My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 155: Sudden visitor fifth!

The world of demons is very cruel and realistic.

Don't look at all the demons nowadays are very awe-inspiring to Selaog, and seem to appreciate his appearance, but in fact, before that, more than half of the upper-class aristocracy demons regarded Selaog as a joke.

Seraug is a special case of the Baal family. He was born unable to use the power of destruction, he was even abandoned.

However, this environment did not make him despair, but tempered his strong will, under this will, Serra Og tempered a strong physical body, and walked alone to the road of the strong!

When he knocked down the heirs of the Baal family and seized the heirs of the Baal family, the entire underworld was shaken!

But even so, there are still many people who do not recognize him

It's just that when such a Sierra Og has a helper like Red Dragon Emperor, the tone of almost all high-level nobles has changed. Even the guys who are dissatisfied with Sierra Oge will not say anything cool at this time.

Because, what the demon admires is power, and the Red Dragon Emperor is a symbol of power!

If some young demon nobles may still look down on the Red Dragon Emperor, but the older nobles will not, especially those old men who have experienced the battle of the three forces and the two days of dragons in ancient wars.

You know, the two-day dragon at that time fully reached the situation where the three forces had to put down their hatred and join forces!

The Red Dragon Emperor, even if it is not very strong now, but at least has the hope of becoming as strong as Er Tianlong

In this case, a fool or a madman will boil cold water boringly.

In the face of praise from all directions, it is clear that Serraog also knows that there are some greasy things in it. Therefore, he just stood calmly and did not make any other actions, which made the demon kings on the platform more valued.

It took a while for the matter about Serraog to pass, and it was the turn of the other new generation of demons to speak.

The second speaker is Leas Gimmory!

"I will become Jimmony's next leader and then win the ratinggame!"

Lias's answer is very real. Although he has not received so many praises as Serraog, he has gained more understanding smiles. Obviously, Lias is a more qualified presence in the eyes of these demon nobles.

It's just that the girl glanced at the long door in a subtle way while speaking

Obviously, this little girl is still very concerned about the ranking game in the next few months!

After Lias, the rest of the young demons spoke their dreams and goals one by one, and finally arrived at Cangna Sidi. It was only the calm student president ’s words that made many senior officials frown. .

"I want to build a school in the underworld that teaches about ratinggame."

"When it comes to schools related to ratinggame, it has already been established, right?" As if seeking identity, some of the nearest demons from Cangna asked the girl.

"That is a school where only higher-level demons and a small number of privileged class demons are allowed to attend. What I want to build is a school where there is no barrier between the lower-level demons and the reincarnated demons."

Faced with the strangeness of the high-ranking nobles, Cang Na said with a pale but firm expression of his answer!


"Hahaha !!!"

In an instant, the laughter of the demons resounded throughout the venue.

Even if Cang Na knew that this would happen, it was a complex expression.

Then, I saw the demon high-level people said with a mocking tone

"That is impossible!"

"This is really a masterpiece!"

"It turns out so! This is the so-called dreaming girl!"

"What a funny girl heart!"

As if the video of the pause button was suddenly pressed, the whole venue suddenly became quiet

All the demons felt it, and there seemed to be an extra voice among those laughs!

At the same time, the four demon kings stood up from their seats, and then the other demons realized what they were, and released their coercion. After a while, terrible coercion raged throughout the venue.

Only under such pressure, nothing changed in the whole venue.

"Humph, come out!"

At this moment, the long door on the high platform still sitting in his position raised his left hand, and the crimson magic gun suddenly appeared in his hand. At the next moment, a special enchantment bloomed on the magic gun, covering the entire venue. .

Under this layer of enchantment, a gleaming figure appeared above the venue, at the same level as the long door, and the long door looked directly at it. I saw that it was a lion-eared ponytail with double pony tails, standing in the sky, as if to have With wild and domineering like the king of all beasts.

"Oh, is this the punishment enchantment of Nagato Jun?"

Although he devoted himself to the long punishment of the long gate, this uninvited guest did not panic, but said with great interest, "Sure enough, you will be our enemy, Long Gate Jun ! "

"you flatter me!"

Facing the girl, he spoke lightly, and Nagato's gaze turned to Sazax and gestured.

Sazax, who understood the hint of the long door, naturally took the long door and took a step forward, asking questioningly, "This lady, please explain your identity, what is the purpose, otherwise "

"No need to threaten me, because my purpose here is to say something!"

Faced with the question of the Demon King, the girl ’s face remained unchanged, and the tone spoke a bit sarcastically, “It ’s just that I was going to reappear after you opened the so-called meeting. I just saw such an interesting scene. Time can't help but speak. "

"However, after all, the devil's skill is actually not very good. What kind of knowledge monopoly would actually be played, it's really awkward!"

"What is the society of the devil, do not need you to comment, please explain the origin!"

Upon hearing the girl ’s words, Sazax ’s face changed slightly, and small destructive bullets appeared around the demon king, and there was a tendency for girls to attack if they were nonsense.

"Cut, really a boring man!"

Seeing this, the girl pouted her mouth and said, "Good night demon, good evening, I am Saya, the spokesperson of the scourge, please enlighten me in the future!" ..

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