My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 164: Suddenly bad news first!

what! It's really interesting!

Looking at the Valkyrie crying in the distance, and the helpless old man of Odin, the corner of the mouth of the long door could not help but show a slight arc, and laughed softly.

It has to be said that there are many interesting existences of the Protoss in the entire dxd world.

Not to mention the fallen angel governor who advocates peace, the devil who is committed to the devil ’s happy future, and the Nordic **** king who looks lustful and poisonous in front of him.

In the Nagato intelligence, there are many very unique guys.


It seemed to hear the laughter of Nagato, Odin's eyes looked over and hesitantly said, "I didn't pay attention at the moment, it seemed that there was an unknown guy, imp, who are you!"

The long gate at this time is located in the encirclement of the fallen angel governor, devil kings and archangels.

A discerning person knows at a glance that Nagato's identity is not simple.

"My name is Nagato!"

Faced with the Nordic God King's question, the red-haired boy just smiled and said, "For the first time, please enlighten me, the God King of the North."

"Oh, you are the so-called **** guardian!"

Upon hearing Nagato's answer, Odin's face appeared suddenly, and then he grinned a little harshly, "You know, your title is a taboo of many Protoss, it's rare that you haven't died yet!"

"Huh, what stupid words are you, old man!"

In the face of a bad answer, the long door, which was simply too lazy to bother, directly spoke with a disdainful tone, "The waste, how much comes from the food delivery, I have not slaughtered the Protoss."

"Of course, if you want to shoot, old man, there is still some glance." At the end, Nagato's eyes glanced gently at Odin, and the disdainful gesture made the king almost run away.

"Hoohoo !!! My dear, are you sincere?"

With a long exhalation, Odin's eyes narrowed slightly, but his words just fell, and the Valkyrie, who had just been crying by Odin, suddenly stood in front of him.

At the same time, Sazax also blocked the front door

"Sir Odin, please don't be impulsive in such an important meeting, it is a loss of integrity."

"Longmen Jun, please be restrained. Your Majesty Odin is not intentionally provocative."

The two spoke at the same time towards the people behind them, admonishing them, and using their bodies to separate the two guys who were almost fighting each other.

"Well, good luck, old bastard!"

"Don't count with you for a while, **** kid!"

Naomen and Odin, who hadn't really wanted to fight, said hately separately, and then retreated from each other. This scene made some seniors present couldn't help but relieved.

After this brief farce, the talks officially opened.

This time the talks are mainly related to the future relationship between the forces of Nordic mythology and biblical mythology, and even the future situation of the entire world.

Before this meeting, both the Nordic Protoss and the biblical seniors have made a lot of preparations

Therefore, from the beginning, the whole meeting entered a heated discussion session.

From the residual contradictions in the past, to the distribution of believers in the future world, from the collision and exchange between different cultural forms, to the future world situation

Question after question was asked, discussed, and then given the tone of the solution.

For a full three hours, the meeting went on meticulously.

The top management of all meetings are discussing seriously.

Even Odin, who looks like a jerk, did not make trouble, but restored the posture of the **** king.

As a bystander, Nagato heard quite interestingly. Through various discussions at the conference, Nagato has a deeper understanding of the world situation.

Seeing that the meeting had come to an end, there was still no sign of the disaster.

This makes people can't help but think of the scourge, and dare not come!


"How is this possible!"

Asachel couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, this feeling, as if some amazing plan was being brewed in the group of evil, as soon as the action was taken, it would be shocked.

"In this way, the issues between the three major biblical forces and the Nordic Protoss have been made clear. On this basis, our two major forces can fully coexist peacefully. I wonder what His Majesty Odin thinks?"

At this moment, Sazax stood up and watched Odin say so.

"That's true, Sazax!"

After being silent for a while, Odin nodded and agreed with the devil.

"Since that is the case, it is not as good as ours for world peace"

Hearing Odin ’s affirmative answer, a glance of joy flashed through Sazax ’s face, and he was about to say something about the signing of the peace agreement, but he had n’t finished speaking yet—


The door of the meeting room opened suddenly!

Everyone in the conference room looked at it, and at the next moment, a seemingly weak demon ran in panic from the gate.

"Theodora Astarot, why broke into here without permission!"

At this moment, the Besib Devil stood up and questioned the suddenly coming demon.

The name of the comer is Theodora Astarot, and he is the blood relative of the current demon king Besib, and is also one of the representatives of the new generation of demons of the same type as Lias.

"No, no good, Your Majesty the Devil!"

Faced with the question of the Besib Demon King, Theodora knelt on the ground halfway, and said with some panic, "According to the latest news, the Heavenly Dynasty has broken through the heavenly court, and Xumishan is destroyed!"


"What a joke !!"

"Xumi Mountain is destroyed? !!!"

Hearing Dior's words, the entire meeting room burst into a pan.

All the demons, angels, fallen angels and even the Nordic protoss jumped from their seats, and all of them carried a completely unbelievable expression on their faces!

"What's going on, why would you know!"

At this moment, the bewitching Besib demon king Aquka disappeared in the spot instantly, appeared in front of Diodora, and condescended and asked:

"Say everything you know" ..

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