My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 175: Guild War Wolf Ask for a subscription!

God killing wolf, Fenril!

The most famous monster in Scandinavian mythology, the legend has one of the most terrifying monsters that can kill any deity, and even devour the whole world.

In the entire dxd plane, this monster is also in the top ten.

Even in the face of the great red, it can bite down the scales of each other!

"I finally came across an existence that was worth the effort!"

Seeing the gesture of the demon wolf not far away, the purple eyes of the long door could not help but flashed a light, stretched out, and said in a rude way:

"Huh, I thought I would be bored all the time."

From the beginning of this battle, Nagato felt a little bored. Although the three old demon factions had obtained enough magic power from the scourge, the magic power was too bad.

And the man in Rezevim was too clumsy, even now though he did use all his strength to fight against the Winged Dragon in the sky.

But this so-called full strength was based on the fact that he did not reveal the true demon.

You know, that man is the strongest surpasser in the legend.

How could it be so incompetent!

To be honest, if it is not true that there will be some things in the future, it is not convenient for Longmen to shoot, and he will be required to do it. Longmen will definitely force his full strength here, and then kill it completely.

The Dark Six Kings, in the final analysis, are their own, and their relationship with the emperor is not generally based on this. No matter how they look, Nagato and the Six Kings will not really fight!

No, now Sky Dragon and the Six Kings are stalemate in a way that is unknown to outsiders.

Only Fenrir is the real opponent and enemy of the battle of Nagato!

At this time, on the high platform, when the long gate was heard, the people at the round table suddenly couldn't help being silent.

To be honest, the actions of the three emperor gods of the Emperor Nagato have been very amazing. The most exaggerated thing is that each of the emperor gods is very strong. Even in the face of one, few people dare to say that they will win.

Such a long door is unfathomable, it has been very shocking.

Even in the whole world, Nagato is one of the few powerful players. At least on the entire high platform, few people dare to say that they can compete with it.

But now, listening to the tone of Nagato, everything in front of him, this is not his full strength.

Everyone present was naturally not a taste.

"Huh, boy, although you are strong, don't be careless!"

After being silent for a while, the Nordic **** king said with a complicated expression, "As long as he is bitten by Fenril, no matter who it is, he will be seriously injured immediately."

"Oh, I know!"

I said something like this, the long door stepped out, the ripples undulated

Then the red-haired boy stepped into the ripples of the space. At the next moment, the figure of Longmen appeared on the shoulders of the giant warrior, which was far away from Rocky and Fenrir.

"Hello, my name is Nagato, and you can create a monster like Fenrir. You are also a personal thing, and you are qualified to know my name."

As soon as he appeared, Nagato said such provocative words, which suddenly caused Rocky to burst into anger, and with Rocky's anger, Fenrir's breath suddenly became violent.

The wolf of God-killing opened his mouth slowly, revealing the sharp teeth of God-killing!

"Give me, Fenrir, tear me all the enemies in front of me!"

Looking at the Nagato fiercely, Loki gave orders, and at the same time, the demon wolf ran directly and turned into a residual image, approaching the Nagato and the Giant Divine Soldier with a thunderbolt.

"Call me back!"


Under the command of Nagato, the blood-stained giant warrior snarled and faced the attacking wolf of the god-killer, posed a punching gesture and directly punched out.


The violent punch and energy were perfectly integrated into a terrifying shock wave, heading towards Fenrir.

With a punch, the whole air was exploded!

Faced with the terrifying punches of the Giant Divine Soldier, Fenrir did not directly collide, but instead changed direction at an incredible angle during the rapid advance, avoiding the punching power.

Then, the magic wolf jumped up, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and walked towards the giant **** soldier to kill.

The Giant Divine Soldier can ignore the bite of the little demon wolf, but it cannot ignore the bite killing of the demon wolf who claims to have the teeth of the killing of the gods.

But Nagato is absolutely unwilling to let his beasts die!



At almost the same time, the ground at the feet of the Giant Divine Soldier burst apart, and walls after another blocked the Giant Divine Soldier in an attempt to prevent Fenrir's intentions.

"Aooo !!!"

However, faced with a sudden block, the demon wolf did not have any stagnation.

There was a lot of tearing force all over his body, and he bit directly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the open path of the God-killing tooth, with the brutal impact, one wall after another collapsed in front of Fenrir, and in a flash, a large amount of smoke swept up.

"No, it won't work like this, if that's the case, it's only possible"

Perceiving the move of the God-killing wolf, Nagato frowned secretly, and the giant **** soldier who communicated with Nagato's heart raised his two thick giant arms high.


Before all the walls collapsed completely, the dark blue giant punched the ground!

In an instant, the whole battlefield land could not help but oscillate under this pair of hammers, and then the power from the earth **** poured into the earth from the giant **** soldier's hand

The landslide-like changes triggered in front of the giant.

Including the wall in front of the long door, a large number of rocks emerged from the ground, covering the huge wall guard group in front of the eyes, and then the whole land began to fall

Obviously, Nagato intends to sink the wolf of the **** of killing under the earth.



An angry roar loomed in the rock, and then a burst of roar erupted in the rock. Not long after, a large number of stones suddenly broke out in the whole land.

In the gravel, Fenrir turned into a residual image and rushed to the giant soldier

A bite was fiercely bitten on the left hand of the Giant Divine Soldier!

"Ka !!!"

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