My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 161: Write the Bible first!

The next day, when the long gate woke up, Saya had already left

There was still a graceful body fragrance of the girl in the bed beside her. Reminiscent of the crazy night of last night, Nagato's face couldn't help but show a smile of empathy.

Sometimes, Nagato has to sincerely admire the love and favor of destiny for himself.

I actually created Shaye such a peerless beauty.

On the road, Saya is the best companion of Nagato, and complements Nagato; in force, Saya is the strongest trump card in the hands of Nagato, repeatedly defeating the strong enemy for Nagato; and in life, Saya is more considerate When it comes to the ultimate lover, the ever-changing character and ever-changing body, he really loves Nagato.

More than once

Nagato always couldn't help but think that without his own constraints, the terror of Saya has reached an incredible level.

Not to mention the other, at the time of its initial birth, if there were no intangible restrictions on Nagato's thought, Saya may have given up the human form and became an indescribable thing like the old dominator.

"If it is an enemy, Saya will be the most terrifying existence!"

With a faint admiration, the long door rose slowly, and the invisible fluctuations diffused from the red-haired boy, completely shattering the remaining Saya breath in the air.

Slowly put on his coat and the long door walked out of his room.

At this time, the entire Jimmony mansion was completely lively, and it was completely different from that at three or four in the morning. The maids were walking around in an orderly manner.

Under the guidance of the demon maids, Nagato quickly came to the restaurant.

At first glance, Nagato saw Asachel, who was standing in the middle of the restaurant, holding a large paper, and was issuing training tasks to his family members.

"Yo, Assachel, when did you arrive ?!"

After saying hello, the long door came to his seat following the guidance of the demon maid, and took a cup of breakfast milk and took a sip.

Some kind of indescribable beauty made the long door nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh, it's Nagato Jun! I have just arrived soon"

After being interrupted by the words of Nagato, Asachel was not angry, he simply responded, and continued to talk to Lias about the training plan they made.

After the frontal declaration of war, Sazax realized that his sister probably didn't have much time to grow up, so she specifically asked Asacher to try to increase the combat effectiveness of Lias and his dependents in a short time.

Faced with the requests of friends who have been in contact for hundreds of years, Asachel will naturally not refuse, and will even be very attentive.

No, the paper description of the plan alone has a dozen pages.

Seeing Asachel ’s reaction, Nagato did n’t care, and Nagato listened to Lias ’s plan for their practice, smiled slightly, and then ate breakfast on their own.

After all, in the eyes of Nagato, Lias and their so-called spiritual practice are really shallow.

The true practice is to temper with life as consciousness!

Thinking of Saya and the emperor's soon to be set off, the action about to change the era, Nagato was quite expecting in his heart. In such an era, I don't know why they will grow up like Lias.

Under such thoughts, Nagato quickly finished his breakfast. At the next moment, the maid standing behind the long door stepped forward to pack the dishes

"What about Elquitte?"

Slowly wiped the corner of the mouth with a napkin, the long door glanced at the maid beside him, and asked, "Is that girl awake yet?"

"Miss Elquitte is still resting!"

After tidying up the cutlery briefly, the maid bowed slightly towards her, and the long door said respectfully, "Master, what else do you have to say next?"

"Well, after Elwett woke up, let her come to my room after eating!"

Slowly standing up, the long door walked towards his room, and said, "Lunch and dinner are delivered to my room. I am not going to go out today."

"Got it, sir!"

Behind the long door, the maid bowed and said.

Nagato is not going to go out today

In fact, not only today, but from now until one month later, Nagato will close one after another in the room and start writing his own bible.

Yes, the Bible!

Belongs to the sacred scriptures ruled by the chaotic starry sky!

Nagato will never forget that the real purpose of his trip to the world this time is to formally push his heavenly path to the Supreme God's seat, so that he can truly enter the realm of Tao.

Instead of always maintaining the great consummation under Taoism!

After becoming a god, Nagato will begin to form his own divine lineage. At that time, a Bible about his own growth path, what he saw, heard, and even religious morality is necessary.

Although generally speaking, the teachings of the gods were written after they became gods.

However, after the Nagato struggled for so long, his own power has long been superior to that of ordinary gods, and his knowledge is not comparable to that of ordinary gods. Writing a Bible is not a word.

The most important thing is that writing a Bible like this is completely sorting out yourself.

This should be the last time Nagato sorted out before being promoted.

"Next time, it's a promotion!"

A long-lost hunger flashed in his eyes, and the long gate could not suppress his desire to set foot on another level, took a deep breath, and the red-haired boy began to write a pen

"In the beginning there was Tao, God and Tao are the same!"

It is just a simple eight-character, which contains the long door's insights on Shinto. In a flash, the mind of a red-haired boy flashed in his mind, and a lot of theories about his own Shinto began to burst out.

"I am open to nothing and the earth is bright and bright; I am making order in the wild and orderly in the stars; I destroy the world and return to chaos at the end. This is the reincarnation of the world and this is my way!"

"I am the God of Creation, I am the Devil, I am the King of the World!"

"I gather the power of creation, world governance, and world extinction, and the three are in one, with the world as the body, traveling through chaos, and the heaven and the earth, and I will be incarnation."

Writing here, a strange light flashed on the face of Nagato ..

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