My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 142: Refining the bloodline first!

Although Nagato gave three options

But in fact, Zhu Nai's road was doomed from the beginning.

The first choice given by Nagato, although it can make Zhu Nai very powerful in a short time, this choice is entirely based on foreign objects.

Even in the eyes of most people in this world, the artifact is not a foreign object, but in the eyes of the long door, the foreign object is the foreign object. With Zhu Nai's status in the heart of the long door, the long door will not let her go astray.

Although the second option is Tongtian Avenue, the rules are obscure.

Even the females in Bai Yujing have the convenience of opening up the entire world, but there are really few people who can really understand the law, and although Zhu Nai has attracted the attention of Nagato, her qualification for practice , Really bad.

If you choose this path, in Zhu Nai's case, you might get nothing, or even let yourself go backwards

Therefore, the third choice became Zhu Nai's only choice!

The most important thing is that Zhu Nai couldn't resist the result of this choice at all, just as she was extremely resistant to her bloodline of fallen angels, and she felt grimy and painful because of her bloodline all the time.

When Nagato said that he could purify the blood of fallen angels, Zhu Nai's reason was almost out of control.

"I agree, just"

After a slight stunned spirit, Zhu Nai could not wait to answer, and then a little hesitation appeared on the girl's face, and he said, "Longmen, are you sure you can completely melt the blood of the fallen angel?"

Between words, the girl's uneasy and eager mood revealed no doubt.

"Of course!"

At this time, Nagato ’s answer was naturally full of confidence, "It ’s just a drop in the blood of fallen angels. Refining it to me is a very easy thing. What I can do is absolutely beyond Your imagination is just "

"Are you sure you want to do this, I can relax, but you can't relax!"


Hearing the long gate, the excitement in Zhu Nai's eyes was clearly visible.

Standing up, Zhu Nai bowed his body towards the long door. For the first time, he expressed his request with all sincerity. That very sincere mood showed up from his speech and deeds, so that the long door could not help but sigh.

"In this case, then I will do it. Next, you have no chance to regret it!"

Also standing up from the sofa, Nagato said solemnly, although in the memory of Nagato, Zhu Nai seemed to be reconciled with his father in his original fate, and accepted his own fallen angel bloodline

It was just how Zhu Nai and her father reconciled. Nagato was not very clear, and had no intention of contributing.

The memory of the previous life is just a preliminary judgment of Nagasaki on the future.

Nagato does things more based on his mood and what he sees and hears.

After feeling Zhu Nai's sincerity, Nagato ignored the so-called original and was ready to start! "I!"

After hearing the last question from Nagato, Zhu Nai was silent for a short while. His childhood happiness and sadness after his mother ’s death flashed. Then he said firmly, "I will never regret it." ! "

"it is good!"

The next moment Zhu Naiyu fell, Nagato shot out.

The huge six-pointed star magic array spread out from the foot of the long door and filled the entire hall. Then the magic array burst into a faint shimmer. At this moment, Zhu Nai felt a powerful and extreme power, and restrained himself. Got up.

The witch girl with a single pony tail slowly rose into the air. Under the wide witch dress, the exquisite figure was revealed vividly.

"It's such a beautiful scenery!"

Looking at Zhu Nai's beautiful appearance, Nagato could not help but admire


The imprisoned Zhu Nai couldn't help but utter a tempting moan!

At the moment when the red-haired boy poked, an essentially indescribable force passed from the finger of the long door, through the girl's European school, into her heart.

At that moment, Zhu Nai's perception of herself was raised to the extreme, and her ears even heard the sound of blood flowing continuously inside her!

Like the endless Yellow River and Yangtze River, the mighty and shocking.

"Is the blood circulation in the human body like this?"

Can't help but such a thought flashed in the girl's heart, just waiting for her to think about it, the intermittent pain feeling came from the girl's heart, making the girl's face pale instantly, and the cold sweat was DC

"It's already started, Zhu Nai!"

At this time, the voice of Nagato rose from the girl's heart out of thin air, making Zhu Nai feel the pain can't help but slow down, "The longer you persist, the cleaner the bloodline of the fallen angel in your body is, the more clean it is. Hold on!"

Without answering, Zhu Nai's heart also raised an unyielding stubbornness!

After all, Zhu Nai is not a spoiled girl. At the age of ten, she did not rely on her parents and lived alone in various island countries. She lived tenaciously for a long time with her little practice.

Under this stubbornness and stubbornness, the girl gradually became familiar with the pain from the heart.

At this time, she vaguely felt that as her heart, which is the center of blood circulation, it seemed to be transformed into a filter and an oven under the incomparably noble power.

The filter keeps filtering the ingredients of fallen angels in his blood, backlogging in the heart.

And the oven is constantly refining the ingredients of fallen angels

"It turns out so!"

Perceiving this, Zhu Nai felt a little bit in his heart and understood the approach of Nagato.

At the same time, the girl gradually began to be able to perceive that a brand-new power is slowly being conceived. It is a thunder seed flashing between light and darkness, which is being fed by the power of the fallen angel's bloodline. Author:

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