My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 168: The battle outside the realm is more!

The atmosphere in the lobby is quietly cooled

All demons are silent, quite a bit meaningless.

To be honest, the current situation has really hit the new generation of demons, not to mention that the enemy actually surrounded the conference room under their eyes.

It is said that without any blocking action, the demons joined forces, and they still couldn't help but get the enchantment in front of them.

Therefore, the self-confidence of the new generation of demons has been greatly affected!


While the other demons were silent, the new generation leader Serra Og snorted and walked to the front of the enchantment, making a punching gesture.

"Wait, Seraug, you are like this"

Seeing Selaog's plan, a young demon who couldn't help but said, but he was completely planned before his words were finished.

"Silent is not the way to solve the problem, and I only have to punch!"

As soon as the words fell, Selaog punched the enchantment with a punch, and the powerful roar echoed throughout the hall, while the opaque enchantment rippled.

Soon, the ripples recovered and the entire enchantment looked unharmed.

Faced with such a situation, Serraog continued expressionlessly and continued to punch and hit the enchantment. In an instant, the sound of "bang" echoed in the hall.

It echoed in the hearts of the demons, and let many young demons have their blood up!

"Brother, let me help you !!!"

Seeing Seraog's move, Chilong Emperor Itoichi stood up instantly, and under the multiplied echo, a powerful and extreme aura broke out from his right hand.

Then through a command called transfer, the vast aura was transferred to Seraog's fist!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, deafening echoes echoed throughout the hall, and cracks appeared on the walls of the hall even inadvertently.

"I will help too!"

"No matter what, I can't admit defeat!"

"Master Serraog, let me wish you a hand!"

Inspired by Selaog's example, the blood that hadn't cooled in the young demon's heart came out and joined the attack one by one.

"Huh, you guys are"

Seeing the actions of the people around her, Liasi's face could not help but show a little hesitation. Although her heart was indeed infected by Serraog's move, she still thought that this action was too innocent.

In the past month, Lias has not only trained in combat, but also improved her strength.

I also practiced ‘How to Become a Qualified King’!

From the king's point of view, it is impossible to be innocent!

More than Lias, Cang Na beside her was also helpless.

Compared to Liya Si, Cang Na is a real resourceful person. This kind of unsuspecting frontal attack is absolutely not advocated by her.



Just when Lias and Cang were helpless, and other demons were not reluctant, the whole enchantment finally broke out with an unexpected sound of shock.

Then, a rift spread from Serraog ’s fist.

The entire enchantment seems to be shattered next time.

"No way!"

Seeing this, Lias and Cang looked at each other, and an extremely ridiculous emotion rose in each other's heart, some could not believe it!



"Come again and smash it completely!"

Compared with the two unbelievable girls, the other demons cheered one after another, intending to smash the enchantment in front of them.

It just turns out that they think too much


There was a ripple in the enchantment in an instant, and the magic circle of the six-pointed star appeared on the enchantment. Immediately after the ripples passed, it turned into a five-pointed star

At the same time, all the so-called cracks disappeared after the ripples.

The cheers of the demons stopped abruptly.

The scene is quite funny.


A faint cold hum reverberated in the space of the hall. At the next moment, a slim figure covered in black robe walked out of the enchantment.

"Breaking the enchantment, what daydreams are you filthy demons doing?"

I saw the witch-like figure standing in the sky, looking down at many young demons:

"Just just changing the form of enchantment existence and liberating my existence, otherwise you think that with your meager power, can you really get the enchantment of our sisters?"

"I didn't intend to take care of you, but you are too noisy, are you ready to die?"

As soon as the words fell, a large number of magic bullets flashing electric current appeared on the witch's hands, and without any hesitation, they went down to the demons underneath.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the entire hall echoed with amazing destruction.

In the face of a sudden attack, not all demons can react. Soon, the new generation of demons have suffered casualties.

"Fuck you guys, die for me !!!"

Under the rain of the magic bullet, Serraog, who was surrounded by grudges, rushed up and sent an extremely powerful punch to the witch.

"The fighting spirit is good, but the thunder is full !!!"

The witch, who had no intention of colliding with it, issued his own lore!

In the thundercloud above the distant sky, I do n’t know when the thunder that has been saved has bombed down from the building where the hall is located.

The pouring lightning waves broke through the ceiling of the hall and swallowed everything unhindered.

The blue glow that erupted in this moment reflected the entire hall like a brightly discotheque, and the deafening thunder was roaring dance music.

In this roaring dance music, there are death wailing one after another!

The unstoppable flash of light left an afterimage on the retina, and even people couldn't look directly.

The earth began to shake madly, as if the whole person was cold and shaking like a pendulum, so that the station was not standing steadily.

Soon, the whole building was completely shrouded in the stormy thunder ..

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