My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 152: The devil's conflict is second!

"Wait a minute, Lias!"

Hearing this roar, Serraog ’s face could n’t help but a look of anger emerged, and after showing an apologetic expression toward everyone, mainly Lias and Ito, Serraog pushed Opened the door to the private living room and went out.

"Sorry, Master Lias, wait for me, brother!"

And Yoshinori Fujito also apologized to Liyasi, and followed him, as the shadows followed.

In this regard, Lias said that she understood

As the next head of the royal family, and the strongest among the contemporary new demons, it is his responsibility to maintain the entire new generation gathering, and in the face of such changes, Serraog is obliged to stop it.

"Everyone, let's go out and see together!"

Towards his family, and the long door, the Erquette duo said, and Lias soon went out with her. After her, there were several dependents, and the two of the long door. At the end.

Stepping out of the private small living room, what is displayed in front of everyone is a vast space that has been destroyed!

Tables, chairs, decorations are all destroyed!

The demons in the two central camps are staring at each other! Even the weapons are taken out and they are in a state of being triggered!

One side is demons that look like evil monsters, the other is more ordinary demons, but both teams exude terrible cold murderousness.

Around the two demons, there is a group of spectators

"Zeldo Road, I have to accompany you if you want to fight in such a place! But"

"I'm going to die? Do you want to die like that? You shouldn't blame you for killing you."

At this time, the female demon group of the two teams staring at each other announced that it was a female demon wearing a blue robe. With glasses, the dress was slightly conservative by demon standards.

"Hah! How dare you say, stinky woman!"

"It's rare that I find you in the single room over there. The Miss Agares defense is really tight, so it's annoying! Hey, so no man has always been a virgin !?"

"Really, I kindly ask if you need to open the ceremony!"

Although the female devil's answer was fierce, in contrast, the demon youth's answer on the other side was even worse.

It was a bad demon with strange tattoos on his face, green hair all raised up, and even his body was full of strange tattoos, and his pants were full of decorations.

Speaking of which, this demon is indeed very disgusting, at least the long door frowned when he saw each other.

It seems that the two teams have been facing each other for a while, and it seems that they will really fight!


"Really, one and two are so bloody."

At this time, Serraog turned his neck while walking towards the two people staring at each other, "Sig Barra, the princess of the Agares family, and Zefado, the murderer of the Gerasia Lapos family! If you continue, I will be your opponent. " "Listen, although suddenly came out to say this, but this is an ultimatum! If there is trouble next, my fist will not be merciless."

This remark made the bad demon full of blue muscles, revealing a strong anger.

"Barr's incompetence"

Before the words were finished, a fierce blow sounded throughout the hall!

At the next moment, the bad person flew out under Serraog ’s fist, hitting **** the wall, then fell off, and fell to the ground, motionless, obviously fainted.

"I said that this is an ultimatum."

Slowly withdrawing his fist, Selaog said softly, and at the same time, his body burst into horrible grudge that crushed the audience, so that the pupils of all the new generation of demons could not help but shrink slightly.

"Huh, it's amazing, now I am not an opponent!"

Seeing this kind of Serra Og, Yoshito Kiba said almost without thinking, and Lias, who heard the words of Youdou, couldn't help but be surprised, knowing that before Jimirelli's family had experienced a lot of simulated battles

In those battles, Youdou exerted the best fighting power of Jimmony!

Just surprised, Lias was not too scared!

Therefore, Youdou is still improving

Having experienced a reincarnation in person, it is not meaningless for Youdou. In a sense, today's Kiba Yudou is still in an explosive period. Almost every day, his strength will increase slightly.

"It is indeed an interesting person!"

At this time, although there was a sense of existence, but the long door that had not made a noise suddenly said, "In contrast, Lias, you still need to work hard. You know, your talent is hundreds of times that of the man. what!"

"Well, I got it!"

If it is usual, Lias must refute the long door, but at this moment, she does not.

Because for Liyasi, Serraog is special. As the successor of the Baal family, Serraog has not inherited the magic of destruction. Instead, Jimmony himself inherited this power.

It stands to reason that such a self should be far superior to the other party!

However, Serra Og simply used physical strength, madness, and even do not desperately temper the physical body, so that his own strength has completely broken this established matter in the eyes of everyone. In Lias's heart, he is a truly worthy of respect. the man!

"Liya Si, there is also Nagato Jun!"

At this moment, with the sound of approaching footsteps, familiar voices rang in everyone's ears.

Nagato tilted her head slightly, and soon saw Cannasidi, who was approaching slowly, and her dependents. Among them, Cangna's queen, Zhen Luo Chunji, looked suspiciously red after seeing the Nagato. Get up

Cang Na did not see the situation of his own queen. His eyes turned to Nagato and said, "Yes, Nagato Jun, just now my sister told me to say when I met you, the demon kings are waiting for you."

"The two demon kings except the elder sister and the Lucifer demon king want to meet you!"

"Oh, that's interesting!"

After hearing it, a smile of interest appeared on Nagato's face.

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