My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 144: The naughty Guixin is third!

"Life is like a chocolate, you never know what the next one will taste"

This sentence is a well-known sentence that Gui Yanye saw in a movie. Although it may not be particularly suitable for the lack of American chocolate in the island environment, it is very suitable if it is placed on Yanye. .

Once upon a time, Gui Yanye was just an ordinary high school girl

An honest character, some cringe, even because of some things when he was a child, with male phobia, very scared and strange about **** and love-related matters, and because of the ordinary high school girls excluded by classmates.

Such a girl may find a good husband and live a happy life in the future.

Perhaps because of various reasons, encounter the tragedy of life.

Of course, it may also be a single life because of male phobia.

Only now, all these possibilities have completely disappeared. Probably from that day when he met the man, the line of fate has been completely changed. At this time, the words and leaves are very clear. He has been completely reincarnated as a demon himself, and life is left The only route

That is, follow your own demon master and march in a new world together!

Thinking so, the girl couldn't help but get a little crazy

"Now, Yan Ye, what are you thinking about?"

At this moment, the master's voice came from his ear, awakening the words from his own thoughts.

The girl's eyes were clear, and then she saw the man beside her, who was holding her hand, her master, Nagato, looking at herself strangely, "It's true, don't be dazed on the road, it has arrived Your home. "

"Ah, sorry, Longmen!"

Seeing her own home in front, the girl cheered a little flushed, and then stepped forward in a panic, and came to the door.

Just opened the door, a pleasant girl voice came from the room:

"Sister, you are back!"

At the next moment, I saw a little girl in her early twenties who came barefoot and trot over

It was just after seeing the long door that it seemed to be because there were no guests. The girl immediately covered her face and trot into the house. After a while, she wore slippers and came out as a well-educated girl. Pour tea for Nagato.

The girl in front of her is no one else, it is Gui Yanye's sister-Gui Xin!

In terms of appearance, Guixin and Guiyanye are very similar. The entire smaller version of Yanye, but compared with his sister, Guixin has a more lively personality. This is what Yanye cannot compare with anyway. .

"Oh, you little guy, your surname is exposed, what pretend to be!"

With a light smile, he talked about Guixin's forehead, and let the lively little girl with her surname cover her mouth and smiled, "Hehe, I don't like it, but I can't help it. The whole set! "

"Gui Xin, don't be rude!"

Gui Yanye was still very happy to see that her sister could get together with her master.

It's just that her younger sister's size makes her anxious to anger the long door.

"It's okay, Yan Ye!"

Seeing Yan Ye ’s concerns, Nagato shook her head at her with a smile, then looked at Guixin, and said, "Introduce yourself, my name is Nagato, a consultant teacher at the private Komwang Academy, a part-time health room Doctor, Miss Guixin, please meet me for the first time. "

Although he is not good at human world, Nagato also knows how to deal with little girls and children: these little guys all hope that adults will treat them as adults, and use this trick to bring them closer and try everything.

Sure enough, Guixin stretched out his little hand and held it against the long door, revealing a big smiley face.

"Brother Nagato, hello, this is Guixin. Sister Yan Ye, please advise me!"

After introducing herself, the little girl sat directly next to Nagato, close to the ear of the red-haired boy, and asked softly, "Brother Nagato, are you the boyfriend of your sister? Today, are you two Date! "

Gui Xin said very quietly, just to prevent her sister from hearing it, but after reincarnating as a demon, Yan Ye ’s hearing increased several times.

So, the girl said a little bit coyly: "Gui Xin !!!"

"Wow, I actually heard it! Obviously I said very quietly!"

Seeing Gui Yanye's reaction, Gui Xin whispered in surprise, but in the face of the shame of her sister, the little girl was not afraid at all, but just stood up in an instant and then sat directly in the arms of the long door .

Although it was only a short moment, she could see that beside her long door, her sister would not do anything.

Sure enough, after seeing her sister's move, Yan Ye was helpless.

"Oh, Yan Ye, if you were half lively as your sister, you wouldn't always be bullied."

Nagato is absolutely welcome for the cute girl's enthusiasm, even if the girl is indeed a little small, but Nagato doesn't mind waiting. With a hand around Xiao Guixin's waist, Nagato said:

"Yeah, I'm the man your sister promised her life. From now on, you can call my brother-in-law!"

"Wow, my sister is so bold!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Xiao Guixin could not help but admire, "Obviously there were male phobias before, but now he has a boyfriend, is still a teacher-student love, and even agreed to a life, it is simply, it is incredible!"

With Guixin's words, Yan Ye's cheeks were flushed and fainted.

"So, Master Brother, do you have any gifts!"

Seeing her own sister's appearance, Xiao Guixin's face appeared a contented look on her face, and then turned her head towards the long door. "The first time the brother-in-law and the younger sister met, if there was no gift, it would be rude!"

"Relax, dear Guixin, I have prepared a gift that suits you best!"

Looking at the lively and active little girl in the arms, the long door said with a smile, and at the same time the right index finger and the **** were close together and instantly hit the girl's body. The next moment, the little girl fell in the arms of the long door ..

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