My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 153: The third of the four demon kings!

Speaking of demons, you have to say the four demon kings today!

As the next generation in which the Yuanzu Demon King and the God of the Bible end up together, the four demon kings that prop up the entire demon world are recognized by almost everyone. These four demon kings have exceeded their predecessors.

Especially Lucifer and Besib

In the native masters of the master dxd plane, both of them ranked in the top ten!

It must be said that this situation is very remarkable!

If the four demon kings who had died together with the God of the Bible were replaced by the four of this generation, it must be that the God of the Bible was absolutely dead at that time, and in that situation, the devil would become the last. Winner.

Of course, for Nagato, whether these demon kings are powerful or not is still second.

In terms of the devil, the red-haired boy is most concerned about only one thing:

That is why there are only four Demon Kings!

Not to mention why Lucifer, who belonged to the fallen angel, became a demon. After all, this is not the other world known in the memory of Nagato, but why is there only four demon kings symbolizing the seven deadly sins, and the other three?

After discussion between Nagato and Saya, the emperor, everyone unanimously agreed that this must in fact be strange!

Under such a psychology, Nagato is naturally very interested in the devil.

Therefore, after hearing Cang Na ’s words, the long door said towards Lias and Cang Na, and he left Elkette alone in the hall where young demons gathered, and accompanied by the service staff, stepped on Go to the next level

The demon aristocracy, and even the meeting place of the devil kings!

After less than three minutes

"Sir, your Majesty the Devil is inside!"

Walking out of the long elevator, soon, Nagato and Arquette came to a gate. After the service staff pushed the gate open, they made an invitation gesture in front of the gate.

"Oh, is this right?"

Hearing this, the long door raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the dark room, and led Elkette into the room.

Just at the moment of entering the threshold, the long door felt four powerful and extreme senses of existence, while the service staff outside the threshold did not have any influence, as if he had nothing to do with this horrible presence. Know the look.

Such a huge sense of existence can be accurately confined to a range of thresholds

"Huh, that's great!"

There was a smile on his face, and a small whisper in the long doorway, he took Alquette's hand and stepped straight in!

"Little long door, you are finally here!"

As soon as I stepped into the room, the long door hadn't seen anything clearly, and there was an active voice in my ear, "Sure enough, please Cang Na sauce to find you quickly, it didn't take long for the small long door to come! "

"All said, don't add unnecessary modification words to my name without permission!"

Almost conditioned reflexively rebutted the sentence, the long door only saw the situation in the room, this is a room that looks quite spacious, no, not so much as a room, but as an auditorium.

The place where Nagato is at this time is the highest place in the entire auditorium, called the high platform!

On both sides of this high platform, there are many seats, and in the middle of the high platform, there are only five seats, four of which are seated in the current demon society, the four devil kings!

And the person who has just spoken to the long door is the Leviathan demon, Seraf Siddy!

"Ha, Serafel, I told you all"

At this time, the nominal leader of the four demon kings, the Lucifer demon king, and Sazaks Gimory said, "Nagamen Jun doesn't like your title. If someone else is angry, you will break your communication with the magical girls. That would be interesting. "

"Ha, Sazax, this little thing, I won't do it yet!"

Holding Elkut's hand, the long door wandered to the fifth seat in the middle of the high platform and sat down, holding Elkut in his arms and introducing it to the crowd, "Yes, this guy You all should know, Erkut Brenstad, the princess of True Ancestor! "

Subsequently, Nagato's eyes turned to the other two demon kings: "Presumably, these two are Asmode Demon Kings, and Besib Devil Kings, thank you!"

"I'm Falubim Gyalya Persia, I'm glad to meet you!"

The first answer to Nagato is a seemingly lazy demon. His age is not very old, but there is a kind of vicissitudes of edging. Although some are not amazing, Nagato knows that this is the strongest military strategist in the underworld!

"Hello, Nagato Jun, this is Aqiuka Astalot, Besib Demon King!"

As soon as the voice of Asmode ’s Demon King fell, the last Demon King also smiled at the Nagato.

In terms of appearance, the Besib Demon King is the most outstanding. It seems to be a voluptuous male. In the intelligence of Nagato, this Devil is the person who constructed the basic theory of the ranking game. It is very good in terms of skills and procedures.

As a good friend of Sazax, it is also a transcendental and possesses the strength of the current Demon King level or above.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have seen your four demon kings appear together."

When the words of the demon kings just fell, they looked around the surrounding environment, and the long door began to say leisurely, "Say, what program should you have here, um, wouldn't it be to meet the new generation of demons. "

"It's worthy of being a longmen, you're right!"

After listening to Nagato's words, Sazax was slightly surprised, and then said, "For any race, the new generation is the future of the race. As the devil, we need to guide the new generation to move forward."

"Then why let me come here"

"Because you are also a demon!"

As if he knew what Nagato was going to say, Lucifer devil said firmly, "Although Nagato, you always thought that you devoured the blood of the devil, but for us, it makes no difference, you are already yourself"

I have to say that Sazax is very charming. If you are an average person, after hearing this, your favorability will be absolutely full!

Sazax became the devil's head, obviously is not unreasonable! ..

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