My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 165: The old demon faction [on] second more!

The building in the center of the devil is outside the conference room.

Here gathers all the demons of the new generation, including their families, they are waiting for the wait, waiting for the success of the meeting that can create a new future of mythical power.

Just a moment ago, Diodora's move into the conference room caused a lot of uproar among the demons.

Lias Gimmond looked at the door in the distant meeting room that was closing automatically, and hesitantly said, "I don't know what happened to Theodora, but rushed straight into the meeting room."

"I don't know, but it must be a very important thing!"

Cannasidi, who was standing next to Lias, echoed, and she had some doubts on her face during the speech, "just the first time he saw his horrified expression"

"Would you like to check it out?"

Hearing her friend ’s words, Lias could n’t help but say something, then shook her head and denied, “Forget it, this time, you ca n’t discredit your brother.”

Cang's silence, Lias's words, is also very suitable for her.

Although it ’s frustrating to be left out in such a big meeting, they are only a new generation of demons. According to the devil kings, the future is their time.

Today they came only to witness the future of the world.

"Minister Lias!"

At this moment, a blonde teenager walked behind Lias and whispered, "There is something wrong, please pay attention."

"What's wrong, Yudou?"

Hearing the reminder of the teenager behind him, the red-haired girl raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "Are the terrorists, who are named evil, really come?"

During the speech, the red-haired girl looked around but saw nothing unusual.

"Behind your right!"

Seeing Lias's behavior, Kiba Yoshito whispered and secretly guarded.

Listening to Youdou, Lias and Cang Na beside her looked towards her right rear at the same time. I saw a few women in black cloaks standing there

"Isn't that the odd family of Diodora?"

"Isn't it? Not good!"

The two girls were not stupid. After seeing Diodora's family judged by Youdou, they noticed something bad. Almost subconsciously, the two girls rushed to the door of the conference room.

Whether it is Lias or Cangna, it is very popular among the new generation of demons

Their actions naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Many demons followed up unconsciously

Soon, I saw that Lias and Cang came to the door of the conference room, almost repeating the previous behavior of Diodora, and directly blasted the door open.


In the huge collision sound, the scene in the conference room entered the sight of Lias and Cangna. It was only in an instant that Lias and Cangna were stunned.

The expression is full of incredible expressions.

Because at this moment, they saw that the new generation of compatriots named Diodora actually stabbed a dagger directly in the belly of Besib

The blood of the devil slowly flows on the ground, which is shocking!


At this time, a demon girl behind Lias couldn't help but yelled, and instantly caused a commotion among the demons in the whole hall.

At the next moment, the sound of breaking the sky appeared in the ears of Lias.


The golden knight boy appeared in front of Lias, slashing a magic bullet that pierced the air. At the next moment, six witch-like figures stood in the sky

The mysterious enchantment encloses the entire meeting room with six figures as nodes

"Ah, it seems that the turtle was caught in a dream!"

In the conference room, at the moment when the enchantment completely blocked this place from the outside world, Odin on the high stage sat in his place, sighing and sarcastically.

"Old man, you need to be considerate. People can even fight against the blood of the devil."

Just the moment Odin's words fell, the long door said quietly, "I'm afraid all this is in the other party's calculations. I think that our Besib Devil King will be very emotional."

As soon as this remark came out, many senior executives on the entire conference table were silent.

Faced with an unprecedented situation in the wounded Demon King, the crowd did not act, or rather, some kind of terrible atmosphere permeated the entire conference room, preventing them from acting.

"Why, why are you doing this!"

After a moment of silence, the voice of Abeika, the demon king of Besib, came out quietly, but he slowly raised his head and looked at Diodora, who was holding a dagger in his belly.

Faced with the devil's question, Diodora did not want to answer at all.

At this time, he had lost the proud look of the previous successful attack, and the expression of terror appeared on the soft face, completely smashing the gentle temperament originally possessed by the demon boy.

At this moment, he found himself unable to move

It seems that the entire space where he is is suppressing him, no matter how powerful the body of Diodora erupts, then the unknown magic power cannot break through this suppression.

Under this terrifying repression, he didn't even have the strength to pull out the dagger through the devil's abdomen. At this time, Diodora seemed to be a piece of meat on the cutting board.

"Why, why, isn't this dagger a must for you !!!"

After understanding his situation, the face of the demon boy was completely distorted, and he said frantically, "Why, obviously my magic power has surpassed that of the devil, why?"

"Is this your answer?"

With a slight sigh, Aqiuka lifted and held the opponent's wrist, and some invisible force burst out from the demon king. In an instant, the expression of the demon boy in front of him was stagnant

At the next moment, the breeze gently blew, and Diodora dissipated into a pile of dust.

ps: go back tomorrow, will try to restore the update! ..

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