My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 156: Beastmaster Saya first!

When Saye's words came out, it suddenly made the whole meeting uproar.

If anything is most famous in today's demonic world, apart from the fact that the three major forces of the Bible, which were once hostile to each other, even concluded a peace agreement, it is the occurrence of a scourge.

In a certain sense, the top leaders of the three forces also thanked the emergence of the disaster.

If there is no such external force, and there is no threat of a scourge, the three forces will have to be united to the outside world. Where can the true dawn of peace come so easily!

However, thank you, thank you. The three forces and the scourge are absolutely hostile!

In such a situation, the appearance of Saya, who claimed to be the spokesperson of the scourge, made people have to be shocked. Even the most calm demon can't calm down.

"What's this? The self-suffering net of the scourge ?!"

After a slight consternation, a serious killer filled the face of Sazax, no matter whether the girl in front of him said it was true or not, when she said this under the eyes of the public, fighting was already inevitable

The red-haired Demon King has decided that he must leave each other here!

"No, no, how come I'm in the net!"

Hearing Sazex's words, Saya, who had completely changed her posture, stretched out. The graceful posture made many **** demons unable to bear a sudden throbbing heart.

"After Saye I gained new power, no one here can keep me!"

Speaking of such arrogant words, but coupled with the girl's awe-inspiring temperament, so many weak demons have sprung up in the heart that the other party's words are correct.


Facing Saya's arrogance, Sazax snorted and shot.

Although it is only a simple sentence or two, Sazax has already seen it. The girl in front of him has no fear, and he does not take the threats around him at all. Since this is the case, there is no need to say more.

Dozens of small devastating magic bullets traversed a beautiful trajectory in the air, aiming directly at the girl.

Faced with a large amount of destructive magic powers, enough to destroy everything, Saya seemed to be transformed into catkins drifting in the wind, and the whole person moved along the small fluctuations in the air.

The magic bullet is very powerful, and the trajectory is extremely flexible, making people unpredictable

However, such a magic bullet can't even touch one of Shaye's hairs. After all, the magic bomb bombardment will also fluctuate. Just like the swallow, the girl sensitively escaped the attack from time to time.

Under such circumstances, the demons who had seen the devil's shot around seemed to be stunned as if they had been poured with cold water.

"Really, I still need to shoot"

At this moment, the Besib Demon King who was standing next to Sazax, Aqiuka Astalot could not help but sigh. On such occasions, as the pillar and faith of the demon world today, the Demon King must show Your own strength.

No matter what the situation, the devil must win

It is best to destroy the dying victory! Thinking so, the Bessip demon raised his right hand and instantly snapped his fingers!

At the next moment, something seemed to be implanted in the space of the whole conference hall, and the small fluctuations in the space came to an abrupt end.

In an instant, Saya's face changed slightly, just waiting for her to react

The magic bullet bombarded her one after another!


Even if it was under control, the Demon King ’s small magic bullet was not an ordinary magic bullet after all. At the moment of the explosion, there was a violent shock, and the whole venue was shaken.

The noisy smoke spread from the center of the explosion, obscuring everyone's sight.

Seeing this scene, there was a heartfelt smile on the faces of all the demons, and all the demons' hearts rose, 'That's right, this is the pleasure that angers the end of His Majesty the Devil'. mood.

It just turned out that they were a little too happy

"Huh, it hurts a little!"

In the shock that has not been completely calmed down, the girl's soft complaints echoed in every corner of the venue, and then, a powerful and shocking, as if the pressure of the king of beasts diffused.

Many weak demons even fell in a coma directly under this pressure.

"True and false, it seems that the enemy this time is a little tricky."

On the high platform of the meeting place, known as the strongest military strategist in the underworld, the new Asmode Devil finally broke free from the decadent powerless state and stared at the place of coercion.

"Yeah, the enemies that Sazax Jr. and Achuca Jr. haven't solved together are really rare."

Also serious, there is the new Leviathan Demon King, and I saw that this fan of magical girl did not deliberately sell this time, and the magical power was tempting.

The two, Sazax and Achuca, had already waited soberly, looking directly at the smoke center in front of them.

There seems to be a faint resonance between the four demon kings, and there is a possibility that the Qi between each other may be connected, but this possibility seems to have been deliberately suppressed and not shown.

On the whole high platform, only Nagato and Erkuite were the most laid back, embracing on their seats, as if watching a drama. Of course, it was not that Nagato was not ready to shoot, but that the devil were unwilling to take shot

After all, this is the home of the Devil Kings, and it's a bit rude to let the guests do something.

You know, the devil kings also have their own self-esteem!

Soon, under the gaze of the demon kings, the girl in golden armor and red battle skirt rubbed her left hand while walking to the high platform while walking in the sky

"You make me a little angry, dear demon kings, are you ready to accept the anger of my beast king Shaye?"

In the speaking room, the smoke that was about to collapse behind the girl gathered under the action of some invisible force. Soon, a huge lion with two sword teeth formed behind the girl.

The coercion of the king of all beasts burst out unreservedly at this moment

"Boom !!!"

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