My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 166: Old Devil School 【Next】 First!

In an instant, the entire conference room was quiet.

Seeing that Diodora died so silently, even the face of the long door, there was a slightly surprised look, not to mention other people

I have to say that as the only demon among the demons, Achuca is really powerful.

Whether it is the fallen angel governor and archangel Michael, or from the Nordic king Odin, they have to admit that if they face one-on-one head-to-head confrontation, they are not opponents.

"Cough !!!"

At this moment, the voluptuous Demon King couldn't help but a few violent coughs.

Full of magic blood coughed from the mouth of the devil

"Are you all right, Achuca!"

At the next moment, the red-haired demon suddenly appeared beside Achuca, looking at his best friend with some concern, especially the unknown dagger still stuck in his abdomen.

"No, I have something, and it's something big!"

Faced with the concerns of Sazax, Aqiuka did not have any bravery and looked down at the dagger in his belly. "This dagger is very weird. It is better not to move for the time being."

"I can feel that if I destroy this dagger, something very troublesome will happen, right?"

At the end of the talk, Achuca's eyes turned to the void not far in front of him.

"The answer is correct!"

At the next moment, a faint uninhibited voice echoed from the void, and I saw a magic circle emerge from the sky, and the silver-haired middle-aged man stepped out of the void.

"You didn't ruin it, I'm really sad uncle!"

With his hands spread out, the silver-haired demon's face was full of a pity, and he said quietly:

"That dagger was made of a thing called the evil of this world. As long as it is broken, it will turn into an endless black gas and fill the entire space. Gee, what a pity!"

"It turned out to be you, Rezevim Livian Lucifer !!!"

Seeing the presence of the coming person, other people hadn't reacted yet, and there was a trace of fear on Sazax's face, "Why, you who have clearly retired will continue to appear !!!"

After the voice of Sazax just fell behind, everyone in the conference room except for the fearless long door and the ignorant Erkuite all showed shocked expressions.

Rezevim Livien Lucifer, in the Bible, the character who was recorded in the name of "Lelin", but he is the strongest transcendence of the ancestor devil Lucifer and Lilith, the mother of the devil.

In the whole world, this is a very famous guy, the ability is "artifact invalidation", and the power of all artifacts will be reduced to nothingness by him.

It is said that none of the family members of Sazax have artifacts to fight him. "Yo, Sazax, haven't seen you for a long time, how to say, I am now the leader of the old Demon faction under the scourge, there is no way, you and the scourge are right Going on, I can only shoot! "

Faced with the question of Sazeks, Rezevim's face was still full of carelessness, and then looked at Achuka with interest, and said, "After all, uncle I did not expect you to shoot directly And it's still so fierce, hey, it's a devil! "

"Subordinate faction of the Scourge, it seems that you have fallen, Rezevim!"

Hearing Rezevim ’s words, Sazeks could n’t help but flash a surprise, and then said ironically, “I thought you would be the leader of the whole scourge.”

"Ah la la, uncle, I want to be the leader too, but the leader is too perverted!"

Facing the satire of Sazeks, a faint anger flashed on the face of the son of Venus, and said in some wanton exaggeration, "Just now, the leader has cut down the first level of Emperor Shitian. ! "


Hearing Rezevim ’s words, not only Sazeks, but everyone in the room was stunned. Before the combination of Diodora ’s words, amazing facts appeared in everyone ’s mind!

"Lucifer, you mean?"

At this time, Odin stood up at the conference desk. The elderly God gently pushed his monocle and said heavily, "The imperial demon named Emperor Tianzhao is the leader of the group of evil. Killed Emperor Shitian ?! "

"That's right, the old man of Northern Europe, the old guy of Di Shitian has his braids!"

In the face of Odin ’s inquiry, Rezevim, secretly holding some unspeakable purpose, constantly broke the emperor ’s information and said with a laugh, "The ultimate goal of my chief is to be human, overriding the gods. Go on. "

"Well, in his words, it is to prove the correctness of" people will win the sky "!"

Hearing Rezevim ’s words, there was a burst of chill in the hearts of both the Bible and the Nordic powers. If Rezevim ’s words were true, the scourge was completely subverting the world.

"Lizevim, you are overdone!"

At this moment, a slightly chilled voice echoed in the space. The next moment, a magic circle appeared on Rezevim, his skin was slightly dark, but a beautiful female demon wandered out.

The person who came was not someone else, it was the Cadillar Leviathan, who had been quite active in the battle at Komwang Academy.

I saw that the descendant of Leviathan said with a horrified expression, "Although you are a senior, or the leader of the entire old demon faction, it is not allowed to leak the information of the big leader at will!"

"Exactly, Senior, you have done too much!"

"Please don't cross the line without permission!"

At the moment when Cadillac's voice just fell, two different voices echoed in the space, and then two magic arrays appeared in the air.

Soon, two more demons appeared in the entire conference room.

"Cruzere Asmode !!"

"Sharubabe Sib !!!"

Seeing the appearance of the two, the demon kings in the conference room were shocked again. Who would have thought that the representatives of the old demon faction, the descendants of the four demon kings appeared together at this time.

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