My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 169: The sixth kingship is second!


When the lightning dissipated, everything in front of him had become completely like this.

The huge building located in the middle of the devil's capital completely fell apart under the bombardment of thunder, and the hall where the new generation of demons were located was completely reduced to ruins.

Within a thousand kilometers, only the invisible boundary of the spheroid still stands.


I saw the witch standing in the sky lowered her right hand, and then opened her hood, revealing her long purple hair and looking slightly darker, like a pretty face like an elf.

Wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead, the witch's face showed a bit of fatigue.

Such a large-scale attack broke out in an instant, even if the witch was a little difficult, not because he could not support the magic, but the overload output of the magic.

"Although it's a bit tiring, it looks good!"

He whispered a whisper, the witch's eyes looked down, and the demon fell down everywhere, in every corner of the ruins

Some demons are just comatose, some demons are dead, and some demons die directly under the thunder. The new generation of demons on the scene are suffering heavy losses under this blow.

If the demon kings in the enchantment know, they will definitely vomit blood!


"It seems that many little mice survived!"

Suddenly, the witch seemed to find something, raised her eyebrows, and whispered to herself.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shortly after the witch's words ended, a sound broke out in the ruins beneath, and the demons who had escaped the thunder and bombs appeared from the ruins.

The surviving demons who walked out of the ruins were shocked to see the surrounding scene.

"how come?!"

Withdrawing the guardian enchantment from her body, Lias Guimoni looked at the surroundings and couldn't help but feel at a loss, "How could this be like this!"

Cang, who was beside Lias, looked pale and couldn't help but cover her small mouth.

This scene of lying corpses everywhere is still too scary for girls, even if they have experienced a battlefield that is not as intense as this.

But on those battlefields, under various protections, they have not really experienced life and death!

There was a great fear before life and death. After really experiencing life and death, a trace of change occurred in Lias and Cang's hearts, and the childishness deep in the heart gradually dissipated.

At this moment, the family members of Lias and Cangna centered on the two masters, and surrounded them. Fortunately, the family members of the two were not in the attack center because they did not participate in the attack

Under the support of the original strength, there are no victims.

Otherwise, Lias and Cangna will collapse.

"Why not?"

At this moment, a faint voice came from the sky.

Then Lias and others saw that the elven witch with long purple hair was watching them and slowly fell.

At this time, the small group composed of Lia Si and Cang Na and their dependents was the largest group in the entire battlefield, and naturally attracted the attention of the witch.

"If it's not that you have been attacking the enchantment and annoying your sisters"

During the talk, the witch landed lightly on the ground and said in a disdainful tone, "We were too lazy to deal with you underage demons." "However, since let me do it, you can only say that you are unfortunate!"

Looking at Lias and others, the witch wandered towards the other party, and the faint murderousness permeated, causing Lias and others to make a vigilant gesture.

Invisible pressure permeates the entire ruined battlefield at this moment

Let a lot of surviving demons suppress for a while!

And just now


A low roar came from beneath the ruins. At the next moment, the dust in the ruins rolled over, and a thick hand broke out of the soil directly, and went directly to the witch's face.

The power of Ling Xianwushuang burst out, full of murderous opportunities!


Faced with the sudden attack, the witch raised her hand to block the deadly punch, but under the force of this punch, the whole person flew a meter or two before landing safely.

"Your opponent is me, **** guy!"

Then, I saw the figure of the majestic shore coming out of the smoke and dust, the unrestrained wild pride and fighting spirit, there is no doubt that it is Serra Og!


Seeing the figure of Seraog, the surviving demons couldn't help but feel relieved.

As the strongest among the new generation of demons, Serraog is undoubtedly attractive enough, at least for the information of many new generation demons.

"And me, I will help too!"

Seeing the figure of Seraog, Lias had a rare pride and walked to Saraog, and the phantom of the magic circle appeared out of thin air.

"And I!"

"We are demons!"

"How can I just admit defeat"

The power of role models is very strong. After having two role models, the demons finally began to gather.

After Lias, the family members of Jimmony, Cang Na and her family members, and the remaining surviving demons came together.

In the face of powerful enemies, the demons united completely.

Powerful coercion condenses together

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!"

Seeing this scene, the purple-haired elf witch could not help but chuckled, then chuckled into laughter, and laughed wildly. Then, there was a wild smile on the witch's face:

"Interesting, it's really interesting, I have to say, you guys are quite interesting!"

"Those of you are qualified to know my name!"

Speaking of which, a breeze appeared around the witch, converging on her right hand, and turned into a thunder, and then the thunder turned into a thunder sword!

The sword pointed to the demons, and the witch officially said, "Remember, demons, I am the sixth king of the dark six kings-trial!"

As soon as the words fell, the witch, or the sixth king, turned the trial into a thunder!


The fierce battle begins

ps: I just came back, almost mentally uncomfortable, and two more! ..

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