My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 171: The evil **** of Northern Europe is the first!

In an instant, the entire battlefield was silent

Whether it was a witch trial or a large number of demons, there was a look of surprise that was hard to conceal, and there was no expression in the face of everyone.

No one expected that Red Dragon Emperor would suddenly suffer such damage.

"Aooo !!!"

At this time, the mysterious demon wolf landed lightly on the ground, a low roar burst from the tip of the nose, and a huge body that was more than ten meters high flew.

At the next moment, the meteor that was bitten by it fell directly on the ground


The Red Dragon Emperor smashed a large pit in the ground, and the red armor turned into fragments scattered around the pit, revealing the **** body worn by the teeth.

"Yi Cheng !!!"

Reminded by the roaring sound, Serraog rushed to the edge of the pit where the Red Dragon Emperor was, regardless of his injury, and jumped down.

When hearing the voice of Serraog, many demons also recovered from the shock, but for a time, the demons did not know what to do.

"Ah la la, it's really dangerous, a friend of the scourge."

At this moment, the faint voice echoed across the battlefield, and the light mocking tone contained in the words made the trial witch unable to raise her eyebrows.

At the next moment, a magical array appeared out of thin air on the huge demon wolf.

Then, a white-haired young man filled with the spirit of God appeared from the magic array and sat directly on the giant demon wolf, looking down on the battlefield sentient beings.

"Huh, you are late, Loki, the evil **** of Northern Europe!"

The trial witch did not respond to the ridicule of the coming person, but instead lightly accused, "Know that, in the plan, these demons don't need me to shoot."

"Ha, that's really sorry, but"

Hearing the trial of the witch, the man known as Loki smiled first, and then said incredibly badly, "That's your plan, what's the matter with God!"


Seeing Loki's posture, the trial witch's eyes were glared, and the murderous opportunity permeated.

If it weren't for the other five sisters who were maintaining the enchantment now, she would definitely summon the sisters back, and the six would form the real Diablo Six Kings, destroying this guy in front of her.

"Ha, this look is good!"

Faced with the murderous look of the witch, Loki chuckled indifferently.

If it is usual, he will pay attention, but now the trial witch has been hit hard and is not his opponent at all, so naturally no need to pay more attention.

"However, after all these demons are really hindering, let me help you out!"

Then, thinking of the unfathomable guy behind the scourge, Loki didn't say any more ironic words, but turned around and said so.

During the talk, the demon wolf he sat leaped up and fell in front of the demons in an instant.

"This is a terrible situation!"

Seeing the horrifying demon wolf leaping over, and the man deity with a godly breath above the demon wolf, Lias looked pale.

Not only Lias, but also the other demons' complexions.

All the demons are on alert at almost the same time!

Just now, the conversation between Rocky and the Witch Trial was not covered

Therefore, all the surviving demons knew that the man in front of him turned out to be the legendary Nordic evil god-Loki, and the demon wolf under Lo's base must have been his demon.

After all, some experienced powerful people know that Rocky is most famous for nothing more than the monster he created.

After all, the legendary Fenrieu, who can kill the gods, and Yemengade, one of the six dragon kings, are all his creations.

This achievement alone is enough for the world to remember!

"Yo, young demons, are you ready to die?"

Facing the tension of the demons, a smile appeared on Loki's face, and the whole person waved his hand. In a flash, two magic circles appeared out of thin air.

"Roar Roar !!!"

"Ooooooooo !!!"

Two different growls appeared out of thin air.

From the magic array, two magic wolves that looked as high as six or seven meters high came out. They were quite similar to the one under the Luo base. Both waists had two huge horns!

"Go, my little cutie, kill them!"

Under the command of Loki, the two demon wolves instantly launched an attack, which turned into two dark shock waves, directly blasting the demons.

"Humph, let me do it!"

At this moment, Youdou stood up.

I saw that the blonde knight directly inserted the holy demon sword in the ground. At the next moment, the magic circle appeared at his feet, and a ghost ship appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, the artillery fire on the ghost ship gathered and fired.


In an instant, two incoming demon wolves collided head-on with the ghost ship's shelling, rolling up a burst of dust, and the wailing of the demon wolves loomed in the vibration.


Just then, a terrifying roar burst out.

As if at this moment, some horrible creature appeared

At the next moment, the smoke that swept across the sky seemed to be affected by some force, and it suddenly surging.

Then a huge tail up to 100 meters pierced the air and hit the ghost ship.


In a huge force, the ghost ship flew out without counterattack, directly hit the enchantment, and broke apart one by one.

"how come"

Seeing this scene, the members of Jimone's family couldn't help but stunned. They didn't expect that the ghost ship that gave them endless shock was defeated.

Then they saw the new monster that Loki called out sometime

A super giant snake with a height of more than two hundred meters, hovered heavily together, as if it were as magnificent as a hill, it was extremely amazing.

"Aooo !!!"

"Roar !!!"

At this moment, two demon wolves blocked by the magic cannon appeared from the smoke and stood unscathed next to the giant snake, killing aggressively.

The opponent's strength is not reduced but increased, so that the pressure of the demons is doubled!

"Crack !!!"

Suddenly, a broken voice echoed on the field ..

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