My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 176: The idol of light is the first!

"Crack !!!"

The sound of something cracking came from the left arm of the Giant Divine Soldier.

The deep blue giant's diamond-like hard body was meaningless in front of Fenrir's teeth that could kill any **** in the world.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At the next moment, the Giant Divine Soldier who suffered a huge impact could not help but take three steps backwards.

Fortunately, with the support of Nagato, he did not fall to the ground.

It's just that Fenrir continually tearing the left arm of the giant warrior on the body of the giant warrior. The god-killing wolf does not seem to keep the left arm of the giant warrior off.

Seeing this scene, Nagato frowned.

Speaking of which, Nagato's phantom **** was really hurt for the first time.

Although by virtue of the nature of the family, even if the Giant Divine Soldier is completely destroyed, as long as the source is still there, Nagato can recover it anytime, anywhere, but it is undeniable that it was injured.

Even vaguely, Nagato felt that the source of the Giant Divine Soldier was almost injured.

When the idea moved, the extremely horrible and violent will permeated from the Giant Divine Soldier. The Giant Divine Soldier instantly opened his mouth, and a large amount of spiritual energy gathered and merged with the destroyed will!

At the next moment, a dark blue beam erupted from the mouth of the giant god.

——Destroy the beam! ! !


At close range, Fenrir took the blow without accident.

Under this sudden pain, Fenrir finally let go of the big mouth of the blood basin, and the huge body flew out and hit the ground heavily.

However, at the next moment, the demon wolf rose from the ground

It doesn't seem to hurt much.

Obviously, the aura that gathers spirits is slightly less harmful to it.

"It's really troublesome!"

Seeing Fenrir get up, the long door frowned slightly.

After glancing at the several holes on the left arm of the Giant Divine Soldier that could not heal for a while, and the cracks gradually spreading, the red-haired boy could not help but sigh slightly.

"In this case, there is no way, use that trick!"

Thinking like this, Nagato closed his eyes, and in an instant, the invisible fluctuations diffused from the Nagato, making all the creatures present feel agitated

People with keen senses realize that there is something terrible to be born.

"Oh !!!"

On the sky between red and black, the red thunder gathers, accompanied by the sounds of dragons, the red sky dragon flew out of this thunder and swooped down.

Obviously, the Crimson Dragon has given up the stalemate with the Six Kings of Diablo.


The Pterosaur Dragon, who was fighting with Lezevim, burst out of anger, and a golden flame emerged. After pushing Lezevim away, he dived down.

Whether it is a sky dragon or a winged dragon, their goal is a long gate, or giant **** soldier.


Almost at the same moment, the giant **** soldier with his left arm and his half-breasted screamed in the sky.

As the other two phantom gods approached, the invisible resonance became more apparent, and an invisible and huge pressure suddenly filled the entire battlefield.

"not good!!!"

Rocky, who had the winning face in his face, saw this scene and suddenly had a bad hunch.

Although the Protoss is not a true God, it does far surpass the mortal. The sixth sense of mortal may still have an illusion, but the sixth sense of the Protoss will definitely not have an illusion.

At this moment, Rocky did feel a fatal threat

"You must stop him!"

In this life of thought, Loki unconsciously opened a huge and complex Nordic magic array, and an unimaginable number of magic bullets poured out from the magic array.

At the same time, Fenrir, who communicated with Rocky, immediately launched a charge

Attempt to strangle the threat in the cradle.


"too late!"

The whole person of Nagato floated up from the giant **** soldier, and said quietly, "It is a pity that my moves are generally instantaneous and belong to an unstoppable type."

As the words of Nagato's words fell, the three illusion gods that were close to each other radiated their own light.

The scarlet light of punishment, the dark blue light of destruction, and the light of gold hope!

The glory of red, yellow and blue converges at this moment


The space of the entire battlefield was shaken violently.

There was a shock in all matter and energy, and even all the creatures on the battlefield could not help producing a vertigo and falling down.

Under the shock, Loki's magic bullets all dispersed automatically, and Fenrir couldn't help but stopped and made a vigilant gesture.

But seeing the next moment, the three fantasy gods collide with each other


The endless brilliance blooms

It was a light that could not be described by simple words.

It is the founding light that opens up the world from nothingness, the light of civilization that compiles the order, commands all sentient beings, and even the light that destroys everything.

Bathed in this light, everyone could not help but feel a kind of speechless greatness.

Even if it is Sazeks, these powerful transcendants who are listed as Zem are all bathed in this light, and no one can be an exception!

Before long, the light would stop quietly

After a while, all the talents on the battlefield regained consciousness.

As a result, it was not the figures of the three illusion gods that immediately caught everyone's vision. In fact, the three illusion gods had disappeared without a trace.

Only one giant golden idol with a height of 100 meters and wings

Foot on the ground, overhead sky.

The face of the idol giant is covered, only a vertical pupil appears on the forehead. The pupil is a golden dot, as if it contains endless mysteries, which makes people unable to explore.

Although he didn't speak or even move, he just stood there quietly.

But the giant idol is like the center of the world

People can't help but be in awe!

"God, what the **** is this!"

"What a terrible momentum!"

"It's too exaggerated to have such a hole card!"


Seeing the figure of the giant of the idol, after a brief silence, the entire battlefield could not help but an uproar, no matter whether it was the enemy or the enemy, at this moment could not help showing surprise, even shocking look. ..

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