My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 177: A similar ending is second!

"Not good!"

At this moment, Rezevim recovered and whispered to himself.

As the son of the ancestor Demon King Lucifer and the mother of the devil Lilith, Rezevim eventually saw the existence of a real world, and the reaction was naturally a bit faster than others.

In the eyes of the son of Venus, this idol giant in his field of vision is a foul!

The sense of existence alone is enough to overwhelm 90% of the world ’s creatures. Most creatures face it, and most of them are undefeated.

Such a terrifying existence is enough to challenge the Great Red.

What's more, within the idol, Rezevim also felt a strange existence—unspeakable, but definitely very dangerous!

If Nagato knew Lezeweim's thoughts, he would definitely show a surprised look.

Because, Rezevim actually realized the essence of the giant idol.

This idol-like giant was originally created by Nagato in accordance with the principles of its own heavenly path model, using three fantasy gods as materials to simulate the legendary creator of light.

The core of this idol giant is actually somewhat similar to the origin of the heavenly path of the Nagato.

According to the idol theory, fakes with similar shapes and characteristics to the original objects will also inherit part of the original object's ability. The core of the idol giant is to inherit part of the original power of the heavenly Dao!

This kind of threat to the power of heaven and earth is generally difficult to detect, but I did not expect Rezevim to find it and feel the danger.

"Leave, you must leave immediately, even if you are offended!"

After perceiving the danger, Rezevim raised this idea in his heart and put it into action. In an instant, the teleported magic array appeared at the foot of the star of the star.

"Humph, don't want to run!"

At this moment, a cold hum reverberated on the battlefield.

At the next moment, I saw a buzzing sound from the body of the idol giant, and his right hand was lifted up, as if turning into a cover of the sky, and he was grabbing towards the void where Rezevim was.

At this time, the people watching the battle realized that Rezevim had to run


Facing the giant hand that covered the sky, Rezevim did not stop sending.

As a result, before the teleportation was completed, the giant of gold had bombarded the teleportation magic circle. At the next moment, there was a small broken space in the void of the magic circle space.

The right hand of the giant idol penetrated the void


Seeing this scene, Loki couldn't help swallowing.

At this time, the Nordic Evil God who had finally come back to God was also aware of the bad. Almost subconsciously, he turned to look at the person in charge of this operation-Sister Ali.

Who knows that after scanning the entire battlefield, he did not see any figure

"Lying trough, I ran away so quickly!"

Realizing this, the evil **** from Northern Europe finally couldn't help but burst a swear word, "Are there any mistakes, actually so run" "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the voice fell, Loki heard a slight roar from ear to ear.

Turning his head slightly stiffly, Loki found that the idol giant had withdrawn his arm from the void and was walking towards him step by step.

Invisible, Rao was a **** clan, and Loki felt a suffocation.

"Ooooooooo !!!"

Just then, the ferocious wolf of God-killing burst out howling wolves.

Facing the collapse of his father, like a magnificent statue in the center of the world, the unruly demon wolf at this moment got rid of the shackles of Loki.

The fierce air erupted from the demon wolf, making the atmosphere of the whole sky roll over!

At the next moment, Fenrir launched a large body of charge and jumped up, appearing in front of the giant idol, howling from the heights and diving into the giant idol.

"Roar Roar !!!"

As the wolf howling continued, the opening of Fenrir ’s body changed, and the wolf mouth of the sky wolf howling grew bigger, bigger, and bigger at this moment.

In less than a moment, the mouth of the wolf has expanded to the point where it can swallow the idol giant.

The huge teeth of God-killing shone in the mouth of the wolf.

This is Fenrir ’s strongest power, enough to swallow the world ’s sun, moon and moon. Even in Nordic mythology, it is known as the power to trigger the gods at dusk-the killing of God!

"Bang! Bang!"

Faced with Fenril's big mouth that swallowed everything, the idol giant resisted Fenril's upper jaw with one hand and stepped on Fenril's chin with one foot

There is a huge scarlet magic gun in a spare hand

Ruthlessly, come out!

The bottom of the underworld, the location of the legendary underworld.

This is the worst place in the entire underworld environment. Even the sky here is filled with smog, and there is no vitality among the barren mountains.

However, on a mountain path like this, in a white dress, a beautiful girl who looks like an elf is holding a book named Poetry Eda.

Walking like a spring tour, the girl reads aloud while walking:

"Odin raised his sharp gun to face him. He wore a shiny golden helmet, a dark blue cloak undulating behind his shoulder like a blue flame, riding a Tianma faster than the wind. It is indeed a kingdom of gods. Lord of the gods. "

"Unfortunately, he had bad luck and finally died under the teeth of the strange wolf, Fenrir."

"The son of Odin, seeing his father die, immediately jumped to Fenrieux, stepped on its chin and tore its huge mouth in half, then pierced the wolf throat into the heart with a long gun, and reported the murder Hatred. "

After reading here, the girl closed the book and hugged it in her arms, with a light smile on her face, "Although it is not the same world, it is an amazingly similar method of death. Is this destiny?"

During the talk, the girl wandered to the edge of a cliff,

Looking out, there is a grand gate standing in the distance between heaven and earth. Behind the gate, there are buildings that look very lifeless but full of majesty.

At this moment, a violent dark black tornado appeared out of thin air and hit the gate

"Boom !!!"

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