My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 160: Black Song and Hades are second!

More than four o'clock in the morning of the Underworld, everything is asleep.

At this time, the entire palace of the Grand Duke of Gimmondri was still a bit deserted

In this residence where the host is still asleep, there are only a few maids in action, a graceful girl figure quietly passes through the junction of the palace and appears outside the whole building.

"Let's come a long way, don't you stay a little longer? Black song!"

And just when the girl just walked out of the enchantment, a sudden sound rang around, which made the girl startled and turned to look at where the voice came

"Uh, it's you, Lord Saya!"

Seeing the golden girl, girl, or black song who didn't know when she was around, I couldn't help but sigh of relief, and then said with some sadness: "No, I finally set foot on a different path from him."

"So, in order to say goodbye to the past, deliberately sent thousands of miles to send a blood"

With a slightly weird face, Shaye, or the Beastmaster Shaye, approached Heige and said, "To be honest, I can't understand your attachment, and your master is not going to avenge you, Why should we join the gang of evil? "

"I know, he will definitely avenge me, but it will take a while!"

He glanced at the Beastmaster Saya slightly, and Hei Ge walked into the woods as he said, "But I've had enough, I can't wait that long."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the black song disappeared into the forest.


Soon after the black song disappeared, a sound of sigh echoed around.

At the next moment, I saw a red-haired boy in a simple yukata roaming from the building, and soon came to the beast king Saya, looking at the direction of the black song leaving, and could not help but sigh softly:

"Singing song, it really is too persistent!"

"in fact"

Facing the sigh of Nagato, the beast king Saye hesitated and said, "Brother Nagato, we can tell Heige our plan, after all, she"


Hearing Saye ’s suggestion, Nagato did n’t want to directly deny it.

"The hatred carried by Heige is likely to make her do some irrational things. Although I really want to say that I can trust her, in the end, I am a selfish guy. I will never allow the slightest accident!"

"You know, in order to successfully seduce the hidden guy, and some shady scenes hidden in this world, we have done some processing of our own memories, and we are afraid that there will be some mistakes that will lead to the collapse of the entire game."

"I can't forgive myself at this time if I introduce unnecessary risk factors with a moment of impatience."

Speaking of which, Nagato could not help but sigh secretly, and he was indeed a ruthless bastard. He was obviously happy with others in the hot spring before, but now he is watching the girl carrying guilt and throwing himself in revenge.

"I understand!"

Hearing the long gate, Saya nodded.

As a matter of fact, what Yemen said, Saya understood that what he just said was just an idea that Saya made subconsciously after seeing the reaction of Nagato.

Only after coming back to God, Saya knew that Nagato could not agree.

No, not just the long gate, even Saya himself would not agree

Many thoughts flashed in the head, the girl paused, and then said, "So, the black song will be given to me for the time being. If I am here, I will never make her in danger."

"Well, then please!"

Facing Saya's promise, Nagato nodded indifferently, and then seemed to remember something, and asked, "I haven't asked for a while, about the hidden person, is there any new news."

"This is exactly what I want to tell Brother Nagato!"

Hearing the words, Saya took a step, and the whole person was attached to the body of the long door. His hands embraced the hand of the red-haired boy. "I found the area where the hidden guy is."

Between the words, Saya's face was full of smiles of 'come and praise me'.

"Good job!"

Hearing Saye ’s words, a heartfelt smile flashed across Nagato ’s face as well, and he asked, “Speak, where is that guy hiding, to be honest, I ’m the first time I ’ve seen such a hideout . "

"Just in the underworld, to put it simply, the bottom of the underworld!"

Faced with the inquiry from the long gate, Saya did not deliberately appease people, and directly said, "In the past few years, the bottom deaths of the underworld have grown a little too fast, which has attracted my attention."

"Originally, I was going to find out where I was, but just as soon as this idea appeared, I felt a sense of danger."

"Subsequently, based on my various side information and analysis, it is basically determined that the guy is in Hades!"

"Will it be Hades Hades himself?"

After being silent for a while, the long door suddenly asked, but just waited for Sayya to answer, and the long door denied it by itself, "No, no, it will not be Pluto. Now. "

"It's worthy of my old enemy. It can hide so much. It seems that it's time to move the Hades Palace."

"That's why, the guy who wants to do something about Pluto is desperate for a while!"

Hearing what Nagato said, Saya seemed to remember something, and said softly with a smile, "However, it was probably a few months later. Now, brother Nagato, should we do something else!"

"Don't you think that my new body has temptation?"

During the talk, Saya constantly squeezed the hands of Nagato and his own Europeans

"Indeed, compared to the other you, this time it is very rare not a little girl. The question about temptation, after I have tasted it, I will answer it again!"

Nagato is not a person who is incomprehensible. Seeing Saya ’s reaction, he knows how to do it. At the next moment, the red-haired boy directly bends down to hug the girl.

"Let me think about it, where would it be safer to do it?"

Before the words were finished, the figures disappeared and disappeared. ..

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