My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 170: The third battle and raid!

Above the ruins, fight again!

After reporting his real name, the trial witch turned into a roaring thunder and thunder, directly penetrated the camp of demons, and instantly blasted several demons.

"Cracking !!!"

At the next moment, the fierce lightning was centered on the witch and spread out on all sides.

The current damage released by the trial is not great, but it is fast and has a strong paralysis ability. Under this sudden current, most demons instantly fell into paralysis.

"Ha ha!"

With a chuckle, the Witch of Judgment, holding the Thunder Sword, quickly cut off the head of the demon closest to him, and then rushed to the second

Obviously, she was ready to use this paralyzed opportunity to reap all the demons!

Seeing the combination of demons will disappear in an instant.

"Shine it, Light and Dark Thunder!"

At this time, Zhu Nai, who had been standing behind Lias, stood up, and the alien thunder developed from the blood of the fallen angel burst out in the witch's electric field.

I haven't noticed the trial witch's move for a while!

In the astonished eyes of the witch, all the light and dark thunder poured on her.


In the violent blast, the trial witch flew out.

Slightly paralyzed by Light and Dark Thunder

"Xianshu Fairy Spiral Pill!"

"Go on, destroy the magic bullet!"

At this moment, Lias and Tacheng Baiyin reacted at the same time, and their respective attacks were released as soon as possible, wanting to kill the witch.

However, after all, a member of the Diablo Six Kings, the trial of the witch recovered quickly

At the same time, there was a reaction!

Stopping his tendency to fly backwards out of thin air, the purple-haired elf witch filled a lot of current throughout his body, and the whole person turned into a lightning, which immediately escaped the attacks of Baiyin and Lias.

At the next moment, Thunder pierced the void and aimed directly at the two people who appeared to have gaps due to the release of the attack.

The other demons were too late to react!

Fortunately, they have a dedicated and dedicated guardian knight beside them!

"Keng !!!"

The black and gold saint swords intersect with the incoming thunder sword.

At this critical moment, Yuba Kiba shot!

I saw that the blonde young knight with the sword of the Holy Demon took a full five or six steps back to completely stop the impact of the trial of the witch.

"Huh, oh! So you are a dead man!"

Seeing that his attack was interrupted, a trace of surprise flashed on the face of the trial witch, and then said with a somber face, "Dare to resist me, do you want to die, dead!"

"My life is no longer a dead man, I am a demon!"

After hearing the judgment of the witch, Youdou had some dreams for a while, after all, the other party had only listened to the rumors in his previous life, but did not see the king of the dead.

But after the dream, a blond arrogance appeared on the face of the blond boy, "And, the dead are always respected by strength, as long as you kill you, I can become a king!"

As soon as the words fell, the unknown magic and holy spirit exploded on the blade of Youdou.

In the outbreak of the holy demon sword, Yudou will push back the trial witch!


At this moment, the trial witch snorted coldly, and a slender lightning fell directly from the sky and bombarded Youdou.


Although the lightning damage was not great, it made Yudou's body froze briefly.

At this moment, the trial witch snorted, and the whole person moved a step. The thunder sword in his hand avoided the holy sword and beheaded directly towards Youdou's neck.

"No, seniors !!!"

At this moment, the blonde pseudo-girl on the back of the battlefield shouted loudly when she saw this scene.

At the same time, the artifact inside Garpas exploded!

In an instant, the trial witch felt that his body's time had stalled, and when his thoughts moved, the witch broke free from this less powerful time stagnation.

"Keng !!!"

Although the trial of the witch wasted only a short moment, but this little time was enough for Yuba Kiba to respond.

The Thunder Sword failed to cut Youdou ’s neck, but was slashed on the extra holy demon short sword on the other hand of Youdou, but the huge force still blasted it in an instant!


Seeing that her attack was not as expected, the trial witch couldn't help but sneered, but she didn't wait for her to do anything else, and all kinds of magic bombs came.

"It's just a futile struggle!"

Faced with these attacks, the witch directly crushed her thunder sword!

At the next moment, the smashed Thunder Sword turned into a light Rayman, and thunder **** gathered in the air, and a stream of current was launched from the Thunder Ball.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the sound of the collision of magic bullets and electric currents echoed throughout the battlefield.

The smoke swept up and obscured everyone's sight! "Some bad feelings!"

Seeing that her vision was obscured, a bad emotion rose up in the heart of the trial witch, but she was still waiting for her reaction, and the torrential sound of water rang in her ears.

Then, a long wave of water broke through the smoke and dust!

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, the judgment witch's face changed, her hands were raised high, a tornado formed in front of her, and then she rushed towards the water.

at this time

"Mirror of Remembrance!"

The queen of Cangna, Zhen Luo Chunji appeared from the waterside, and a huge mirror appeared in the sky, blocking the tornado.


As the mirror broke, the reflection of the artifact appeared.

At the next moment, the tornado reversed and swept the entire wave, directly hitting the body of the witch, and then caused the current to conduct electricity.


Under this series of chain attacks, the Witch Trial suffered damage for the first time.

The whole person was trapped in the flashing water tornado of thunder!

The whole body is stiff and difficult to move!


"Don't underestimate me !!!"

Under such circumstances, a terrifying magic storm broke out on the witch trial, and under this storm, the entire tornado filled with water and electric current was suppressed.

Such a terrifying magic power is indeed a bit scary!

"You are, don't underestimate us!"

A violent grudge broke out throughout the body, and Serraog turned into a charge car, directly colliding with the magic storm that was suppressing the water tornado.


As if overwhelming the last straw of the camel, under this collision, all kinds of energy went away in an instant!

Under the big bang beyond imagination, both Serraog and the Witch of Judgment flew out of the center of the explosion and were hit hard!

"How can it be!"

Feeling his own injury, the face of the witch trial was unbelievable.

She really did not expect that she would be hit like this.


can not imagine!

Obviously none of his enemies are strong.

At most, there is one or two magic powers that have reached the level of the demon king, but that is only the level of magic power. Technically, it is a lot worse.

At this moment, the trial witch thought carefully.

Then I couldn't help but be surprised-

Because she found that, from a certain stage, she seemed to be in a chess game, and suffered a series of seemingly coincident attacks.

I have completely counted myself!

"Go, Yicheng !!!"

At that moment, Serraog, who fell heavily on the ground, called out.

The sudden voice called back the spirit of judging the witch, and then she heard a low roar from the sky:

"Pay me, brother! Let me bring you victory!"

"Take the trick, **** woman !!!"

Then the trial witch saw a red figure slamming down from the sky, a dragon-like warrior covered in red armor

Seeing the other party, the trial witch knew that it was no one else, it was Red Dragon Emperor!

"Is this lore?"

Seeing the red dragon emperor hitting down in the sky, the judge's face looked pale, and then the whole body was once again filled with flashing electric current

Despite being in a disadvantaged position, neither as a member of the Six Sisters of Ali, nor as the sixth king of the Six Kings of Darkness, she did not have the idea of ​​capturing.

Even if you are dying, you have to take the enemy to death, even if you destroy the world.

And this is her style!

You know, in the original destiny line of the Xingyue World, the trial is the only death of the six sisters of Yali, but her struggle before dying directly divided the entire steel land!

"Must kill, Shenlong shock!"

Faced with the reaction of the trial, the Red Dragon Emperor directly rushed down regardless of disregard.

The whole person seems to turn into a red shooting star!

It's just that when the crimson meteor was less than ten meters close to the trial, and it was about to be bombed on the trial witch


The sudden wolf howling spread throughout the battlefield.

At the next moment, a huge magic wolf appeared out of thin air, jumped directly over the trial, and directly bitten the falling meteor

Suddenly, the entire battlefield fell into silence

ps: It's a big chapter! ..

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