My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 145: The fourth night of the two!

To be honest, some of the gifts are not in accordance with the setting of Nagato.

As a man with an absolute cold inside, you really can't expect Nagato to do such meticulous things, at least about the gift of Guixin, in fact, Nagato didn't realize it at all.

It's just that although I'm not prepared, is it rare to fall down the long door?

The answer is no!

Not to mention that Nagato itself is an existence that holds the laws of space. In the private space opened up, I do n’t know how many things are stored, that is, the inherent power of Nagato is enough to create things out of thin air.

It's just that there are a lot of things in the long door, and I don't know what to give as a gift for a while.

After thinking about whether to use the power of the source for a second

Nagato decided to directly inject the power of the source into Guixin's body. In the judgment of Nagato, a simple gift is more than ten million times worse than baptizing others with the power of the source.

Be aware that even with the existence of the Demon King level, the source power is not useless.

Not to mention a small ordinary girl.

In short, there is a baptism of the original power, the essence of Guixin has risen more than one level in an instant, even if the long door disappears in the girl ’s world, her future will be very exciting.

Even if Guixin is willing to be mediocre, the world will not agree!

In a sense, Guixin has become a half noble person, if there is more source of power

Of course, the most important thing is-

"Tonight, the world of duo and Yanye, how can you make a mess with you little guy!"

After carefully covering Guixin with a quilt, Nagato arranged a guardian enchantment, and then turned to look at the dark-haired girl who was blushing because of Nagato's words, and smiled, "Go, Yan Ye!"

"Well, Lord, no, Longmen!"

The modern city illuminates the whole night at night, and there are bright lights everywhere.

On the highway in the distance, one car after another drove past, and the lights turned on formed like a galaxy in the sky, and the neon lights of the streets and streets constantly flickered, adding a lot of color to each night.

On the sparsely populated road, Nagato and Yan Yezheng accompanied

Obviously it was just a simple walk. Between the teenager and the girl, there was a harmonious atmosphere. Even when passing by strangers, they could feel the joy of their mood when they saw them.

In fact, Nagato originally wanted to take Yanye to the playground.

After all, this is a classic dating program, but the goal of long-door dating is Yan Ye, an introverted, even unsociable girl.

Compared to the lively playground, girls prefer a quiet environment.

So, the actions of the two, inexplicably, became like this!

Holding the arm of the long door, snuggling on his shoulder, Yanye knew that the man around him could never belong to herself forever, so she treasured every moment with him.

"Now, I'm sorry, Yan Ye!"

Suddenly, the red-haired boy took a deep breath, looked at his female partner, and said very rarely in sincere words, "Depriving you of choices for the future and arbitrarily determining your life."

As the master of Yanye, Nagato knew very well everything that Yanye was born from.

I have to say that the girl's life is not good, she has no childhood.

The identity of the noble lady makes it necessary for Yan Ye to learn various skills from an early age: piano go, calligraphy and painting, dancing and singing, kendo flower arrangement

Even if these have nothing to do with earning a living, there is no reason for him, just because she is the elder lady.

You can't complain when you're suffering, you can't complain when you're wrong, you can't be tired when you're tired, and you can't be painful when you're in pain.

There is no reason for him, just because she is the first lady.

The pressure of childhood makes Yan Ye always face everything with a smile, including misunderstandings and bullying by classmates. Smiling is a kind of power and communication power. However, Yan Ye ’s smile is abnormal, hypocritical and puppet-like. of.

Just because she does n’t smile like a normal person, because normal people never smile all the time!

In the face of such words, Nagato never faced her as a savior. In fact, at the bottom of Nagato, although she broke the identity of her young lady, she also put a new shackle on her !

In a sense, the identity of Miss Nagato and Yan Ye are actually the same!

"Ah, no, Nagato Jun, I"

Suddenly heard a word from Nagato, Gui Yanye's face showed a surprise, and then panickedly wanted to comfort the other party, but she was interrupted by the Nagato before she had finished speaking. :

"Occasionally, I will realize that what I do is bad!"

During the talk, the voice of Nagato became more and more indifferent, and the apology soon disappeared. "But after further thinking, I found that I never regret what I did, so"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, but, for your whole life, I want it!"

"Dance me for this life, will you?"


Hearing the long door, the girl leaned on the long door and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

This smile was born from the heart

No more false!

"in fact"

"What Yan Ye wants is just a hug that can smile freely."

"Huh, Zhu Nai, are you okay!"

At the same time, outside the Nagato mansion, Lias walked out with her queen in anger, and then asked with some anxiety, "Did that man really do anything to you?"

"Relax, Lias!"

Faced with the worry of his owner, Zhu Nai's face was smiling, "Although it is necessary to use the manual foot, but the man really didn't do anything to me, but I used his power, it was completely different Oh. "

"Next time, let me use this new power to defeat his family!"

ps: I won't be romantic, the leaf line will stop here! ..

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