

"If Lias fails, as I am advancing and retreating with her, I'm afraid I can't avoid being your possession, Nagato Jun!"

Speaking of which, a sly smile flashed on Zhu Nai's face, and he said, "Since this is the case, why can't I use my own future to win a ray of hope for Lias, anyway, I won't make a profit!"

"Hahaha !!!"

Hearing Zhu Nai's words, Nagato was silent for a while, then he couldn't help laughing. To be honest, Nagato did n’t really think of this link at the beginning, but it was not unexpected, but he was too lazy to think about it, although the four-month battle was for the family of Jimmony. A difficult challenge, but for Nagato, it is just a game.

Since it's just a game, how could Nagato spend all his energy preparing for it!

"Unexpectedly, I was actually calculated!"

Between the sighs, Nagato's eyes turned to Zhu Nai, his eyes full of surprise.

In the last life, Nagato had the honour to read the story of this plane. To be honest, in the description, whether it is Lias or Junji Himeji, the feeling for Nagato at the time was that the two were very beautiful and had a good figure. School idol.

In fact, Nagato has always felt that the other people in Jimmony's family have always been better than the two most powerful people!

The reason why Nagato refused to let go of Lias was entirely due to her luck and potential, and Zhu Nai, more often, Nagato just regarded her as a beautiful vase, although Nagato never minded Collect more vases, and also pay attention to collection

However, Nagato will not put much attention!

Only now, Nagato found that he seemed to look away.

At this time, Nagato realized that Zhu Nai had shown pain in front of himself, although it was sincere, but it was also to divert his attention, but the initiative to propose it later eliminated the backtrack of Nagato's regret.

If Nagato sees the flaws himself, maybe he will repent!

However, everyone has spoken out their strategy, and with the pride of Nagato, they will not regret it.

"I have changed for you!"

Although it was counted once, there was no frustration on Nagato ’s face, but full of enthusiasm, “Zhu Nai, I found that I like you more and more, well, no more gossip. , About the other half of the transaction, start executing! "

"About Zhu Nai's future development, I can provide you with three options. Choose one!"

The eyes looked at the girl in the distance with a little bit of heat, the long door raised his right hand, raised his index finger, and said:

"The first choice is the artifact. I have a lot of artifacts transformed by the City of Freedom. Among them, there is a thunder artifact. Although it is not as exaggerated as the **** extermination tool, it is also a top artifact. Fusion Artifact! "

"The second choice is the Thunder Law. I can send you Zhu Nai to a special place to let you see the most essential face of Thunder. If you can understand the Thunder Law, you will benefit endlessly, just the Law The way is too obscure, it is really elusive, some test of luck! "

Speaking of which, Nagato ’s right hand extended two fingers, and then the third finger extended

"The third choice is the strange thunder! There is always something special between heaven and earth. I have seen something called a strange fire, which is obviously a flame, but it is like a sea of ​​flames like running water On the strange fire, I once speculated that things like strange water and strange thunder, and Zhu Nai in your case, can produce strange thunder! "

At this point, Chang Men paused, and then said with an inexplicable smile, "Zhu Nai, I also understand your situation. Since you hate your fallen angel blood line, then refine that blood line How about being a stepping stone to your growth? "

Hearing what Nagato said, Zhu Nai, who was still hesitant to choose which one, was stunned ..

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